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Snow Wave (Christmas Community Project)

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I would like too, i have already watch on other megawad and trying to replicate the effect, but without success

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There @Beubeu, it uses action 255. Left side offsets controls horizontal scroll and right offsets vertical. I used vertical offset on the right(you need to do that in texture selection menu- scroll speed depends on wall texture offset, higher value(positive or negative) faster it scrolls. I also suggest get boom reference map to learn more about boom tricks and uses. 

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28 minutes ago, Misty said:


There @Beubeu, it uses action 255. Left side offsets controls horizontal scroll and right offsets vertical. I used vertical offset on the right(you need to do that in texture selection menu- scroll speed depends on wall texture offset, higher value(positive or negative) faster it scrolls. I also suggest get boom reference map to learn more about boom tricks and uses. 

Thank you ! 



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I've decided to just drop out of this, there's just no chance I'll get my map finished before even the extended deadline. Like I said before, though, it'll get released in one form or another eventually.

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Title: Scarlet Sleigh Day
Author: JacaCaca
Music: War in The Middle Earth Remix - Skaven
Link to level:SNO.zip
Difficulty settings: Yes
Comment: Short punchy "slaughter" map, can be beaten in less than 10 mins, and hopefully for what lacks in visuals can be made up for  in gameplay :)




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2 hours ago, Plerb said:

I've decided to just drop out of this, there's just no chance I'll get my map finished before even the extended deadline. Like I said before, though, it'll get released in one form or another eventually.

It's ok, take care of yourself. Will check out stand alone release no matter when it will come out. 

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Map Name: Stay frosty

Author: Silhouette 03

Music: Tower of fire-Jimmy

Link to level: Download

Difficulty settings: Yes

Comments: It's relatively short, but I hope you enjoy. I am still a novice mapper so I'm open to feedback :)








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My submission arrives!


Title: Get Off My Snow-Covered Lawn
Author: MFG38
Music: "Shiver Star" from Kirby 64 (MIDI sequenced by Jace Hill on vgmusic.com)
Link to level: mfg_snowwave_v2.zip
Difficulty settings: Yep
Comment: The demons have invaded your property! Grab a shotgun and have at 'em, you know the drill. Layout was speedmapped in 30 minutes with everything else happening beyond that timeframe, as is standard procedure for me at this point. I also implemented (very rudimentary) deathmatch support just for fun.








Edited by MFG38 : version 2

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I'll try get around the rest of submissions for today and tomorrow. Keep going, there's still time to submit maps, speedmapped or not. 

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On 12/16/2023 at 1:32 AM, Beubeu said:

Title: Who wants some hot chocolate ? 
Author: Beubeu
Music: "Featherfall," composed by Stuart Rynn (stewboy)
Link to level: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DnmWaSJyPl_bSlybxNOhCeuLQykQlIgX?usp=sharing
Difficulty settings: yes
Comment: This is the second map i have ever completed
Additional credits(if textures from other packs used): Texture from @DoomGappy and Auger Zenith. So use the texture pack from the link to have the extra texture

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Made more udpates, some ugly issues are now fixes

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Title: Snowflake and Chill
Author: Arsinikk
Music: "Carol of the Bloody Bells" by Arsinikk
Link to level: Download MEOW ≽^•⩊•^≼
Difficulty settings: All difficulties implemented.
Comment: Christmas castles and some doomcute. Kewl snowflake slotter. Has some level transformation just cuz.
Additional credits: Added 1 new animated texture (3 patches) by Arsinikk (me). Specified sky via UMAPINFO.






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I noticed that I forgot to include a MAPINFO in my map. Here's a version with it.


Edited by M4rsh

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Title: Choose Your Own Theme!
Theme: Egypt, Techbase or Flesh (You Decide!)
Author: Ar_e_en
Music: "Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Theme" MIDI by CtrlAltDestroy from VGMusic
Link to level: ChooseYourOwnTheme.zip
Difficulty settings: Implemented all 3, most of the testing was on UV
Comment: A little project that originally started out as a speedmap (things got out of hand and it actually took me a month to make this) that I eventually turned into an experiment to see if I could cram 3 short maps into one.




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I'll go through submitted maps today and also there's still time to map and finish things. If you need extention to finish map, let me know. 


~~time zones can be confusing~~

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Just now, HEXWALKER said:

I will need an extension. How long are you willing to give?

Until sunday evening midnight. 

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On 12/17/2023 at 8:06 PM, NecrumWarrior said:

Title: Ugly Sweater
Author: NecrumWarrior
Music: Silent Night (on a Soundless Mound) by @Arsinikk
Link to level: Dropbox
Difficulty settings: Yes
Comment: Hell is quite frozen over, so why not celebrate the holidays with your demon pals!


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I gave a run of your map @NecrumWarrior. I feel this level could use more ammo and health on HMP skill, because I constantly ran out of ammo. My critique will be more on visual side:


+I feel it would be good idea to separate rocks and wall vines with support or light textures. 

+I feel big tree area around could use more colours - like using different rock textures at some places(like reusing blue rock textures, waterfalls with pools, anything really).

+ Revenant areas could use some height differences at the big tree place - that would give more opportunities to avoid and fight them.


There will be plenty of opportunity to improve level, no worries.


On 12/19/2023 at 3:04 PM, Dreadopp said:

@Lord_Z and I didn't officially sign up prior to this because we honestly weren't sure if we would make it in time, but we managed somehow, haha! This map was another one that began as a whiteboard sketch, one which we were able to follow pretty closely. We hope you enjoy what we put together!


Title: I Saw Demons Kidnap Santa Claus
Author: Dreadopp and Lord_Z
Music: I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus, sequenced by Don Carroll
Link to level: Download
Difficulty settings: Yes
Comment: It's up to you to rescue him!

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Actually I don't have any complains about this level! I loved small references and doomcute. I won't spoil for others, because they deserve to experience it for themselves. 

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On 12/20/2023 at 5:02 AM, JacaCaca said:

Title: Scarlet Sleigh Day
Author: JacaCaca
Music: War in The Middle Earth Remix - Skaven
Link to level:SNO.zip
Difficulty settings: Yes
Comment: Short punchy "slaughter" map, can be beaten in less than 10 mins, and hopefully for what lacks in visuals can be made up for  in gameplay :)

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I played your level. Not going to lie - it was quite hard, there's list of things I think you should note:

+I slid so fast and smashed my player avatar into wall and died at the start. I feel you should readjust speed of this and maybe give player alt way to get into main area at their own pace.

+ I feel giving player invulnerability in lower skill settings would make fights more manageable. 

+I'd give ssg earlier, but that's just me. More ammo also would appreciated on lower skills.

+I feel you should give some visual clues how to get yellow key, because at first I've got confused about it. It's easy to miss locations. 

+ Music was good choice - felt like hero taking down hordes.



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Firstly, I'd like to apologize for my radio silence since first asking to join this project. I've been debating whether to try and continue mapping or call it quits. With the deadline here and my map still unfinished I think I'll have to ask to skip this project. If I put my mind to it, I might've been able to get it done within the extension, but my motivation for mapping has begun to wane and I'd rather just stop for a while until my interest regenerates. Below is what's currently done, I might finish it up for a standalone release if I can find the motivation, though that's unlikely.




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@Skela Well, I can give you extention until Sunday, but I perfectly understand if you want to leave it as it is. Burnout and mapping block are real and I rather you feel better than pushing yourself too hard to finish. 

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On 12/20/2023 at 8:49 AM, Silhouette 03 said:

Map Name: Stay frosty

Author: Silhouette 03

Music: Tower of fire-Jimmy

Link to level: Download

Difficulty settings: Yes

Comments: It's relatively short, but I hope you enjoy. I am still a novice mapper so I'm open to feedback :)


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I played your level and there are some things I noted during my playthrough:


+It's really easy to miss ssg in software mode, maybe giving that place different textures would give better clue where it's placed. I was thinking that you placed no weapon at first(but that's maybe more on me)

+It's easy to get stuck in this place where red fire textures placed, add some way to escape(make lift get up from this those sides(screenshot added)

+I feel visually you could break some snow textures with some different colour rocks and liquids around, that would break up some monotonous looks.

+This moving rock also needs different texture to distinguish it from others.







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On 12/20/2023 at 12:03 PM, MFG38 said:

My submission arrives!


Title: Get Off My Snow-Covered Lawn
Author: MFG38
Music: "Shiver Star" from Kirby 64 (MIDI sequenced by Jace Hill on vgmusic.com)
Link to level: mfg_snowwave.zip
Difficulty settings: Yep
Comment: The demons have invaded your property! Grab a shotgun and have at 'em, you know the drill. Layout was speedmapped in 30 minutes with everything else happening beyond that timeframe, as is standard procedure for me at this point. I also implemented (very rudimentary) deathmatch support just for fun.


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I actually don't have much of complains about your level. I'd say place a bit more ammo and health for more forgivable gameplay on easier skills. I was playing it on HMP skill. 

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24 minutes ago, Misty said:

I actually don't have much of complains about your level. I'd say place a bit more ammo and health for more forgivable gameplay on easier skills. I was playing it on HMP skill. 


Noted. Hope you don't mind waiting a few days for an update - I'll be away for a few days from tomorrow and won't have access to UDB during that time, but I should be able to submit an update by the 28th.

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On 12/20/2023 at 10:25 PM, russin said:

Title: Whitest Wave
Author: russin
Music: Percussion(I honestly don’t know who wrote this midi)
Link to level: Whitest Wave (alt)
Difficulty settings: medium - hard
Comment: Hey! this is Icon of Sin map 


This level gave me end map vibes, which is good. Good visuals, gameplay keeps one on their toes. I'd say giving invulnerability would be nice on lower skills as emergency measure and maybe slightly more ammo just allow few mistakes. 

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Update for "Stay frosty". Thanks to Misty for the feedback and suggestions.



-Fixed softlock

- Made SSG more noticeable

- Gave moving rock a different texture








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On 12/21/2023 at 4:11 AM, Ar_e_en said:

Title: Choose Your Own Theme!
Theme: Egypt, Techbase or Flesh (You Decide!)
Author: Ar_e_en
Music: "Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Theme" MIDI by CtrlAltDestroy from VGMusic
Link to level: ChooseYourOwnTheme.zip
Difficulty settings: Implemented all 3, most of the testing was on UV
Comment: A little project that originally started out as a speedmap (things got out of hand and it actually took me a month to make this) that I eventually turned into an experiment to see if I could cram 3 short maps into one.

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It was really nice level, I don't have much of complains, at first I thought that these bars are blocking player, but I realised that they are not. I don't have complains about it that's for sure. 

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2 hours ago, Misty said:

It was really nice level, I don't have much of complains, at first I thought that these bars are blocking player, but I realised that they are not. I don't have complains about it that's for sure. 

Which bars? The bars to the exit, the bars to the pyramid or the flesh bars in the cave?

Also, one thing I have to bring up - I didn't set a sky texture for this map, because the default sky texture in the texture pack (the one that you can see in the 2nd picture) was good enough for the map. So, if you need to set up a UMAPINFO lump for this map - know that the sky texture for this map is the default "SKY1" texture from the given texture pack.

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Those bars at the start of the map with egypt motives? Wait, does that mean that player start placement is depending on skill you pick up? 

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