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Nate River

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About Nate River

  • Rank
    Green Marine

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  1. we miss you
    please return to us

    1. Nate River

      Nate River

      I'm sorry, I've been busy with other things lately and not really following anything Doom-related, but I just happened to visit John's stream again and found it really funny when out of all things I see him playing that map I made a year ago!

      So thanks again to John @Suitepee for playing and everyone that commented in chat, that was really interesting to read. I had a hard time holding myself back commenting on it, but in the end I'm glad I didn't! :D

      John did a great job finding pretty much everything the map has to offer by himself anyway and I didn't want to influence people's comments in chat, but they made me feel like I managed to create exactly what I tried to anyway.

      That also includes many people not liking it and don't worry, this was a one-time-thing and I don't have anything else planned for now and then it would be completely different anyway as I usually don't play / enjoy maps in that style either.

      So yeah I'm glad if some people got at least some enjoyment out of the map and I hope the others can forgive me while just skipping past it! ;D

  2. I'm not sure if I should be amazed by your DMP 2017 map or terrified of it.

  3. Nate River

    Twitch Clips Thread

    Rush with Complex Doom.
  4. Nate River

    Post Your (Other) Video Game Screenshots Here

    The time of me playing competitive multiplayer FPS may be over, but I'm still having a lot of fun with this game here.
  5. Nate River

    SlaughterMAX. Now on /idgames!

    The slaughtermap haters who like to generalize them as being bland and tedious should also be happy, if this gets accepted into a project by the very people who try to argue against these clichés.
  6. Nate River

    2017 Collection

    It was interesting following the making of the Scrapper project and even though it's unfortunate that the original idea wasn't finished, it's still nice to see the existing maps for it released with this collection. I really liked all of its maps when I first played them and the new one (Map04) doesn't disappoint either. So overall this is a set of high quality maps with a nice variety in themes (as the maps for Scrapper were originally planned to be in different episodes). Visually they're all very impressive and the gameplay (that is most important for me) is interesting as well thanks to a good variety in weapon and ammo availability and all maps having a good flow to them. The way areas are connected in many ways gives both the player and the monsters a lot of freedom to move and attack and so makes the gameplay feel very dynamic and allows fast and aggressive play.
  7. Nate River

    SlaughterMAX. Now on /idgames!

    From the start the last yellow pillar on the right has an exit switch on all sides.
  8. Nate River

    (Update/Fix) Dark Encounters 32 map MegaWad

    This looks nice judging by the trailer and description. For atmospheric survival levels like these I really like the concept of making ammo sparse and rewarding exploration. Though I haven't seen that style work out as well in Doom maps as in other FPS games, the additional options of GZDoom look most promising to me when it comes to more complex and atmoshperic maps, so I'm looking forward to seeing how they're being used for this project.
  9. Nate River

    Demo Megawad "Hell Destroyer" - Need Feedback

    I know you made some more challenging maps with high monster density in the past and I usually prefer that style, but I think I actually prefer these ones over your older maps. Besides the standard hallways and small rooms with incidental combat you also managed to make some interesting, lower difficulty encounters with the low tier weapons and monsters. I also like the music choices and the somewhat uncommon visual design.
  10. Nate River

    Doomworld Mega Project 2017 (Final)

    Updated my map. Some texture corrections, cleaning up the automap and a small change to the gameplay in one area. I attached the final version of the map to my original post.
  11. Nate River

    Post Your (Other) Video Game Screenshots Here

    This game is Unreal.
  12. Nate River

    Secretdoom: Hell's Memento 2

    Cool new WAD that like its predecessors makes good use of custom monsters and powerups to enrich the gameplay but still very much feels like a classic Doom mapset. Recommended to everyone who likes to grab their rifle and kick some ass! Map07 is my favorite.
  13. Nate River

    What are your favorite handguns in FPS games?

    The shotgun-pistol from Metro Last Light.
  14. Nate River

    Which keyboard and mouse do you use?

    Mouse: SteelSeries Sensei Keyboard: SteelSeries 6Gv2 Bought both 4 years ago when they were like the top equipment that some e-sports pros were using at the time. Not many fancy extras but very good performance and definitely worth the money for me. I'd probably buy them again or something very similar.