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About BeeWen

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  1. The ideas tearing the roof on these maps resemble an A.L.T. If he had a continuation.
  2. The creation of this project takes a long time, probably due to the limited time and resources that include high-quality specialists. Are applications accepted into the creative team?
  3. BeeWen

    Doom 2: Revisited (WIP)

    Do you consider this a quibble? In vain. The aesthetic side is of great importance, especially with the number of different projects being produced in our community.
  4. BeeWen

    Doom 2: Revisited (WIP)

    It was advised to launch this project iWAD the name "Plutonia Experiment", it has all the necessary textures.
  5. BeeWen

    Doom 2: Revisited (WIP)

    To visually show the texture irregularities on these maps, you need a lot of screenshots. It is easier to explain some basic design principles. Especially since you use a standard texture pack. Ceiling heights should be set along the vertical borders of textures, which have all sorts of horizontal lines. So that the drawing of stone blocks, for example, does not "cut off" in their middle - it looks ugly. If the wall has one texture, then it is better to make an opening in it with the same texture. Otherwise, this opening looks from another location.
  6. BeeWen

    Doom 2: Revisited (WIP)

    It's interesting to see the variants of classic maps in this build. But the author needs to pay more attention to the correct formulation of textures, taking into account their multiplicity and compatibility with each other. Also, work more with the gradations of lighting locations, not forgetting that if there are no light sources in the niches, then the niches should be darker than in the main room.
  7. BeeWen

    Doom 2: Revisited (WIP)

    In the first secret with a rocket launcher, you can catch a soft lock if you jump off the rising platform and stay in the lower room. There are also crooked textures to the left of the entrance.
  8. BeeWen


    The latest version is available on Google Drive, the link is in the first message of the topic.
  9. BeeWen


    Some doors work for a shot. I didn't quite understand which cyb the question was about.
  10. BeeWen


    Map 17 has only a yellow key. At 18, you can jump from the wall into the yard. There's a secret on the ledge with the machine gunners.
  11. BeeWen


    A small error was found with the display of level names after the 16th map. Corrected.
  12. BeeWen


    The red key is located on the topmost ledge of the well - sector 103.
  13. BeeWen


    There you need to do an action on one trigger, then there will be no desire to jump back into the pit without pressing the second one. Made by.
  14. BeeWen


    Some unnecessary items were found during the game. Minor corrections have been made, the link has been updated. Have a nice game!