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6 Screenshots

About This File

You just escaped from a hellish monstrosity on the helipad of this large skyscraper. The elevator broke on its way down, and it looks like this floor ain't too welcome either. You have no idea what this place did before the apocalypse, but now it just serves as a road block to your survival. Rip and tear to the bottom of this industrial totem, and escape to tell the tale.

PS: I don't know why it's called tapps, couldn't think of anything to name it, so a happy gilmore reference is what you're getting. Also, I wanted a bigger and better ending, but everything I tried sucked and I was tired, so the exit is a bit underwhelming.

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That's bad...

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Beginner design - square rooms, huge rooms with hitscanners, ugly texturing, attempts at "realistic offices" with basic Doom 2 textures. Bad gameplay. At least there are no technical errors.

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