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About Murdoch

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    Who Does Not Fight Has Already Lost

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  1. Murdoch

    feeling like a lot of folks are fairweather

    Owning mistakes is a show of strength. Good job.
  2. Murdoch

    Wolf3D engine games worth playing

    Blake is fine, corridor 7 is awful.
  3. Murdoch

    cacos are so strange

    Yes, that is a subject best avoided...
  4. Murdoch

    A solid Crowdstrike explanation

    Just got a call from another place: "We've been crowdstriked." I'd laugh if the whole situation wasn't so catastrophic.
  5. Murdoch

    A solid Crowdstrike explanation

    I spent Saturday cleaning up the mess this left behind at a couple of places. And yes, it was utterly crazy how basic the fix was. People absolutely should be fired and sued into oblivion over this. This was inexcusably careless. When you have this many fingers in this many pies, fucking up is NOT an option.
  6. Murdoch

    Games you almost quit (Because you hated it)

    I didn't find it hard. It was badly designed. Too frequently was progression obscure and some time wasting too like hit a switch, hunt back across half the map to see what it opened only to immediately find another switch. There were some great moments but all too often i found my patience wearing thin.
  7. Murdoch

    Games you almost quit (Because you hated it)

    Come close to quitting Turbo overkill. A lot of fun but overly long and frequently dickish. I did however quit Doom 64 twice for irritating level design as well as Shadow Warrior 2013 because it was so tedious.
  8. Hopefully not as I find Serious Sam gameplay tedious. But oh well refunds exist for a reason.
  9. Yeah you're grossly over-analysing this. The conversation probably went something like this. id dude: "dude can you make us a sick title screen?" Artist dude: "yep" Artist dude: does art Artist dude: "here you go" Id dude with precisely zero consideration of any points of logic nor that someone might be hyper analysing it 3 decades later: "that looks kick ass, thanks!" In all honesty, don't overthink stuff like this. They didn't. They just did what they thought looked cool.
  10. Murdoch

    Terry gigawad concept

    They really don't. This idea sounds aggressively awful and i have no idea why anyone would play it save for morbid curiosity. Nobody likes ideas guys. If you want to contribute something why not actually learn to make something worthwhile.
  11. Murdoch

    I become adult next year

    As someone who has been adulting for a while now, you will be fine. It's a challenge. It's supposed to be. But you can do it.
  12. Murdoch

    What are you listening to?

    A great day for new music. Love these ladies. Killer groove. Can feel my Scottish ancestry stirring listening to this track. And one of my favourite German bands just released their new album. This is the catchy as hell title track complete with delightfully silly video.
  13. Dude, the game's from 1993. You're fine. Any port that doesn't specifically talk about 3D acceleration (so GZDoom, Doomsday and Risen3D are out, and probably a couple others I have forgotten) will run perfectly fine.
  14. Murdoch

    The first Wolfenstein 3D mod

    Yeah it's one of the most baffling stupid things i have seen in some time. Like how does he possibly expect anyone to know the anonymous author of a porn mod posted over 30 years ago? Why does he care? Is it some underappreciated artistic masterpiece in his mind?
  15. Murdoch

    If Doom is a boomer shooter, what is Half-Life?

    The amount of it is irrelevant to my point that the game is more narrative driven than earlier titles like Doom, Wolf3D and Quake. It could have literally one "stop and listen to the narrative moment" and it would still qualify as more narrative driven. That you can ignore or kill the NPCs delivering some of that narrative doesn't change that they are there trying to deliver narrative to you.