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Imp Sector-Classic Doom 2 Project.Need mappers!!!

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Well, your map need more brightness variation and attention with texture alignment and this kind of crap. Anyway, i can't help you, but i wish luck with your project!

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Like Pedro said, you have to work some more on texture alignment. and make sure that all the doortrak textures are lower unpegged so they won't move along with the doors you open.

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The texture alignment is indeed improved. But I bet you can do it even better ;) The doors are a bit to thick for my taste btw.

When you step outside to the outdoor area with the slimepool in the middle, the floor texture changes. Maybe you should change the height of either the outdoor area or the indoor area so the floor just doesn't change from nowhere.

I can't help you out man. I got my own maps to work on

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thank you Bruce, if you finished send me some sreens over e-mail.

You have time, no need to hurry.
Just get sure that your map is classic-styled.thx

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omegamer said:

Anyone interseted yet?

I'd like to offer you some pointers:

1. all your doors are the same color. There are three colors in the style door you used. Use them?

2. The blue key door had no doorblu textures to let the player know.

3. Maybe make the locked door in the beginning the uac door texture.

These simple changes will make your map more interesting.

I liked that you could play the whole map with a pistol without it being boring or tedious.

You should put the rad suit in a more interesting place. Maybe make a room nearby where the rad suit is. Maybe you don't need to hide it, but require a little exploration on the part of the player to find it? I think that would make the map a bit more interesting, too.

Decorations like dead bodies, candlebras and stuff would also improve it.

I could make a map, but my single player maps tend to be a bit odd at times.

Edit: I'm a big fan of exit chambers. Why not use the exit door and exit door textures for your exit?

Edit: Can we use the d1gfxd2.wad texture pack? Doom textures are so much more win! I miss ickdoor. (edit-> Well, I made my own ickdoor by adjusting the x and y offsets of ickwall5 to -40, 72

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Ill edited some of the doors colours and made a radio-suit-secret.

Now I´m working on Map02.
here is the (AWESOME) starting room inspired by Ganymed E1.wad:

EDIT:Thats the finished Room:

_Bryce_ is working on Map03 and i think actually it looks very classic and awesome.
Sorry for my bad english.

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Well. I'm flattered by your inspiration, but it'd be great to see some ideas that are all of your own making. :)

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_bruce_ said:

Looks good. Spend some more time on the lighting.

When are you finished with your map ?

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I'm surprised nobody pointed his constant double posts.

The pictures look interesting. What is the project going to be about, random maps or some sort of story?

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Vegeta said:

I'm surprised nobody pointed his constant double posts.

The pictures look interesting. What is the project going to be about, random maps or some sort of story?

Oh I never told you the story.
Here it is:

It was ago 100 years...You saved earth of hell...
As a present, the president of the USA gave you an endless-life-pill.
The newest result of the modern science.
Now your back on Deimos for some Geological Experiments.
Then you get notice of the "Imp Sector".
There is a huge army of imps making plans of overtakin´the earth.
Can you stop them?

That was the story.In the last level you face against a huge horde of imps.That´s why it is called imp sector.

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Sounds like a joke story. If it isn't I suggest you to leave it for your own.
If it is, you can end the wad with a pic showing many marines having sex with imps, and a message printed on top saying "Make love, not war".

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Vegeta said:

Sounds like a joke story. If it isn't I suggest you to leave it for your own.
If it is, you can end the wad with a pic showing many marines having sex with imps, and a message printed on top saying "Make love, not war".

I know the story is kinda silly dude

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omegamer said:

A classic Doom 2 Project that doesn´t requires any source port, just Doom 2 vanilla.

omegamer said:

The sky is actually dark true a ACS script


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tempun said:


I know sounds silly but you can play it without any source port too.
I mean Doom 2 can´t handle the ACS script but you can play it.

Answered your question?

I decided to make the WAD a 6-level WAD.
I will make MAP04 and MAP06 the big final now.
Is someone interested in making MAP05 for me?
Because without your maps my WAD is nothing:-)

Oh and: I decided to also make a Imp Sector-DM-WAD if this WAD is finished bacause I opened my personal Doom-site

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I draw a draft for MAP04.

It will b e called "The bedrooms" and yes you have to fight in the enemys private sleeping rooms!
At least you come trough a little cave.
Oh yes, a very weird and strange level.

There will be pain elementals hell knights demons spectres and cacodemons.
Oh and revenants.

It will be a very simple but fun level like the others.

But please, can anyone make MAP05 for me?

Because I think your maps make a better WAD of my WAD.
Sound silly, I know.

And check out my website even if its small.
Sry for my bad english.

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There's times when reading a topic makes me shake my head in disbelief, and yet I don't say anything, as it's not very constructive. Still, I can't help but wonder if other lurkers feel the same way, or if this is just me being easily amused.

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Phml said:

There's times when reading a topic makes me shake my head in disbelief, and yet I don't say anything, as it's not very constructive. Still, I can't help but wonder if other lurkers feel the same way, or if this is just me being easily amused.


I can´t follow you because my bad English.

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Let's rephrase it. Your whole project sounds very silly to me, in a nutshell, "because of your bad english".

Your english isn't the problem here, you've already shown you have a decent enough grasp of the language to talk. The only problems I see here are mostly due to lazyness, sometimes punctuation and sometimes not, sometimes correct grammar structures and sometimes not.

By now someone is bound to come and point out some mistakes I made myself, but hang on mr. hypothetical grammar nazi, there's going to be a point if you read just a little further.

So omegamer, your "bad english" is really a scapegoat here, shielding yourself from trying to improve by using it as an excuse for every communication failure you might run into. Past that point it's worth wondering, if this guy can't even bother to put some effort to present his project, how much effort will be involved in actually *making* the project ?

There's also the shifting goal posts, this started as a classic Doom 2 project that runs in Vanilla without the needs for source ports, and now not even 4 maps in there's talk of ACS and ZDoom stuff. Some of your posts seem to be desesperate pleas for attention and are hard to take seriously.

Overall, this looks like it's going to end in project hell, like many other mods who followed more or less the same formula. I'm not saying it's going to be - all the above is of course just my personal opinion, and for all I know I could be alone in thinking that way, but I just can't take this thread seriously so far.

I guess I'm typing a whole lot of negativeness and not much advice to improve, never been one for pep talks. When you present your work, work on your presentation, as that is the only thing people will see at first.

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