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    Kurt Kesler has posted a screenshot of the lighting effects he was able to achieve while playing around with the new ZDoomGL 0.65 beta. You might remember the Doomworld POTD of a couple of weeks back with the multi-colored torches on a staircase ... well, that was one of his earlier experiments on the road to mastery of yet another cool feature for map makers. Kurt says that he's leaning towards possibly creating a map for ZDoomGL.

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    stockwell day is the leader of a very right-wing party here in canada. just recently one of the local members of his party was forced to quit the race because she made racist remarks regarding what she called an "asian invasion" on our west coast. stockwell day believes in creationism and that the earth is only 6,000 years old. he also believes that people lived with dinosaurs. he claims that these are his religious beliefs and noone should discriminate on his based on his religious beliefs, but if you ask me, he's a fucking dick

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    This Stockwell fellow must be a royal dipshnit! (spelled like that on pursope)
    The earth is only 6,000 years old? Man lived with dinosaurs?? WTF????????
    What a dumb-ass...

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    *Sigh* Too bad Joe Clark is the head of such a loser party :P

    /me holds his nose and plans to vote Liberal

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    Excuse me, you're calling Stockwell Day an idiot because of what he believes in?
    Hey, everyone on this planet believes some very weird things no matter what their affiliation is, but that doesn't make us all idiots.

    Hmmm. Actually, I think we are.

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    I agree. People do believe in weird stuff. Take me for example:
    1. I like Rott better than Doom.
    2. I eat beef liver.
    3. I hate Nintendo.
    4. I'm athiest.
    5. I prefer DOS over everything
    6. I'd rather play my Jaguar than anything else.

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    Guest Firebrandt


    The world according to SgtCrispy: so whoever does not believe exactly what SgtCrispy belives is a dumb-ass. Right.
    I think you just single-handedly proved what is wrong with this world.

    Oh, and if you're so sure that the theory of evolution is the end-all-be-all how come it is still called the THEORY OF EVOLUTION!!!

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    Guest the_pilot


    ROTT was freaky... it had some good stuff but the walls were all 90 degree angles and the actual floors were always the same height (although you could walk on those disk things.) I wonder if that's why it never cought on. Would've been interesting if ROTT started a whole big dynasty-like thing for epic or whoever like Doom did for id.

    Excuse me if i'm incoherent, i'm to lazy to check if i even am or not :)

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    Guest Confusion


    Yes, evolution is a theory. It also happens to be the best theory we have to explain the fact that there are animals alive today which weren't alive thousands of years ago. Until we get a better theory, I think it's safe to assume the evolution is correct. It certainly makes a lot more sense than the idea that there is some all-powerful being existing outside space and time who created the universe in a week. This is supposed to be the same perfect being who gets annoyed whenever anybody fucks outside of marriage and who thinks that homosexuality is a sin. Wow, doesn't that make a lot of sense!!

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    Guest Firebrandt


    I'm not going to make a case against evolution. It has many flaws but so does creationism, so let's leave it at that. :)
    My point is, discounting anything simply because it doesn't fit into one's own world view is really not the way to go (how many wars started over petty arguments like this).

    A point in history comes to mind where everybody knew the world was flat. ;p

    My motto is "Question everything" because everything worth believing in, is worth questioning.

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    firebrandt, it's not like i'm standing outside his house with a pitchfork on one hand and a torch in the other, i'm just saying if he has such outlandish beliefs that i don't want him leading my country. i also think that his beliefs are close minded and ridiculous.

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    Fire, for the record.
    I did NOT say that if you do not belive exactly in what I belive in you are a dumb-ass.
    In fact I encourge people to have their own beliefs or what-not.
    I'm just saying that a political canidate with such "outdated" views is most likely to be a terrible leader.
    Of course in person he could be a swell guy.

    At any rate...

    Meesa PISSED!!

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    I like Rott because of the gameplay (gore, action, characters), not because of the enviroment. I don't really care if all it is is a heavily modified Wolf3d engine (which it actually is) with Doom source in it for the floor and sky (which is also true). Besides that, it's freekin' easy to make levels for it (except when working with GAD's, those disk things, ughh).

    If you want to see a really good history of Rott, goto www.classicgaming.com/rott. Read the "Rott In Hell" article.

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    I've got a lot to cover here.

    Firebrandt: I totally agree.

    Confusion: The theory of evolution is not the best theory, it is *a* theory. I don't believe in assuming any one theory is correct because any one of them (all of them even) can be wrong. Question everything, so the quote goes.

    SgtCrispy: His views are not outdated. A very large percentage of people believe the same thing he does. And not all of them are close-minded. Some just favour that opinion more than others. As for how it impacts Stockwell Day as a leader, so far the only issue about his beliefs have come from others. Religion has never come up in his career. Some people have asked him, "Are you a Christian." and he says yes, but he doesn't jump into lectures about how everyone's sinning in the middle of parliament. His job and his beliefs are two different things.
    As for all the "6000 years" and "co-existing with dinosaurs", he said that once, off the record, and somehow this is what everyone's concentrating on.

    My personal opinion on Stockwell Day: He's the most honest politician I've ever heard of.
    He's extremely tactful. In a debate, everyone was bashing the current prime minister for his broken promises. Instead of joining the bandwagon of calling him a liar, simply mentioned that after eight years of being prime minister it's likely not so easy to see things as clearly. He stated that if and when he has been prime minister, he hopes there will be someone to tell him to step aside before he goes too far.
    That, plus, a promise of a huge reduction in taxes (we're taxed to death up here, you know) makes him the only one I'd consider.
    Just to let the non-canadians know, the alternatives are Jean Chretien (who doesn't know what he's doing, even after eight years of running the country), Joe Clark (a distant second choice, but I find him insulting. Not a good diplomat if you ask me), Alexa McDonough (kind of annyoning, and she doesn't have much support. She's the head of a pretty strange party, although I admit the alliance party is kind of different too), and then there's that seperatist bastard who cares more about Quebec than all the other provinces combined, and thinks after all the money we've sent over there and all the laws we've passed to protect their distinct culture isn't enough.

    Of course, your opinions can differ, but if you're going to tell me you don't like Stockwell Day, give me a political reason.
    "Not agressive enough" is perfectly fine.

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    Kurt Kesler has posted a screenshot of the lighting effects he was able to achieve while playing around with the new ZDoomGL 0.65 beta. You might remember the Doomworld POTD of a couple of weeks back with the multi-colored torches on a staircase ... well, that was one of his earlier experiments on the road to mastery of yet another cool feature for map makers. Kurt says that he's leaning towards possibly creating a map for ZDoomGL.

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