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Pain 2011

   (11 reviews)
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3 Screenshots

About This File

A large, complex level for Doom 2 mixed with adventurous elements

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King Slumlord

A fun concept for a map, that is unfortunately ruined by incompetent design.

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Unknown date

Poorly designed. To many narrow passages impeding movement. Texture mismatch with each other.

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Unknown date

Design flaws abound. Illogical level progression. Needs serious work - Kirby

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Unknown date

Some nice areas, some narrows stuff, a bit of searching and challenging berserker fight. But. Where are the weapons? 3/5 - Optimus

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Unknown date

Some good ideas but the fact you can get stuck easily, especially if you go back to areas you've been to before really kills the fun... I couldn't bring myself to finish is after that happened more than once.

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Unknown date

I'm not sure if there is anything port-specific here, but it is clearly a dreary and poorly-built map.

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Unknown date

I think this is a very awesome map!

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<inactive>Player Lin

Unknown date

Finishing this map is really a pain...what an awesome shitty map...well, not totally shitty but...narrow passages with confusing texturing/progress routes, perfect example of a map that let me want to give up/use god mode to blasting whole map...:\ 2/5 -playerlin

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Unknown date

More "painful" than "pain. And I don't mean painful in a good way.

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