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Suburban Town with Pier

   (11 reviews)
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4 Screenshots

About This File

My first map. Pretty easy. There's a bank, an electronic's store, a buffet, and other stuff. Explore. If you want to leave then go to the green building and flip the switch to lower the gate blocking the pier.

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<inactive>Player Lin


The feel of whole level just nice, but I think something is not right, like too many ammo and texture alignments...it still play good enough, as the author's first map.

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Unknown date

Kinda liked that (the atmosphere and cables and design), despite the many bugs.

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Unknown date

Abject horror...

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Unknown date

not bad, the recolouring in the "filing room" (red textured) was very nice,

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Unknown date

You know, I didn't think it was that bad. Yeah it was kinda glitchy here and there, but overall I'd say give it a try. I like the open world feel to it. Overall 2/5

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Unknown date

Try better lol. ~2/5

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Unknown date

One glitchy level... but for a first map I guess it's alright. Have to work on some the texture alignments though. This level seems like it's something out of 1997. 2/5

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Unknown date

Not a bad first attempt. The atmosphere was pretty good, but the map seemed too open, and there was too much ammo. The baron part could have been better, but overall a pretty good first attempt. 2.5/5.

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