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How to get over recording anxiety?

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I want to make a tutorial but am quite nervous about the experience for some reason. Same as for making gameplay videos and such, have any of you experience this and know how to get over it?

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Maybe just share your video with a few close friends/family until you're comfortable. Or a few of us on the forum, we won't bite. :)

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For a moment I thought you meant music recording and I was going to suggest one lone beer. Not getting drunk by any means, but for me personally, it helps me find just a little extra 'oomph' in my confidence, which is perfect as the only thing that caused/causes mistakes for me was worrying too much. This may also help with recording videos, just for the little extra boost and to stop second guessing yourself as you record, making the whole thing flow much smoother and feel far more natural to watch/listen to. This is just my personal experience though!

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Well, have you already tried recording any videos? After making a few you'll feel a lot more comfortable about the whole thing I think because you'll get used to it. The most important thing is to start (and to understand that the first attempts might turn out shitty).

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Write down a script for what you're going to say and practice it several times beforehand. Unless you're recording live then you don't really need to worry about getting it perfectly right. If you screw up you can always start over. The more times you practice doing it the more confident you'll become.

This is basically the same advice I give to people who have to give presentations. It's normal to feel nervous when speaking to people or "putting yourself out there", but the more times you practice the less nervous you'll become.

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I assumed I wouldn't be alone in saying this: One alcoholic beverage of choice. Nothing too strong, just something to chill out to. I prefer a mixed approach to scripting. I will plan what topics I may want to cover in the video, but generally let my thoughts fill the space in between.

The next one is practice, practice, practice. I HATE my voice, but one thing that I personally find can help build confidence is playing games with people on Skype/TeamSpeak/Ventrilo that you know - You won't have any trouble talking to them after a while. After that bit of interaction and being in the habit of talking, go do a recording session, you'll probably find that the talking aspect feels more natural to you.

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I used to be terrified of publically speaking, whether in person or on video.

Over time, I learned that people really aren't paying attention to me nearly as much as what I'm presenting, and if i'm making gestures and have a lot of display of presentation/stuff on screen/examples of/etc, they're really focusing on that.

They're not excited unless YOU are excited. And when you're excited and really have something to say and show, that nervousness just kind of fades out. Make a script, put emphasis on the things you REALLY want to point out and show off, get carried away in that, and that keeps their attention pinned.

If you start to get nervous; breath, chuckle, move around. Hand movements, and making humoruous slight facial gestures break your nervousness. Keep your mind and body busy gives it no time to focus on just being nervous.

And my last piece of advice... especially when speaking in person, on stage, in front of large audiences... look at them like they are not human. I don't mean that they are lesser, but rather that you have the upper hand within that moment. You're the one teaching. You're the one presenting. You are the captain now. They are your sheep, your lemmings. Not the other way around. Look down upon them with a sense of power. If I see someone in the crowd playing on their cellphone or dozing off, I'll call them out in front of a room of 500 people... usually jokingly, but sometimes angrily.

Also, stay away from consuming any stimulants prior to. Caffeine & nicotine increase nervousness & anxiety.

Think of it like that, and I gurantee you'll do just fine.

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MrGlide said:

I want to make a tutorial but am quite nervous about the experience for some reason. Same as for making gameplay videos and such, have any of you experience this and know how to get over it?

The best way to get over being nervous, is the simply dive into it, with total disregard of the consequences.

Sort of like when you go to the beach. The water will be colder, and more deterring the slower you wait to completely submerge yourself into it. That's why its better to just run into it, and throw your body at it.

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Kontra Kommando said:

simply dive into it, with total disregard of the consequences.

This is good advice for most things in life. Except sex, funnily enough.

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