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MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai

The Snyder cut

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While my interest in superhero movies greatly diminished over the course of 3 years, with the endles prefab theme park rides from Marvel that masquarade as movies, I must say that the Snyder cut of Justice league pleasantly surprised me.

While I avoided the original version by Joss Whedon, the movie holds on it own (though you might get more enjoyment by comparing both versions)


It wasn´t anything groundbreaking (for the most part) as superhero movies go, but what I liked about the movie was how the plot was treated with seriousness that is now rarely seen in the superhero genre.


After the sexpest known as Joss Whedon unleashed an unspeakable horros with the first Avangers (and before that Buffy: the vampire slayer) that popularized the now infamous quips and sarcastic/ironic remarks shared by the main cast, that often deflate any tension the story could have, it´s very refreshing seeing superhero movie that takes its badguys seriously and offers levity in moderate amounts.

My favourite moment´s were definetly between the Flash and the rest of the team and the final sequence, without going into spoilers, was realy cool and made Flash realy shine, other would be the fight between Stepen Wolf and Amazons and finaly the ultra sick battle between the resurected Superman and the rest of Justice league.


Also Ben Affleck brought a surprising amount of humanity to Batman (as oposed to other adapations where he dodges Darkseide omega beam) which is mostly seen in scenes where he strugless to fight the beefier foes.

Other standouts would be Cyborg played by Ray Fisher, his scenes were realy well done though I was never fan of his character, Gal Gaddot as Wonder Woman gave servicable performance (I mean let´s be honest folks, she´s no acting material).

And finaly there was Jason Momoa as Aquaman, who was kinda there, I mean he has a nice presence but I felt he was didn´t bring anything cool to the table unlike other characters.


So my fellow Doomers, what impression the Snyder Cut left you with?

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6 hours ago, MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai said:

So my fellow Doomers, what impression the Snyder Cut left you with?


Given I hated Man of Steel and what I saw of Batman vs Superman I have no interest in watching this, but at the same time I think it is cool that Snyder got the chance to complete the movie how he wanted, for better or for worse.

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"Remember that movie that was average at best? How about TWO EXTRA HOURS OF FOOTAGE?"


no lol 

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I really enjoyed the Snyder cut, and it's definitely miles above the mediocre trite that the theatrical cut was. I did dislike Man of Steel initially, though I wonder if I might give it a second chance given that I've seen how the story wound up. People hated Batman v Superman, but I've only ever seen the extended cut (which I guess has a reputation for also being better than the theatrical cut) and that was actually a pretty decent movie.


As far as the "Snyderverse" for DC movies go, probably only the first Wonder Woman is a truly great and profound film, but I'm glad to say, Zack Snyder's Justice League is pretty good.

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Honestly, considering the theatrical release was pretty weak, it's remarkable how the massively extended cut changes it up. It's actually not a bad film, in Snyder Cut form. Things make a bit more sense and the world is a bit more fleshed out. The ending segment seemed like an unnecessary inclusion for a sequel we won't ever see, but I guess it's part of the experience.

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I'm hyped for it since the original vision could never be fulfilled in the theatrical release once Snyder was replaced, so this will be like a completely new movie.


I like Snyder's takes usually, so let's goooooooooo.

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21 minutes ago, seed said:

I'm hyped for it since the original vision could never be fulfilled in the theatrical release once Snyder was replaced, so this will be like a completely new movie.


I like Snyder's takes usually, so let's goooooooooo.

Well what are you waiting for, it´s already released yo!

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Just now, MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai said:

Well what are you waiting for, it´s already released yo!


Wait what? Wasn't it supposed to release a lot later?

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Just now, MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai said:

@seed No man it´s already on HBO streaming service, or you can just "find" it like I did.


Interesting, must have gotten very confused then. I thought it wasn't supposed to release until the Fall?


Will watch it soon enough then.

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I tend to enjoy super hero movies as good popcorn flicks anyway, but overall I enjoyed it. It's still a dumb story, but it was a nice change to have a superhero movie have the space to take it's time. It didn't feel rushed and most of the characters felt fully fleshed out by the end.


I also felt there was refreshingly little artificial drama. The heroes stuck to the objective, didn't get into arguments with each other or ran off to save random civilians even when the fate of the whole world was at stake. Everyone acted sensibly and realistically (not always logically, but at least consistently with their emotions). Overall I'd say it was a worthwhile endeavor. 

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its ok but i dont think it gets close to the best of the genre like watchmen and some avengers movies

i still feel like the movie is average but its a good average

im still baffled about how batman arkham has a better story then the movies AND IT IS A VIDEOGAME movies can tell way better stories but theres just somethng wrong with the dc movies that make them kinda boring to watch for the most part

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22 minutes ago, omalefico32x said:

im still baffled about how batman arkham has a better story then the movies AND IT IS A VIDEOGAME movies can tell way better stories but theres just somethng wrong with the dc movies that make them kinda boring to watch for the most part


I generally think most of all this was done best in the animated series'. 


Based on what I've heard this sounds by far the best of the Snyder movies (I despised Man of Steel and Batman vs Superman didn't sound much better) but I'm also just long done with the superhero stuff really.

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1 minute ago, hybridial said:


I generally think most of all this was done best in the animated series'. 


Based on what I've heard this sounds by far the best of the Snyder movies (I despised Man of Steel and Batman vs Superman didn't sound much better) but I'm also just long done with the superhero stuff really.

me too for the most part 

not entirely related but damn batman vs superman sucks so badbatman became a joke in that movie because he alter his voice to be more "intimidating" and he lefts his mark in the criminal with hot iron like if they are cattle or some shit lex lutor isnt lex lutor he is a discont mark zukerberg that doest look or behaves like lex luthor.

 doomsday is ok i guess and they nailed superman i will give them that but the whole conflict between superman and batman is so forced i mean i can understand why batman thinks superman is a potential treath but superman reasons make no sence and makes him look like a giant hypocrite.

 lois lane looks more like mary jane with i dont understand why they decided to go with that design in the movies.

 sorry for the rant but damn i hate that movie with a passion how can a company screw up so much?

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10 minutes ago, omalefico32x said:

me too for the most part 

not entirely related but damn batman vs superman sucks so badbatman became a joke in that movie because he alter his voice to be more "intimidating" and he lefts his mark in the criminal with hot iron like if they are cattle or some shit lex lutor isnt lex lutor he is a discont mark zukerberg that doest look or behaves like lex luthor.

 doomsday is ok i guess and they nailed superman i will give them that but the whole conflict between superman and batman is so forced i mean i can understand why batman thinks superman is a potential treath but superman reasons make no sence and makes him look like a giant hypocrite.

 lois lane looks more like mary jane with i dont understand why they decided to go with that design in the movies.

 sorry for the rant but damn i hate that movie with a passion how can a company screw up so much?

Damn now I have to give that movie a chance, lol :D


And besides I don´t think it´s that far a stretch for Lex Luthor to be portrayed like Mark Zuckerberg I mean think about it for a second. Lex was always a master of technology and the only sort of people that represent curent american tech oligarchs like Luthor are guys like Zuckerberg, Gates and so on.


Realy when you look at it Snyder kind of threw a shade at Silicon Valley tech dorks, by showing that under that friendly facade they are just as much sociopathic as the robber barons of old.

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2 minutes ago, MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai said:

Damn now I have to give that movie a chance, lol :D


And besides I don´t think it´s that far a stretch for Lex Luthor to be portrayed like Mark Zuckerberg I mean think about it for a second. Lex was always a master of technology and the only sort of people that represent curent american tech oligarchs like Luthor are guys like Zuckerberg, Gates and so on.


Realy when you look at it Snyder kind of threw a shade at Silicon Valley tech dorks, by showing that under that friendly facade they are just as much sociopathic as the robber barons of old.

you have lol

but all serious i always though of luthor as more of a calm and inteligent guy that is a villan not only in the literal sence but also in the politcal world

he is always the guy who has the last laugh and the movie luthor is just too happy go luck and kinda cringe too

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13 minutes ago, omalefico32x said:

you have lol

but all serious i always though of luthor as more of a calm and inteligent guy that is a villan not only in the literal sence but also in the politcal world

he is always the guy who has the last laugh and the movie luthor is just too happy go luck and kinda cringe too

Yeah exactly like Elon Musk for example, lol.

The Luttor from comics and most movies drew inspiration from old archetypes that are kinda outdated.

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3 hours ago, hybridial said:

I'm just gonna leave this here :P 

>Unironicaly enjoying Mauler
>Prefers nitpicking minor story details, instead of having your brain obliterated by spectacular action


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1 hour ago, MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai said:

>Unironicaly enjoying Mauler
>Prefers nitpicking minor story details, instead of having your brain obliterated by spectacular action



I'd suggest actually watching his videos, you might learn something about storytelling. I want to tell stories and I find these kinds of videos informative. I'm more of a story person. You call it spectacular action, I would call it worthless, overstimulated noise. I say that because I really do not value it; I don't enjoy a movie more because of CG effects or constant action, if anything it is very clear the storytelling and characters in these movies suffers greatly for the overemphasis on action. I'll tell you what I unironically like better than Man of Steel, that being say, Superman 1978. Because that movie was not a horrific nightmare and the most miserable time I ever spent in a cinema to sit through, and Man of Steel is probably the reason I can't really bring myself to watch the DC movies made since because I just felt awful after watching it. I don't understand what audience it was trying to play to, but certainly not fans of superhero comics and cartoons.  


I actually greatly appreciate a few video essayists who really take the time to analyse and critique stories, although in this case watching this video for me was a reminder that this is a Snyder DC movie... and I cannot stand what he does to these characters, he just doesn't write them like they're heroes at all. And what his vision of them is seems so very antithetical to the superhero concept. Whedon tried to give a little more character to them in his cut, clearly he did not have much to work with. Snyder got two more hours of time and somehow did less. I got bored of the Marvel movies and stopped watching them because it's just been going on so long and I just kinda grew tired of it but I will say this; I was always a fan of DC more than Marvel growing up, I particularly liked the DCAU stuff, and I have read some DC comics, I never really delved much into Marvel. 


And I don't think Snyder's take on it in anyway reflects the appeal of what those characters had for me. The Marvel movies largely succeed in making their protagonists likeable and like they want to do the superhero thing, can appreciate that at least, and really in all fairness they tend to have better and more clear cut action in them. Winter Soldier and Civil War were pretty great that way. Not a big marvel fan, not a hater of the movies. More of a DC fan, or was at least, and these Snyder movies at least make me regret it, and I think the disappointment was always very palpable for me. Because I have seen how good these characters and stories can be, and it's clear enough to me Snyder is a terrible writer, above all else, but I also frankly don't much care for his extremely pretentious directing either, he is no auteur. 

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@hybridial Mauler and his ilk are wothless nitpickers, they are basicaly remnants of an era of angry youtube reviewer ala Nostalgia Critic.


If you want a superior film analysis, I recommend Rob Aeger of Collative learning,  the guy has absolutely fantastic videos, 10/10.


Also calling Zack Snyder one to "ruin" superheroes is in my opinion misguided, when Joss Whedon caused far more damage with his style of writing, that seeped into other parts of pop culture.

I'm talking once again about those insuferable quips, sarcastic remarks and so much more.



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3 hours ago, MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai said:

@hybridial Mauler and his ilk are wothless nitpickers, they are basicaly remnants of an era of angry youtube reviewer ala Nostalgia Critic.


I don't agree with that assessment of him. He goes into detail, he explains his points and he analyses the logical inconsistencies of scripts. He's not the only guy who does it but he takes the time to be pretty good at it. 


3 hours ago, MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai said:


If you want a superior film analysis, I recommend Rob Aeger of Collative learning,  the guy has absolutely fantastic videos, 10/10.


I will check him out.


3 hours ago, MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai said:


Also calling Zack Snyder one to "ruin" superheroes is in my opinion misguided, when Joss Whedon caused far more damage with his style of writing, that seeped into other parts of pop culture.

I'm talking once again about those insuferable quips, sarcastic remarks and so much more.




Snyder made Man of Steel, I can't say anything I've seen Whedon do in the Marvel movies even come close to that in terms of giving me negative feelings. I like things to have a serious tone, I like things to have high stakes and for the writing of the characters to reflect that, but I also would expect the protagonists especially in these kinds of stories to be positive characters. And this isn't Watchmen or The Boys or Marshall Law, Snyder is not being cleverly subversive or trying to critique the superhero concept with any level of intelligence, he just does not understand these characters. His takes on them are awful.

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4 hours ago, MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai said:

Also calling Zack Snyder one to "ruin" superheroes is in my opinion misguided


On that I agree too, I've always liked Snyder's take on superheroes, but they're definitely not for everyone.


Man of Steel got, and continues to, get a lot of flack for what it is, and sure enough I can understand why that is, but this is what makes Snyder's take more unique compared to what's out there. He simply does different kinds of superhero movies, and considering he does what he does consistently is proof enough for me. Can't expect a Snyder superhero movie to not show that, just like Tim Burton's Batman Returns also clearly showed who was at the helm. Oh, and a Batman that also kills at that, too.


IMO Batman vs Superman was a much worse film than Man of Steel ever was, it took itself way too serious but ultimately did very little with that and the pacing was agonizingly slow. I've been reading that the Director's Cut release makes it quite a bit better but I've not seen it yet to be able to attest that.


I also really didn't like what happened with Luthor in that movie, someone else should've been chosen to portray him as opposed to someone known mainly (only?) for comedy movies. That Luthor didn't work out too well with the otherwise overly serious tone the movie was going for. Then again, I'm also hearing that this was supposed to be a different kind of Luthor as opposed to what we've gotten used to seeing in the JL/JLU cartoons, or Young Justice, so that could explain some things.

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14 minutes ago, seed said:

just like Tim Burton's Batman Returns also clearly showed who was at the helm. Oh, and a Batman that also kills at that, too.


I am at least consistent on this point... I do not like Tim Burton's Batman movies either. 

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11 minutes ago, hybridial said:

I am at least consistent on this point... I do not like Tim Burton's Batman movies either. 


Well, told you so 😉.

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