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Status Replies posted by NightmareZer0

  1. Hi again. I would like to say a HUGE THANKS to everyone at Doomworld Forums!This is just to say you are all a lot of fun,and I hope to continue being a member for many yearsto come. Thanks all of you!

  2. My boy Dylan started sketching out Doom maps on paper after I explained how I make levels. Encouraged by his enthusiasm I agreed to recreate his layouts in Doombuilder and let him pick things, flats, textures etc. I gave him only the minimal amount of guidance to make things playable so it's obviously very rough but I was more interested in what his untaught impulses would be. Here was the result:

    Doom Station of the Devil

    He's awesome at names :-)

    It's a vanilla compatible Doom 2 MAP01 level. He's made another map but I'll post that some other time. He was 5 when he made this one but he's 6 now.

    I'm interested in your thoughts. Dylan is more interested in your demos.

    1. NightmareZer0


      Use3D said:

      Well..now it is.

      I've always given a lot of respect to the guy who made the first custom Doom level. He made it with a Hex Editor...I have no idea how to program or use a Hex Editor to it's fullest. But that sounds hard as shit to do..

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  3. my family think I'm crazy "You could have written a novel by now" all the time I spend on DW and playing doom and making maps. :( *sigh*

    1. NightmareZer0


      Roast them for spending time to watch their favorite show every time it comes on.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  4. is the amount of two uncashed checks from a job I held in 2004. Gonna go to the bank and see what they have to say....

    Nevermind, false alarm. They were direct deposited and the checks are just for my records. Damn it!

  5. Yep, after almost two long years im finally a member. I know most people here probably still have no idea who i am though :p

    Now all i need is a custom avatar to really fit it. Heh. Anyone up for making me one? :)

  6. Just post what you're listening to:
    Biosphere - Bose-Einstein condensation

    1. NightmareZer0


      Bucket said:

      After ten years, someone finally uploaded this.


      And the video was removed by the user...what was it anyway?

    2. (See 7916 other replies to this status update)

  7. I don't mean to post such a drama filled post (I guess you can call it Drama I don't know) but I really need some un-biased opinions about my situation. I don't know exactly what to do (Really long story ahead).

    Let me start off at the beginning so you can fully understand my position. I met this girl named Juanita 3 (almost 4) years ago. We had a slow start but we started dating. I was living at my parents at the time and she came over quite frequently. Well she ended up moving in. When she moved in my dad gave us a deadline we had like a year to find somewhere else to live. Well it was getting really close to the deadline and my friend got me in where he was living. I had to move in there because well I needed a place to go and it was the quickest way (I didn't want to be homeless). Well we moved in and it was great the first month. We saw each other everyday and it was peachy. But then things started turning for the worse. She is an extremely messy person. I have never see anything like it in my life. She would leave half eaten food sit out. JUST LEAVE IT OUT AND NOT THROW ANYTHING AWAY. Well the half eaten food started accumulating. Come to find out the place already had roaches (and I hate fucking bugs..god its so fucking disgusting) and they just multiplied 10 fold. The question wasn't where are the bugs..it was where they weren't.

    God this apartment because a shithole quick. It is the nastiest living space (If you could even call it that) I have ever seen in my life. Bags of trash..literally bags of trash everywhere. Some of them overflowing onto the floor and just left there. Now I know you are probably thinking "Well Duh just take out the trash and clean it". Well I did that..I used to pick up after her all the time. I just got sick of doing it. I cleaned that whole place top to bottom like 6 fucking times. I had to invite some of my friends over to help me clean it it was so bad. And it was a small apartment..Just a bedroom and a kitchen (Had to share a bathroom). I have pictures of the apartment and how she lived upstairs in my parents safe if you really want to see how disgusting a human being can live. One time I cleaned and I literally pulled out 25 bags of trash out of 2 rooms..FULL BAGS. She also isn't great with money. She ended up letting the rent pile and pile up and we got evicted (I wasn't able to work at the time due to medical problems). (Oh yeah forgot to mention that place literally smelled worse than a dumpster). She kept telling me she was going to keep it clean but it never fucking happened. Everytime the landlord would want to come over she always said that it was my job to clean it because she pays the rent but I don't think I should have to keep picking up after a 21 almost 22 year old full grown adult.

    Well when we got evicted I ended up moving in with a friend (Which is a girl btw but we are just like brother and sister) and her 3 kids. She didn't really like the fact I was living with another girl but she knew i had nowhere else to go (Because my parents weren't going to let me move back home). Well shit went sour there and my dad finally let me move back home.

    I didn't actually get to see her at all when I was living with my friend. Due to them not getting along. I'm not even allowed into her parents house (Where she stays) because their house is too dirty (With the way their daughter lived at that apartment it doesn't surprize me that their house is so fucking dirty) Well I moved back in with my parents and the night I moved back she stayed the night with me. She had wanted to go to the movies or something that day but I convienced her that we should just stay in that it would be more meaniful to lay and watch TV together. She agreed to stay there And it was great felt like old times.

    Well I started working at Kroger 1st shift and she works a 3rd shift job so our schdules kind of mished mashed. Last weekend she tried to hang out with me but I was waaayy too fucking sore. Like I had previously stated I have health problems (I have a bad back..my spine is curved and I have really bad kidney problems). She has Friday and Saturday off and I happened to work on those days so I came home I was really sore and tired. I ride the bus home so it takes me an extra hour to get home by the time I get home its around 5ish and I have to go to bed around 10 (to be up at like 6AM). So on those days I had to work and she wanted to hang out with me I really didn't see a point. It is really hard sometimes for me to convience my parents to let her over and with it being 5ish when I got home by the time i convienced them..for them to go get her we'd only have a few hours.

    Fast Forward to Friday. I had been waiting all week to see her and I was stoked when I got off work Thursday evening. We go pick her up and bring her over (Mind you I always have to fight for some reason to get her over..my dad is a real hard ass about visitors coming over for some reason..its not just her). She had said something about wanting to go to the movies but my dad said that she couldn't stay the night. Well they were about to leave and go to Applebees and Juanita had said something that she wanted to go to the movies. Stupid me should of just agreed and let my parents take us (We would of gotten a ride back from her aunt). But I opped for us to stay back here and have another meaniful night. Well my parents left and as soon as they left she exploded on me. "I WANTED TO GO TO THE MOVIES I DIDN'T WANT TO JUST SIT IN THE HOUSE I'M TIRED OF SITTING IN THE HOUSE. SINCE WHEN DID YOU MAKE ALL THE DESCIONS IN THIS REALTIONSHIP. I'VE WAITED ALL WEEK TO GO TO THE MOVIES WITH YOU." Just blew up on me. And I politely said "Look I'm sorry just last time that we sat back like this we had a really great time. And I knew if I let them take us to the movies they would of just dropped you off at home when we were done because they said you couldn't spend the night {I had to work the next day thats why} I'm sorry".

    Well that still didn't calm her down. She still was all pissed off at me. I was like "Look either we can sit back and enjoy this...We haven't seen each other in 2 weeks or you can just sit there and be all pissed off and waste what little time we have together". She said "Well I'm just gonna sit here and be pissed off..You know I really don't like coming over here anyway". So I said "Well if you are just going to sit here and be pissed off and waste the evening Go home...I'm trying to have a nice evening with you". She just kept sitting there stewing. I offered that we sit here and enjoy each others company and maybe work out a way to go to the movies in like an hour or so but that wasn't good enough for her she wanted to go to the movies WHEN SHE WANTED (Like when she first got there..she couldn't compermise). I asked her "Are you just going to sit there and be pissed off?" "Well I'm really fucking pissed this is bullshit". "Well I mean if you are that pissed and you are just going to sit there and be pissed you can go home if you don't want to be here I just thought maybe you would like to spend time with me". She said something about that I had to decide if she was leaving or not because appartently she wasn't allowed to make decsions.

    Well I had been feeling really really pissed off at the whole matter (She hadn't seen me in 2 weeks..I know I should of asked her about the whole movie thing but I figured she would be happy to see me either way..laying back cuddling and shit..it really hurt my feelings and pissed me off). So I decided a cigarette was in order. I go outside and light up a cigarette. Well I finish my smoke come back in...She's not on the couch where she was. I look by the bathroom and start looking for her..I thought maybe she had stepped into another room. My phone starts vibrating (Text message) and it's her telling me she had left and maybe next time she could have a choice in the matter of what we do.

    This is where I started feeling my blood pressure skyrocket. I started violently kicking this bottle of water that was on the floor and I started seeing spots. I couldn't believe she had just left like that. She had told me all week that she despirately wanted to see me and for her to just get up and leave like that? My heart was broken.

    I started feeling this uncontrolable anger. So I decided to walk outside because I knew what was about to happen. I blacked out and when I came to I had broken this plastic table and everything around me had been thrown or topped over. Appartently when I blacked out I txted her and told her I was done with her and to never come back. Well I ended up spraining my ankle somehow in my fit of anger. Went to the ER they put an aircast on it gave me like 10 Vicodin (Which really didn't help the pain) and sent me home.

    Now yesterday she asked me to go meet up with her at the libarary and against my better judgement I did. I caught the bus down there and spent some time with her but it was way different than what I was used to. No kisses no hugs no psycical contact at all. I brushed that off and tried to have a good time with her. We ate at Subway and just tried to enjoy each other's company. I had to head back home and we walked to the bus stop and waited on the bus. While we were waiting I explained to her I was sorry about the whole matter and that I really couldn't control myself when I blacked out (Otherwise why would I have a sprained ankle if I could). She basically told me that wasn't good enough and that I still hurt her and it would take time. We got in a few minor disagreements and I caught the bus back home. While I was gimping back home (Bus stop is like 3 or 4 blocks away) I ended up falling and reinjuring myself. Back to the ER and a few more days off work. Later on that night I broke down and I couldn't stop crying. I realized how much I cared for her and that I realize her position but I really couldn't control my actions when I blacked out. I decided to leave her a long well thoughtout message on Facebook. She got the message and really didn't have too much to say about it. She told me later that night she wanted to in fact work things out with me but that she wanted to take it slow and actually go on dates and have a normal realtionship.

    So heres my main concerns:

    I poured my heart out to the girl and I figured she would have much more to say (She never really has said much when I do pour my heart out). I really think that no matter how good you are with social skills (She lacks a great deal of them) you should be able to say a few thoughtful things back if you really care alot for the person as you claim to. She just lacks that outgoinginess I am a very outgoing person and this really bothers me.

    How filthy of a person she is. Leaving half eaten food out and this and that (Not to mention the bugs...Her parents house has them and she ended up giving them to my parents when she moved in..they had to hire an exterminator). She kept telling me she didn't want to live like that when she lived in that shithole of an apartment but if you raelly don't want to live like that...PICK UP AFTER YOURSELF..Jesus how hard of a concept is it? It was so bad when we were living together I had to keep shaving my head because she had lice at one point and couldn't get rid of it. That was so embarassing. We had went to a friend's house (I didn't know she had it) and my friend had called back and said her kids had it. I'm afraid if I do decide to move in with her again..It's going to be a repeat of how it was before.
    She is very stingy with money. She would borrow money off people like my parents or my friends and NEVER pay it back. I would have people call me all the time asking where their money was and I would look at her and she'd kind of like shrug her shoulders. Thats why we got thrown out in the first place was because of her not wanting to pay the rent. And now that we did get thrown out of there the Landlord of the place wrote us like a $1000+ bill for the place and she told me the other day that she is just not going to pay it. She did a bunch of cash advances on her old bank account and got it closes out and never paid it back. Part of me is afraid that I'm going to get stuck with something of hers I don't want (I might already be stuck with the bill from that Apartment...he can sue us)

    Her family..Her family hates me and they always seem to influence her one way or another. I've tried to patch things up with her Aunt (She lives with her Aunt and her Mom) but everytime we get on good terms her aunt starts talking shit about me again. I'm just really getting sick and tired of her fucking family. There is no pleasing them. They bitched about me not having a job..I get a job..and they are still fucking finding reasons to say I'm a worthless peice of shit. They tell her all the time to just dump me and just to get away from me. But I'm really not that bad of a person. I don't lie to her I don't cheat..

    That's all the main concerns I can think of right now. But I just don't know what to do. I knew I cared about her but I never knew I cared about her THAT much until the other night. We are technically still split up but she wants to try to work something out with me. I don't know if I should just wipe my hands of the situation or just carry on. My friends tell me to stay away and my mom thinks I can do better but its not about them though it's my life.

    Any advice for me guys?

    EDIT: Took out the Jewish reference. Sorry if that offended anyone. More policitcally correct now

    1. NightmareZer0


      Thanks for all the advice guys...I apperciate it..

    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

  8. I don't mean to post such a drama filled post (I guess you can call it Drama I don't know) but I really need some un-biased opinions about my situation. I don't know exactly what to do (Really long story ahead).

    Let me start off at the beginning so you can fully understand my position. I met this girl named Juanita 3 (almost 4) years ago. We had a slow start but we started dating. I was living at my parents at the time and she came over quite frequently. Well she ended up moving in. When she moved in my dad gave us a deadline we had like a year to find somewhere else to live. Well it was getting really close to the deadline and my friend got me in where he was living. I had to move in there because well I needed a place to go and it was the quickest way (I didn't want to be homeless). Well we moved in and it was great the first month. We saw each other everyday and it was peachy. But then things started turning for the worse. She is an extremely messy person. I have never see anything like it in my life. She would leave half eaten food sit out. JUST LEAVE IT OUT AND NOT THROW ANYTHING AWAY. Well the half eaten food started accumulating. Come to find out the place already had roaches (and I hate fucking bugs..god its so fucking disgusting) and they just multiplied 10 fold. The question wasn't where are the bugs..it was where they weren't.

    God this apartment because a shithole quick. It is the nastiest living space (If you could even call it that) I have ever seen in my life. Bags of trash..literally bags of trash everywhere. Some of them overflowing onto the floor and just left there. Now I know you are probably thinking "Well Duh just take out the trash and clean it". Well I did that..I used to pick up after her all the time. I just got sick of doing it. I cleaned that whole place top to bottom like 6 fucking times. I had to invite some of my friends over to help me clean it it was so bad. And it was a small apartment..Just a bedroom and a kitchen (Had to share a bathroom). I have pictures of the apartment and how she lived upstairs in my parents safe if you really want to see how disgusting a human being can live. One time I cleaned and I literally pulled out 25 bags of trash out of 2 rooms..FULL BAGS. She also isn't great with money. She ended up letting the rent pile and pile up and we got evicted (I wasn't able to work at the time due to medical problems). (Oh yeah forgot to mention that place literally smelled worse than a dumpster). She kept telling me she was going to keep it clean but it never fucking happened. Everytime the landlord would want to come over she always said that it was my job to clean it because she pays the rent but I don't think I should have to keep picking up after a 21 almost 22 year old full grown adult.

    Well when we got evicted I ended up moving in with a friend (Which is a girl btw but we are just like brother and sister) and her 3 kids. She didn't really like the fact I was living with another girl but she knew i had nowhere else to go (Because my parents weren't going to let me move back home). Well shit went sour there and my dad finally let me move back home.

    I didn't actually get to see her at all when I was living with my friend. Due to them not getting along. I'm not even allowed into her parents house (Where she stays) because their house is too dirty (With the way their daughter lived at that apartment it doesn't surprize me that their house is so fucking dirty) Well I moved back in with my parents and the night I moved back she stayed the night with me. She had wanted to go to the movies or something that day but I convienced her that we should just stay in that it would be more meaniful to lay and watch TV together. She agreed to stay there And it was great felt like old times.

    Well I started working at Kroger 1st shift and she works a 3rd shift job so our schdules kind of mished mashed. Last weekend she tried to hang out with me but I was waaayy too fucking sore. Like I had previously stated I have health problems (I have a bad back..my spine is curved and I have really bad kidney problems). She has Friday and Saturday off and I happened to work on those days so I came home I was really sore and tired. I ride the bus home so it takes me an extra hour to get home by the time I get home its around 5ish and I have to go to bed around 10 (to be up at like 6AM). So on those days I had to work and she wanted to hang out with me I really didn't see a point. It is really hard sometimes for me to convience my parents to let her over and with it being 5ish when I got home by the time i convienced them..for them to go get her we'd only have a few hours.

    Fast Forward to Friday. I had been waiting all week to see her and I was stoked when I got off work Thursday evening. We go pick her up and bring her over (Mind you I always have to fight for some reason to get her over..my dad is a real hard ass about visitors coming over for some reason..its not just her). She had said something about wanting to go to the movies but my dad said that she couldn't stay the night. Well they were about to leave and go to Applebees and Juanita had said something that she wanted to go to the movies. Stupid me should of just agreed and let my parents take us (We would of gotten a ride back from her aunt). But I opped for us to stay back here and have another meaniful night. Well my parents left and as soon as they left she exploded on me. "I WANTED TO GO TO THE MOVIES I DIDN'T WANT TO JUST SIT IN THE HOUSE I'M TIRED OF SITTING IN THE HOUSE. SINCE WHEN DID YOU MAKE ALL THE DESCIONS IN THIS REALTIONSHIP. I'VE WAITED ALL WEEK TO GO TO THE MOVIES WITH YOU." Just blew up on me. And I politely said "Look I'm sorry just last time that we sat back like this we had a really great time. And I knew if I let them take us to the movies they would of just dropped you off at home when we were done because they said you couldn't spend the night {I had to work the next day thats why} I'm sorry".

    Well that still didn't calm her down. She still was all pissed off at me. I was like "Look either we can sit back and enjoy this...We haven't seen each other in 2 weeks or you can just sit there and be all pissed off and waste what little time we have together". She said "Well I'm just gonna sit here and be pissed off..You know I really don't like coming over here anyway". So I said "Well if you are just going to sit here and be pissed off and waste the evening Go home...I'm trying to have a nice evening with you". She just kept sitting there stewing. I offered that we sit here and enjoy each others company and maybe work out a way to go to the movies in like an hour or so but that wasn't good enough for her she wanted to go to the movies WHEN SHE WANTED (Like when she first got there..she couldn't compermise). I asked her "Are you just going to sit there and be pissed off?" "Well I'm really fucking pissed this is bullshit". "Well I mean if you are that pissed and you are just going to sit there and be pissed you can go home if you don't want to be here I just thought maybe you would like to spend time with me". She said something about that I had to decide if she was leaving or not because appartently she wasn't allowed to make decsions.

    Well I had been feeling really really pissed off at the whole matter (She hadn't seen me in 2 weeks..I know I should of asked her about the whole movie thing but I figured she would be happy to see me either way..laying back cuddling and shit..it really hurt my feelings and pissed me off). So I decided a cigarette was in order. I go outside and light up a cigarette. Well I finish my smoke come back in...She's not on the couch where she was. I look by the bathroom and start looking for her..I thought maybe she had stepped into another room. My phone starts vibrating (Text message) and it's her telling me she had left and maybe next time she could have a choice in the matter of what we do.

    This is where I started feeling my blood pressure skyrocket. I started violently kicking this bottle of water that was on the floor and I started seeing spots. I couldn't believe she had just left like that. She had told me all week that she despirately wanted to see me and for her to just get up and leave like that? My heart was broken.

    I started feeling this uncontrolable anger. So I decided to walk outside because I knew what was about to happen. I blacked out and when I came to I had broken this plastic table and everything around me had been thrown or topped over. Appartently when I blacked out I txted her and told her I was done with her and to never come back. Well I ended up spraining my ankle somehow in my fit of anger. Went to the ER they put an aircast on it gave me like 10 Vicodin (Which really didn't help the pain) and sent me home.

    Now yesterday she asked me to go meet up with her at the libarary and against my better judgement I did. I caught the bus down there and spent some time with her but it was way different than what I was used to. No kisses no hugs no psycical contact at all. I brushed that off and tried to have a good time with her. We ate at Subway and just tried to enjoy each other's company. I had to head back home and we walked to the bus stop and waited on the bus. While we were waiting I explained to her I was sorry about the whole matter and that I really couldn't control myself when I blacked out (Otherwise why would I have a sprained ankle if I could). She basically told me that wasn't good enough and that I still hurt her and it would take time. We got in a few minor disagreements and I caught the bus back home. While I was gimping back home (Bus stop is like 3 or 4 blocks away) I ended up falling and reinjuring myself. Back to the ER and a few more days off work. Later on that night I broke down and I couldn't stop crying. I realized how much I cared for her and that I realize her position but I really couldn't control my actions when I blacked out. I decided to leave her a long well thoughtout message on Facebook. She got the message and really didn't have too much to say about it. She told me later that night she wanted to in fact work things out with me but that she wanted to take it slow and actually go on dates and have a normal realtionship.

    So heres my main concerns:

    I poured my heart out to the girl and I figured she would have much more to say (She never really has said much when I do pour my heart out). I really think that no matter how good you are with social skills (She lacks a great deal of them) you should be able to say a few thoughtful things back if you really care alot for the person as you claim to. She just lacks that outgoinginess I am a very outgoing person and this really bothers me.

    How filthy of a person she is. Leaving half eaten food out and this and that (Not to mention the bugs...Her parents house has them and she ended up giving them to my parents when she moved in..they had to hire an exterminator). She kept telling me she didn't want to live like that when she lived in that shithole of an apartment but if you raelly don't want to live like that...PICK UP AFTER YOURSELF..Jesus how hard of a concept is it? It was so bad when we were living together I had to keep shaving my head because she had lice at one point and couldn't get rid of it. That was so embarassing. We had went to a friend's house (I didn't know she had it) and my friend had called back and said her kids had it. I'm afraid if I do decide to move in with her again..It's going to be a repeat of how it was before.
    She is very stingy with money. She would borrow money off people like my parents or my friends and NEVER pay it back. I would have people call me all the time asking where their money was and I would look at her and she'd kind of like shrug her shoulders. Thats why we got thrown out in the first place was because of her not wanting to pay the rent. And now that we did get thrown out of there the Landlord of the place wrote us like a $1000+ bill for the place and she told me the other day that she is just not going to pay it. She did a bunch of cash advances on her old bank account and got it closes out and never paid it back. Part of me is afraid that I'm going to get stuck with something of hers I don't want (I might already be stuck with the bill from that Apartment...he can sue us)

    Her family..Her family hates me and they always seem to influence her one way or another. I've tried to patch things up with her Aunt (She lives with her Aunt and her Mom) but everytime we get on good terms her aunt starts talking shit about me again. I'm just really getting sick and tired of her fucking family. There is no pleasing them. They bitched about me not having a job..I get a job..and they are still fucking finding reasons to say I'm a worthless peice of shit. They tell her all the time to just dump me and just to get away from me. But I'm really not that bad of a person. I don't lie to her I don't cheat..

    That's all the main concerns I can think of right now. But I just don't know what to do. I knew I cared about her but I never knew I cared about her THAT much until the other night. We are technically still split up but she wants to try to work something out with me. I don't know if I should just wipe my hands of the situation or just carry on. My friends tell me to stay away and my mom thinks I can do better but its not about them though it's my life.

    Any advice for me guys?

    EDIT: Took out the Jewish reference. Sorry if that offended anyone. More policitcally correct now

    1. NightmareZer0


      fraggle said:

      Look, the fact is that I'm just some guy on the Internet thousands of miles away who doesn't really know this girl or much about your relationship. But in this whole thread you haven't said a single thing good thing about her. You've painted a portrait of a selfish, immature girl who exploits you, destroys your possessions, and emotionally abuses you. If that's the case, what are you sticking around for?

      My usual suspicion when seeing threads like these is that deep down, the person posting them knows the answer and knows what needs to be done, but doesn't have the courage to do it and needs some supportive words to help them do the right thing. This is especially the case if you've been in a relationship for a long time. I don't really know for certain what the right thing to do is, but it certainly sounds like you're really unhappy in this relationship. If that's the case then end it and move on.

      eh well to be honest I've been mainly focusing on the negative aspects. Probably due to the recent change of events. Believe me if I didn't think I'd be happy at all I'd have the courage to move on. When I'm with her I sometimes I honestly do feel happy. Other times she just really pisses me off to no end and I want to be away from her. She is kind of selfish sometimes about certain things but other times not so much. That's why I needed some advice. One could describe is as a Love-Hate kind of thing sometimes. The main reason for the post was to get some unbiased opinions. Everyone I talk to here has a grudge against her. I agree with Hellbent I should of listened to her more.

      Another reason I posted was to see if you guys thought I was being fair about the whole matter.

    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

  9. I don't mean to post such a drama filled post (I guess you can call it Drama I don't know) but I really need some un-biased opinions about my situation. I don't know exactly what to do (Really long story ahead).

    Let me start off at the beginning so you can fully understand my position. I met this girl named Juanita 3 (almost 4) years ago. We had a slow start but we started dating. I was living at my parents at the time and she came over quite frequently. Well she ended up moving in. When she moved in my dad gave us a deadline we had like a year to find somewhere else to live. Well it was getting really close to the deadline and my friend got me in where he was living. I had to move in there because well I needed a place to go and it was the quickest way (I didn't want to be homeless). Well we moved in and it was great the first month. We saw each other everyday and it was peachy. But then things started turning for the worse. She is an extremely messy person. I have never see anything like it in my life. She would leave half eaten food sit out. JUST LEAVE IT OUT AND NOT THROW ANYTHING AWAY. Well the half eaten food started accumulating. Come to find out the place already had roaches (and I hate fucking bugs..god its so fucking disgusting) and they just multiplied 10 fold. The question wasn't where are the bugs..it was where they weren't.

    God this apartment because a shithole quick. It is the nastiest living space (If you could even call it that) I have ever seen in my life. Bags of trash..literally bags of trash everywhere. Some of them overflowing onto the floor and just left there. Now I know you are probably thinking "Well Duh just take out the trash and clean it". Well I did that..I used to pick up after her all the time. I just got sick of doing it. I cleaned that whole place top to bottom like 6 fucking times. I had to invite some of my friends over to help me clean it it was so bad. And it was a small apartment..Just a bedroom and a kitchen (Had to share a bathroom). I have pictures of the apartment and how she lived upstairs in my parents safe if you really want to see how disgusting a human being can live. One time I cleaned and I literally pulled out 25 bags of trash out of 2 rooms..FULL BAGS. She also isn't great with money. She ended up letting the rent pile and pile up and we got evicted (I wasn't able to work at the time due to medical problems). (Oh yeah forgot to mention that place literally smelled worse than a dumpster). She kept telling me she was going to keep it clean but it never fucking happened. Everytime the landlord would want to come over she always said that it was my job to clean it because she pays the rent but I don't think I should have to keep picking up after a 21 almost 22 year old full grown adult.

    Well when we got evicted I ended up moving in with a friend (Which is a girl btw but we are just like brother and sister) and her 3 kids. She didn't really like the fact I was living with another girl but she knew i had nowhere else to go (Because my parents weren't going to let me move back home). Well shit went sour there and my dad finally let me move back home.

    I didn't actually get to see her at all when I was living with my friend. Due to them not getting along. I'm not even allowed into her parents house (Where she stays) because their house is too dirty (With the way their daughter lived at that apartment it doesn't surprize me that their house is so fucking dirty) Well I moved back in with my parents and the night I moved back she stayed the night with me. She had wanted to go to the movies or something that day but I convienced her that we should just stay in that it would be more meaniful to lay and watch TV together. She agreed to stay there And it was great felt like old times.

    Well I started working at Kroger 1st shift and she works a 3rd shift job so our schdules kind of mished mashed. Last weekend she tried to hang out with me but I was waaayy too fucking sore. Like I had previously stated I have health problems (I have a bad back..my spine is curved and I have really bad kidney problems). She has Friday and Saturday off and I happened to work on those days so I came home I was really sore and tired. I ride the bus home so it takes me an extra hour to get home by the time I get home its around 5ish and I have to go to bed around 10 (to be up at like 6AM). So on those days I had to work and she wanted to hang out with me I really didn't see a point. It is really hard sometimes for me to convience my parents to let her over and with it being 5ish when I got home by the time i convienced them..for them to go get her we'd only have a few hours.

    Fast Forward to Friday. I had been waiting all week to see her and I was stoked when I got off work Thursday evening. We go pick her up and bring her over (Mind you I always have to fight for some reason to get her over..my dad is a real hard ass about visitors coming over for some reason..its not just her). She had said something about wanting to go to the movies but my dad said that she couldn't stay the night. Well they were about to leave and go to Applebees and Juanita had said something that she wanted to go to the movies. Stupid me should of just agreed and let my parents take us (We would of gotten a ride back from her aunt). But I opped for us to stay back here and have another meaniful night. Well my parents left and as soon as they left she exploded on me. "I WANTED TO GO TO THE MOVIES I DIDN'T WANT TO JUST SIT IN THE HOUSE I'M TIRED OF SITTING IN THE HOUSE. SINCE WHEN DID YOU MAKE ALL THE DESCIONS IN THIS REALTIONSHIP. I'VE WAITED ALL WEEK TO GO TO THE MOVIES WITH YOU." Just blew up on me. And I politely said "Look I'm sorry just last time that we sat back like this we had a really great time. And I knew if I let them take us to the movies they would of just dropped you off at home when we were done because they said you couldn't spend the night {I had to work the next day thats why} I'm sorry".

    Well that still didn't calm her down. She still was all pissed off at me. I was like "Look either we can sit back and enjoy this...We haven't seen each other in 2 weeks or you can just sit there and be all pissed off and waste what little time we have together". She said "Well I'm just gonna sit here and be pissed off..You know I really don't like coming over here anyway". So I said "Well if you are just going to sit here and be pissed off and waste the evening Go home...I'm trying to have a nice evening with you". She just kept sitting there stewing. I offered that we sit here and enjoy each others company and maybe work out a way to go to the movies in like an hour or so but that wasn't good enough for her she wanted to go to the movies WHEN SHE WANTED (Like when she first got there..she couldn't compermise). I asked her "Are you just going to sit there and be pissed off?" "Well I'm really fucking pissed this is bullshit". "Well I mean if you are that pissed and you are just going to sit there and be pissed you can go home if you don't want to be here I just thought maybe you would like to spend time with me". She said something about that I had to decide if she was leaving or not because appartently she wasn't allowed to make decsions.

    Well I had been feeling really really pissed off at the whole matter (She hadn't seen me in 2 weeks..I know I should of asked her about the whole movie thing but I figured she would be happy to see me either way..laying back cuddling and shit..it really hurt my feelings and pissed me off). So I decided a cigarette was in order. I go outside and light up a cigarette. Well I finish my smoke come back in...She's not on the couch where she was. I look by the bathroom and start looking for her..I thought maybe she had stepped into another room. My phone starts vibrating (Text message) and it's her telling me she had left and maybe next time she could have a choice in the matter of what we do.

    This is where I started feeling my blood pressure skyrocket. I started violently kicking this bottle of water that was on the floor and I started seeing spots. I couldn't believe she had just left like that. She had told me all week that she despirately wanted to see me and for her to just get up and leave like that? My heart was broken.

    I started feeling this uncontrolable anger. So I decided to walk outside because I knew what was about to happen. I blacked out and when I came to I had broken this plastic table and everything around me had been thrown or topped over. Appartently when I blacked out I txted her and told her I was done with her and to never come back. Well I ended up spraining my ankle somehow in my fit of anger. Went to the ER they put an aircast on it gave me like 10 Vicodin (Which really didn't help the pain) and sent me home.

    Now yesterday she asked me to go meet up with her at the libarary and against my better judgement I did. I caught the bus down there and spent some time with her but it was way different than what I was used to. No kisses no hugs no psycical contact at all. I brushed that off and tried to have a good time with her. We ate at Subway and just tried to enjoy each other's company. I had to head back home and we walked to the bus stop and waited on the bus. While we were waiting I explained to her I was sorry about the whole matter and that I really couldn't control myself when I blacked out (Otherwise why would I have a sprained ankle if I could). She basically told me that wasn't good enough and that I still hurt her and it would take time. We got in a few minor disagreements and I caught the bus back home. While I was gimping back home (Bus stop is like 3 or 4 blocks away) I ended up falling and reinjuring myself. Back to the ER and a few more days off work. Later on that night I broke down and I couldn't stop crying. I realized how much I cared for her and that I realize her position but I really couldn't control my actions when I blacked out. I decided to leave her a long well thoughtout message on Facebook. She got the message and really didn't have too much to say about it. She told me later that night she wanted to in fact work things out with me but that she wanted to take it slow and actually go on dates and have a normal realtionship.

    So heres my main concerns:

    I poured my heart out to the girl and I figured she would have much more to say (She never really has said much when I do pour my heart out). I really think that no matter how good you are with social skills (She lacks a great deal of them) you should be able to say a few thoughtful things back if you really care alot for the person as you claim to. She just lacks that outgoinginess I am a very outgoing person and this really bothers me.

    How filthy of a person she is. Leaving half eaten food out and this and that (Not to mention the bugs...Her parents house has them and she ended up giving them to my parents when she moved in..they had to hire an exterminator). She kept telling me she didn't want to live like that when she lived in that shithole of an apartment but if you raelly don't want to live like that...PICK UP AFTER YOURSELF..Jesus how hard of a concept is it? It was so bad when we were living together I had to keep shaving my head because she had lice at one point and couldn't get rid of it. That was so embarassing. We had went to a friend's house (I didn't know she had it) and my friend had called back and said her kids had it. I'm afraid if I do decide to move in with her again..It's going to be a repeat of how it was before.
    She is very stingy with money. She would borrow money off people like my parents or my friends and NEVER pay it back. I would have people call me all the time asking where their money was and I would look at her and she'd kind of like shrug her shoulders. Thats why we got thrown out in the first place was because of her not wanting to pay the rent. And now that we did get thrown out of there the Landlord of the place wrote us like a $1000+ bill for the place and she told me the other day that she is just not going to pay it. She did a bunch of cash advances on her old bank account and got it closes out and never paid it back. Part of me is afraid that I'm going to get stuck with something of hers I don't want (I might already be stuck with the bill from that Apartment...he can sue us)

    Her family..Her family hates me and they always seem to influence her one way or another. I've tried to patch things up with her Aunt (She lives with her Aunt and her Mom) but everytime we get on good terms her aunt starts talking shit about me again. I'm just really getting sick and tired of her fucking family. There is no pleasing them. They bitched about me not having a job..I get a job..and they are still fucking finding reasons to say I'm a worthless peice of shit. They tell her all the time to just dump me and just to get away from me. But I'm really not that bad of a person. I don't lie to her I don't cheat..

    That's all the main concerns I can think of right now. But I just don't know what to do. I knew I cared about her but I never knew I cared about her THAT much until the other night. We are technically still split up but she wants to try to work something out with me. I don't know if I should just wipe my hands of the situation or just carry on. My friends tell me to stay away and my mom thinks I can do better but its not about them though it's my life.

    Any advice for me guys?

    EDIT: Took out the Jewish reference. Sorry if that offended anyone. More policitcally correct now

    1. NightmareZer0


      TheCupboard said:

      End the relationship. Stay away from mind/mood-altering substances.

      That's the thing I wasn't on any mind or mood-altering substances. And I do stay away from them.

      Technician said:

      Ah, fuck her. I suggest dropping her and find someone more mature.

      Also, how does someone "blackout" and do shit? I never had an unconscious moment, so just asking.

      I have an implosive temper. I let shit build and build and build and I think it was building for a really long time and I just let it all out. I'm not exactly sure why it happened it just happened.

      EarthQuake said:

      From what you described, the whole money thing alone should be raising some red flags, man. She sounds way too immature for her age. Forget about her and move on. Because if you don't, she's just going to bring you down with her.

      Yeah the whole money thing has always been a big issue. She makes decent money at her job ($11.00 an hour). The rent at that apartment was only $300 a month (And that is including utilities so it's not like she had utility bills to pay) and she couldn't pay that for whatever reason.

      AndrewB said:

      Tell you you're interested in seeing her but only for casual sex, no strings attached. I can't comprehend how you could want anything else from this slimebag.

      I've been with her so long and we did almost have a kid together (Daughter died..Still born). So I really do care alot about her.

      printz said:

      Just because you got a shorter reply than your message doesn't mean she's less into it. Maybe she didn't know what to say.

      Be polite, don't mind them. They're separate, they're not your girlfriend.

      I wouldn't leave her unless there was a solid reason to say it loud to her.

      I know they are seperate but I've tried ignoring their shit and it just keeps getting to me because they just keep on and keep on. But to me if you leave a girl a message on Facebook pouring your heart out to them..you'd figure they'd have something to say...SOMETHING

      Maes said:

      Just a question here...how quickly did the trash accumulate? You make it sound like she produced several full bags a day. And how could you/she afford all that stuff to consume/trash?

      Sure. Study some Bukowski, learn to write stuff down in a more concise way like he did, embellish (or exaggerate) some of the details, and publish a novel based on your misadventures :-p Seems you have all the right stuff (well...you need to work a bit more on your self-centeredness and drinkin', but you are on the right track).

      Well she would at least make a bag or a half bag a day. She'd ALWAYS buy fast food because she didn't want to cook there (I can't blame her there..it smelled like a trash can in there who the fuck would want to cook in there). Used Tissues..cans of pop...Empty Pop-Tart wrappers. Just various Misc stuff. Since she never cooked there..There was always alot of snack food half eatened or snack food wrappers.

      Like I said earlier on in this post I don't drink I just think it was a combination of alot of shit put together.

      Mr. T said:

      IIRC you and her have some history that you should take into consideration, but she sounds like a very selfish person.

      Yeah you are right about her being selfish. She is a very selfish person but I'm hoping it is something we can work on.

      yukib1t said:

      EDIT: This wouldn't be the same girl who you almost had a child with, is it?

      Yes..Same one..That's part of the reason I think its so hard to wash my hands of the situation.

      It's a double edged sword...She was the mother of my daughter but at the same time I kind of hold her responsible for what happened..Not completely responsible but she could of taken better care of herself. She didn't go to the doctor until like 5 months into the pregnancy. She wasn't taking her vitimins and smoking while pregnant so deep down inside part of me blames her for what had happened.

      fraggle said:

      You know, there are plenty of other words you can use to express the same term without being racist. I suggest "niggardly".

      Again I really wasn't trying to sound racist please don't take it as that. The reason I used the term is because thats how I describe her to my friends I use it with my friends. I've never heard of that word niggardly. I'm not racist though I have no problem with any race or religion (There is nothing wrong with Jews..). Took it out of the post

      Maes said:

      @Imp: CUT THAT BITCH!!!

      Hahaha ZING!

      One thing that sucks..I lost all my furinature from that apartment. She ruined my bed (She kept leaving trash on the bed..Literally old fast food in a bag and other misc things). She spilt syrup on my bed once and didn't clean it up so I had a big syrup stain on the bed. Just all sorts of misc stains she had put on my bed (Which was a kick ass futon..still pissed about that one). All my other furature like my dresser my TV and everything else got infested with rouches and I left it behind when I moved in fear of infesting someone elses house. The only thing I took with me was my 360 (Which I took completely apart and cleaned out made sure their were no bugs in it) and 3 bags of clothes which i sat outside for a month in the cold to make sure there was nothing in the bags.

      If you guys really want to see how bad that place was..I'll upload pictures. But for now let me show you guys pictures of us.


    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

  10. This is how my friend's neighbor introduced herself just now in the housing complex my friend just moved into. Is she just being friendly or does she want to give him some 'sugar'?

    1. NightmareZer0


      Snakes said:


      OMG THAT FUCKING MOVIE IS AWESOME! It's one of my favorite movies of all time.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  11. Hard drive failure. Yep.

    So I got up this morning at 7AM for lab. I had left my laptop on overnight rendering out an Oblivion video and downloading some youtube files; the same sort of thing I've done millions of times before on the laptop and other computers. So the first thing I do in the morning is open up the laptop lid to see if everything went fine and shut it down for a few hours, but instead of a "your video finished rendering" message, I see something roughly equating "DISK ERROR CHECKSUM 0" on a black screen. (I'll try to confirm later on, though it'd probably be on the twitter [same username as here] because right now the only backup system near my PC is the xbox and there's only twitter/facebook connect available there. As much as consoles try to take over PCs in terms of usability you'd think a web browser would be standard.)

    Having only an hour before lab started I could only try rebooting a few times to the same error (including removing and replacing the battery and power cable between boot-ups, just in case that would do anything). After my next class which will end roughly around 12:30 I'm going to try more proper fixing, but I fear even if I get that fixed, I'll end up losing everything on it (DVD-Rs are not good backup formats for large youtube videos and such) and I don't know if it would be safe to continue recording/rendering on the machine even then.

    So how's everyone else's week starting?

  12. About 3 weeks ago my girlfriend noticed that our daughter really wasn't moving much in the womb She woke up and barely felt any movement). We used a prenatal monitor to try to hear my daughter's heartbeat. I thought I had heard it but we rushed her to the hospital to be safe. The hospital hooked up their fancy prenatal monitor and they couldn't find the heartbeat. The hooked up an ultra-sound and come to find out my daughter had died. My girlfriend was 7 months along... We held a funeral for my daughter 3 days later. After my girlfriend gave birth to a stillborn they asked us if we wanted to see her. Her mom and my mom wanted to say their goodbyes so the doctor brought my daughter in.

    It was one of the saddest things I've ever seen. She only weighed around 2 pounds and she was 14 inches long. Just to see my stillborn daughter in my arms was just life changing.

    Here's a link to the obituary http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/dispatch/obituary.aspx?n=victoria-eve-altizer-duff&pid=150569525&fhid=8681 feel free to sign the guestbook if you would like. Here soon I'm going to print out the guestbook for my records.

    There is some light at the end of this tunnel though. Since my girlfriend had to give birth she had to take 6 weeks off of work. Problem is I didn't have a job at the time. I hadn't worked in months. Temp agency wasn't being very reliable and medically I can only work certain jobs (Because of my kidney stones and back problems). If I lift like 5-10 pounds constantly for an hour I get so sore I can barely move. The Doctor I went to told me I can not have a job that requires me to lift or bend much. So needless to say it was hard to find a job.

    I applied at Teleperformance a day before the funeral. By the end of the week I had an interview. If you don't know what Teleperformance is...it is a company that provides tech support for certain things. Verizon FIOS (Internet Cable and Phone) had a contract with Teleperformance for Tech Support. I landed an interview 2 days after the funeral. I got hired on..6 weeks of training (at $9.00 an hour). When I get out on the call floor I'll be making $10.50 an hour.

    The awesome thing about all of this though...with my girlfriend unable to work I will be able to keep my apartment and my car insurance. So I got lucky in that aspect that I get to keep everything we have worked so hard for.

    Anyways, I figured I'd give you guys an update because I had made a previous blog about my girlfriend being pregnant. Everyday it gets easier...Time heals all wounds I guess.

    1. NightmareZer0


      More good news. I'm looking into moving into a nicer apartment. When my girlfriend gets back to work we should be able to afford it. The shithole I'm living in now is falling apart. We have to share a bathroom with someone and its only like 2 rooms. No AC no Heat. Someone keeps clogging our fucking toilet (They'll shit in the toilet and just leave it..nasty eh?). So I'm sick of living there. My buddy used to live in the downstairs apartment but ever since he moved out it hasn't been the same. He actually used to keep the place up but ever since he left the place just fell apart.


      Links to where I'm going to try to move in. It sounds extremely nice for the price. My work has coupons for this place too. I can get the first month's rent free. I might be able to get some more benefits because I work at Teleperformance. Wish me luck..


    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  13. About 3 weeks ago my girlfriend noticed that our daughter really wasn't moving much in the womb She woke up and barely felt any movement). We used a prenatal monitor to try to hear my daughter's heartbeat. I thought I had heard it but we rushed her to the hospital to be safe. The hospital hooked up their fancy prenatal monitor and they couldn't find the heartbeat. The hooked up an ultra-sound and come to find out my daughter had died. My girlfriend was 7 months along... We held a funeral for my daughter 3 days later. After my girlfriend gave birth to a stillborn they asked us if we wanted to see her. Her mom and my mom wanted to say their goodbyes so the doctor brought my daughter in.

    It was one of the saddest things I've ever seen. She only weighed around 2 pounds and she was 14 inches long. Just to see my stillborn daughter in my arms was just life changing.

    Here's a link to the obituary http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/dispatch/obituary.aspx?n=victoria-eve-altizer-duff&pid=150569525&fhid=8681 feel free to sign the guestbook if you would like. Here soon I'm going to print out the guestbook for my records.

    There is some light at the end of this tunnel though. Since my girlfriend had to give birth she had to take 6 weeks off of work. Problem is I didn't have a job at the time. I hadn't worked in months. Temp agency wasn't being very reliable and medically I can only work certain jobs (Because of my kidney stones and back problems). If I lift like 5-10 pounds constantly for an hour I get so sore I can barely move. The Doctor I went to told me I can not have a job that requires me to lift or bend much. So needless to say it was hard to find a job.

    I applied at Teleperformance a day before the funeral. By the end of the week I had an interview. If you don't know what Teleperformance is...it is a company that provides tech support for certain things. Verizon FIOS (Internet Cable and Phone) had a contract with Teleperformance for Tech Support. I landed an interview 2 days after the funeral. I got hired on..6 weeks of training (at $9.00 an hour). When I get out on the call floor I'll be making $10.50 an hour.

    The awesome thing about all of this though...with my girlfriend unable to work I will be able to keep my apartment and my car insurance. So I got lucky in that aspect that I get to keep everything we have worked so hard for.

    Anyways, I figured I'd give you guys an update because I had made a previous blog about my girlfriend being pregnant. Everyday it gets easier...Time heals all wounds I guess.

    1. NightmareZer0


      Planky said:

      Joining in the prayers and thoughts for you and your partner Imp. I wanted to sign the guest book, but felt inappropriate given we don't know each other.

      Go ahead. It is not inappropriate. If I wasn't 100% okay with it I wouldn't have posted the link.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  14. About 3 weeks ago my girlfriend noticed that our daughter really wasn't moving much in the womb She woke up and barely felt any movement). We used a prenatal monitor to try to hear my daughter's heartbeat. I thought I had heard it but we rushed her to the hospital to be safe. The hospital hooked up their fancy prenatal monitor and they couldn't find the heartbeat. The hooked up an ultra-sound and come to find out my daughter had died. My girlfriend was 7 months along... We held a funeral for my daughter 3 days later. After my girlfriend gave birth to a stillborn they asked us if we wanted to see her. Her mom and my mom wanted to say their goodbyes so the doctor brought my daughter in.

    It was one of the saddest things I've ever seen. She only weighed around 2 pounds and she was 14 inches long. Just to see my stillborn daughter in my arms was just life changing.

    Here's a link to the obituary http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/dispatch/obituary.aspx?n=victoria-eve-altizer-duff&pid=150569525&fhid=8681 feel free to sign the guestbook if you would like. Here soon I'm going to print out the guestbook for my records.

    There is some light at the end of this tunnel though. Since my girlfriend had to give birth she had to take 6 weeks off of work. Problem is I didn't have a job at the time. I hadn't worked in months. Temp agency wasn't being very reliable and medically I can only work certain jobs (Because of my kidney stones and back problems). If I lift like 5-10 pounds constantly for an hour I get so sore I can barely move. The Doctor I went to told me I can not have a job that requires me to lift or bend much. So needless to say it was hard to find a job.

    I applied at Teleperformance a day before the funeral. By the end of the week I had an interview. If you don't know what Teleperformance is...it is a company that provides tech support for certain things. Verizon FIOS (Internet Cable and Phone) had a contract with Teleperformance for Tech Support. I landed an interview 2 days after the funeral. I got hired on..6 weeks of training (at $9.00 an hour). When I get out on the call floor I'll be making $10.50 an hour.

    The awesome thing about all of this though...with my girlfriend unable to work I will be able to keep my apartment and my car insurance. So I got lucky in that aspect that I get to keep everything we have worked so hard for.

    Anyways, I figured I'd give you guys an update because I had made a previous blog about my girlfriend being pregnant. Everyday it gets easier...Time heals all wounds I guess.

    1. NightmareZer0


      Mr. T said:

      I dunno if you are religious or not, but God bless you all the same. That is an unimaginable thing for any parent to go through, you and your girlfriend are strong to have made it.

      Congrats on your new job, your daughter will always be with you in your heart.

      Nah I'm actually an Atheist. But I appreciate the kind words (even if they are about God..I'm actually serious not being sarcastic).

      I hope my job goes well. I had to leave early yesterday on my second day. I couldn't stop puking and I had a migraine I hope they aren't mad at me.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  15. Got some big news about my life (if you give a shit that is)

    I found out last October that my girlfriend is pregnant. I found out last week it's a girl. My girlfriend and I decided on the name Victoria. I gotta say though it is amazing to watch the first ultrasound being done. Seeing my daughter for the first time moving around in the womb...it was beautiful. I intend to introduce her to Video Games when she starts to get older. I want to start her out on the old school games (I plan to start her out on Super Mario Bros for the NES). Eventually I'll introduce her to Doom :D. My girlfriend is 4 months along and I still can't believe that I'm actually going to have a kid. I guess when you picture having a kid you picture your life having more structure and being older but I'll get used to it.

    1. NightmareZer0


      printz said:

      Now you know what bad things might happen. I hope you'll stay together.

      Yeah well I hope so too for my kid's sake but that might be easier said than done.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  16. Got some big news about my life (if you give a shit that is)

    I found out last October that my girlfriend is pregnant. I found out last week it's a girl. My girlfriend and I decided on the name Victoria. I gotta say though it is amazing to watch the first ultrasound being done. Seeing my daughter for the first time moving around in the womb...it was beautiful. I intend to introduce her to Video Games when she starts to get older. I want to start her out on the old school games (I plan to start her out on Super Mario Bros for the NES). Eventually I'll introduce her to Doom :D. My girlfriend is 4 months along and I still can't believe that I'm actually going to have a kid. I guess when you picture having a kid you picture your life having more structure and being older but I'll get used to it.

    1. NightmareZer0


      Thanks for all the kind words guys I appreciate it.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  17. We just got a new dog, well a pup, and aside from being a hand full we had to choose out of two names we had lined up. First was Hendrix and secondly was Kaiser, as in Doom Veteran Kaiser from these very forums. The name Hendrix stuck but still I nearly named my dog after Kaiser which really would of made an interesting thread.

  18. Got some big news about my life (if you give a shit that is)

    I found out last October that my girlfriend is pregnant. I found out last week it's a girl. My girlfriend and I decided on the name Victoria. I gotta say though it is amazing to watch the first ultrasound being done. Seeing my daughter for the first time moving around in the womb...it was beautiful. I intend to introduce her to Video Games when she starts to get older. I want to start her out on the old school games (I plan to start her out on Super Mario Bros for the NES). Eventually I'll introduce her to Doom :D. My girlfriend is 4 months along and I still can't believe that I'm actually going to have a kid. I guess when you picture having a kid you picture your life having more structure and being older but I'll get used to it.

    1. NightmareZer0


      Technician said:

      Ah man, children can totally puss-ify a person. When we have a bitch that needs cuttin' you'll probably chicken out.

      Oh yeah, how's the kidney-beans treating you?

      eh for the most part okay. Ever so often I get in pain out of nowhere and the pain is horrible (Happens randomly). But not near as bad as the last time I had stones.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  19. Got some big news about my life (if you give a shit that is)

    I found out last October that my girlfriend is pregnant. I found out last week it's a girl. My girlfriend and I decided on the name Victoria. I gotta say though it is amazing to watch the first ultrasound being done. Seeing my daughter for the first time moving around in the womb...it was beautiful. I intend to introduce her to Video Games when she starts to get older. I want to start her out on the old school games (I plan to start her out on Super Mario Bros for the NES). Eventually I'll introduce her to Doom :D. My girlfriend is 4 months along and I still can't believe that I'm actually going to have a kid. I guess when you picture having a kid you picture your life having more structure and being older but I'll get used to it.

    1. NightmareZer0


      DuckReconMajor said:

      If her name is Victoria you must call her Vucker.

      hahahaha awesome idea

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  20. Right now, I'm sipping on Trappistes Rochefort 8. It's incredible. The 10 is better, but this is still fantastic. Very sweet beer... kinda like cinnamon bread in a bottle. Drinking good beer is one of my favorite hobbies. So I have to ask:

    What's your favorite beer? Why? And most importantly: Where can I get it?

    1. NightmareZer0


      Beer is fucking disgusting. It's pointless to me..It tastes fucking horrid and you have to drink so much of it to get drunk. If I'm going to drink I'll drink Vodka or Jager (Love Jager). Always remember..Liqor is quicker

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  21. OMFG Burfday, etc.

    I've never been so happy to see an age disappear. Fuck you, 22.

    1. NightmareZer0


      heh thanks alot assholes I'm 22 -_-...GREAT YOU ARE GOING TO JYNX ME

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  22. So about a month ago my left side started hurting like crazy. I go to the hospital and I have Kidney Stones in BOTH Kidneys. They did a CT Scan when I was there and found one 3mm's. Thankfully he said my piss hole is 5mm so I should be able to pass it (Painfully I might add). I don't know if anyone here has actually had Kidney Stones but they hurt like fuck.

    I went to the hospital early this morning because I still hadn't passed them. When I got there it felt like my Kidney was going to explode and I had to wait 2 hours in a shitload of pain. They come and give me a shot of Benydril and Torodol (Super Ibuprofen). Which didn't help much. I had to wait another 2 hours for some actual GOOD pain medicine (Delotted <3). So now I have over 10k of medical bills (No job no health insurance). I was in so much pain last night that I couldn't sleep no matter what I did. My left Kidney hurt so bad I couldn't get comfy. They told me at the hospital to drink a shit ton of water and Cranberry juice to flush it out. When I went to the doctor last time he told me that Kidney Stones are more painful than a woman giving birth. Wish me luck guys..hopefully I can pass this son of a bitch and don't have to get further in the hole (Having to have a procedure done on me...I can't afford it). I'll keep you posted.

    1. NightmareZer0


      Well I took 4 Cranberry Pills (Basically same ingredients as the juice without having to drink that awful shit). Pissed about every 10 minutes for a day straight. Woke up and about 4 hours later pissed that fucker out. I just hope I don't get ANOTHER one -_-. Yay for no more pain though.

    2. (See 59 other replies to this status update)

  23. So about a month ago my left side started hurting like crazy. I go to the hospital and I have Kidney Stones in BOTH Kidneys. They did a CT Scan when I was there and found one 3mm's. Thankfully he said my piss hole is 5mm so I should be able to pass it (Painfully I might add). I don't know if anyone here has actually had Kidney Stones but they hurt like fuck.

    I went to the hospital early this morning because I still hadn't passed them. When I got there it felt like my Kidney was going to explode and I had to wait 2 hours in a shitload of pain. They come and give me a shot of Benydril and Torodol (Super Ibuprofen). Which didn't help much. I had to wait another 2 hours for some actual GOOD pain medicine (Delotted <3). So now I have over 10k of medical bills (No job no health insurance). I was in so much pain last night that I couldn't sleep no matter what I did. My left Kidney hurt so bad I couldn't get comfy. They told me at the hospital to drink a shit ton of water and Cranberry juice to flush it out. When I went to the doctor last time he told me that Kidney Stones are more painful than a woman giving birth. Wish me luck guys..hopefully I can pass this son of a bitch and don't have to get further in the hole (Having to have a procedure done on me...I can't afford it). I'll keep you posted.

    1. NightmareZer0


      Whoo said:


      I wish you luck. Hopefully you can get enough money to pay off the bills.

      eh not really shamefully my girlfriend has been supporting me. For the last few months she has been paying for everything. As horrible as that may sound..I haven't really been able to work with my Kidney Stones and what not. Doctor told me to pass them before returning to work (As going to work with them would just agitate them and make them worse). I finally get rid of one (Finally be able to help her) I go to work ONE FUCKING DAY and BOOM I get another one. I know she is tried of doing everything by herself (Which I completely understand her point), but she understands mine too. Not like I asked for these god damn things (You'd be a fucking nut job to want one). It just makes me feel horrible that she has been supporting me..but I really have no way of doing it myself. It really shows how much she cares for me

    2. (See 59 other replies to this status update)

  24. So about a month ago my left side started hurting like crazy. I go to the hospital and I have Kidney Stones in BOTH Kidneys. They did a CT Scan when I was there and found one 3mm's. Thankfully he said my piss hole is 5mm so I should be able to pass it (Painfully I might add). I don't know if anyone here has actually had Kidney Stones but they hurt like fuck.

    I went to the hospital early this morning because I still hadn't passed them. When I got there it felt like my Kidney was going to explode and I had to wait 2 hours in a shitload of pain. They come and give me a shot of Benydril and Torodol (Super Ibuprofen). Which didn't help much. I had to wait another 2 hours for some actual GOOD pain medicine (Delotted <3). So now I have over 10k of medical bills (No job no health insurance). I was in so much pain last night that I couldn't sleep no matter what I did. My left Kidney hurt so bad I couldn't get comfy. They told me at the hospital to drink a shit ton of water and Cranberry juice to flush it out. When I went to the doctor last time he told me that Kidney Stones are more painful than a woman giving birth. Wish me luck guys..hopefully I can pass this son of a bitch and don't have to get further in the hole (Having to have a procedure done on me...I can't afford it). I'll keep you posted.

    1. NightmareZer0


      Snakes said:

      Glad that's over with. I hope that you never go through this again... Sheesh.

      Well that's what I thought. Yesterday I FINALLY got back to work. Found me an awesome job at a warehouse (Making 10 bucks an hour through a temp service same place where my girlfriend works. 40+ hours a week bringing home over 300 a week). With both of us working there we would bring home over 600 dollars a week. I was super excited and worked really hard while I was there (Only worked 4 hours they called me in mid-shift). Trying to make a good first impression. Was going to be working there at least a week (That's what they said to her and she has been working there for like 4 months so the outlook was great). Got off work at 3:30 spent some time with her and decided to go to bed around 10. Woke up at 3 AM in tremendous pain. Pain was coming from my right Kidney. So I got up and went to piss....Straight blood. Was dizzy light headed and started puking. Throughout the night I puked 8 times. Called off of work (Me and her both did) and went to bed to try to get rid of some of the pain. Woke up at about 11 and called Addeco (The Temp service). They previously called to ask me if I went to work. I told them I had been urinating blood and puking and I was on my way to the hospital. They seemed very understanding and told me to call back when I heard something about my condition(Which I think is so fucking awesome. Most temp services would just be like "FUCK YOU" and not give two shits about their people...People wanting jobs are a dime a dozen). Got to the hospital at about 11:30. Sure enough ANOTHER FUCKING KIDNEY STONE in my right Kidney. 2.3 Millimeters this time. This one ..the pain lasts ALOT longer than the other one. The Doctor said that this one is further up than the last one but people pass stones differently. Could take a few days or a few weeks. Hopefully I can pass this fucker (...*sigh* again) and get back to work before that awesome job is taken. Wish me luck yet again..

      EDIT: Oh and the whole bitch of it is...I have barely been drinking Coke. Trying to prevent this from happening again. I think it was from working yesterday...must of bothered the stone (Got dehydrated and grew) something. I was drinking water while I was working so I have no fucking clue.

    2. (See 59 other replies to this status update)
