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Freaky Panties

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About This File

Freaky Panties is an experimental level that adjusts itself to how well you play. If you're playing well, it will get a bit harder. If you start to die too often, it will scale back the difficulty automatically. Essentially I tried to make the map adjust itself without ever having to set a monster or item to only appear on certain difficulty settings.

Much of the difficulty adjustment deals with how much damage you take, also known as your damage factor. The default damage factor is 1.0, but if you start to die too often, it will drop quite a bit, depending on your health.

Occasionally the level will try to gently increase the difficulty back up.

You might find yourself dying quite a bit at first. This is normal - the level is adjusting itself to you. Use of regular quicksaves/quickloads is encourages and will NOT break the level. Use of the resurrect console command will also not break it.

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Walter confetti



A really good map by Alexa Jones, the level is pretty thought and the textures are really cool, plus the music and the mood of this place... Really good stuff!

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Test Tickle


This is really neat. I like the textures and the way the map is structured, and the difficulty adjustment system is executed pretty well.

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It's good.

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