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About DoctorNuriel

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  1. Map Name: Death By A Thousand Cuts Author: DoctorNuriel Music: Marathon OST - Splash Sorry for the lack of screenshots, it was bugging out for some reason and all my screenshots just turn out black. Here you go!
  2. Hi, while I do have a part of the map done, due to life stuff and another project I have going on I don't think I can finish it in a proper timeframe. I'll give up my slot. Sorry!
  3. DoctorNuriel

    Community Project concepts that you would like to see?

    The Cute-onia Experiment, where the maps have an adorable, bubbly aesthetic (even using Plutonia's curved geometry motif to craft "soft-looking" structures), possibly with a moe/chibi overhaul for all graphics, but the actual gameplay is still as ball-crushingly hard. Wacky Weapon Workshop, where each participant creates one unique and bonkers weapon with DECORATE and designs a map wholly dedicated to and designed around that one weapon (no vanilla pistol starts - just the fist and the map's specific weapon - and death exits to prevent the weapons from being brought into the next map). The final map would provide all 31 other maps' weapons in an Icon of Sin-esque starting room and provide ammo solely through modded backpacks so as to allow all weapons to be used freely in an extreme slaughter challenge.
  4. DoctorNuriel

    Terry gigawad concept

    Will you be making this WAD?
  5. Seconded, and I want to give @DavidN some extra props for keeping RAMP, its vibes and its metagames fresh each year. This year's setup - the train - was a pleasant surprise and seeing all the vistas outside in between stations was a real treat, especially...
  6. ROYGBIV A tribute to the LGBT+ community, as well as a tribute to Boards of Canada. Download here.
  7. It's not much so far, but now that RAMP is done for this year, I got more time to focus on this :) Early WIP of the starting area of MAP02: Perfect Focus -- As the two maps are based in such different aesthetics (techbase vs. Hell) the end result might vibe like something out of The Shores Of Hell, however as the rules dictate I will only follow the aesthetic guidelines of the two original maps (E4M2 and MAP04).
  8. I LOVE the rain effects and the general ambience!
  9. We've hit the 300 map mark! Awesome.
  10. Doomguy's Caribbean Crapshoot didn't work out the way I wanted in the given time, so here is a replacement for slot 49 which is pretty much done - //// THE LAVA IS FLOOR //// This UAC facility - or what little is left of it - is undergoing heavy Hellification. As a side effect of the demonic reality warp, impossibly, solid ground now sears your feet while pools of lava are safe to stand on. Screenshots:
  11. DoctorNuriel

    What is your favorite (IWAD) visual style?

    Come to think of it, Inmost Dens' style is also pretty cool and a standout amongst the D2 map roster.
  12. Thanks a bunch for playing, all!
  13. It looks amazing! Great work and congrats on the release <3