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About CountArchvile

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    Junior Member

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  1. CountArchvile

    Show & tell us about your physical DOOM collection

    I wish I had a Physical copy of Doom, just for the novelty.
  2. CountArchvile

    Desi's Wad 2

    I mean... what can i say? at the very start you get bum-rushed by all sorts of enemies with only a shotgun and a chaingun and barely any ammo. it doesn't really help that there's almost no room to move around, you bump into everything this is pretty shit level design, and trying to fit 25 monsters in there doesn't really work. i didnt bother with this wad, and you shouldn't either
  3. These are gems (especially the bowling baron) they look like they would be for sale at some unofficial online store somewhere id buy all of em
  4. CountArchvile


    Honestly i clicked for the title it made me laugh Map is pretty good too
  5. CountArchvile

    Go back to first rune trial

    if you go to the main menu im pretty sure you can replay them (not too sure)
  6. CountArchvile

    Crowd Control Doom for Twitch streamers

    this is amazing! if i ever stream on twitch i might consider this
  7. CountArchvile

    What Enemy Makes You Most Vocal?

    i shit myself whenever i hear an archvile
  8. CountArchvile


  9. CountArchvile


    Will do
  10. CountArchvile


    My body is ready
  11. CountArchvile


    no ones got jokewads XD
  12. CountArchvile


    Self Explanatory What Are your suggestions?
  13. CountArchvile

    Id software is 28 years old today

    When i was like 9 and started growing an interest into Heavy Metal (Thanks to Guitar Hero) Doom Caught my Eye on a retro gaming website. After a quick google search on the Game i decided to give it a try...The addiction is still present today
  14. CountArchvile


    Heyy, this was pretty good,not too confusing plenty of health and ammo lots of fun
  15. CountArchvile

    something is very wrong with my GZDoom

    XD if you knew how many times i reinstalled the damn thing heh but i moved to LZDoom and my problem is pretty much solved at this point