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About Andromeda

  • Rank
    Eternal Doom > Doom Eternal

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  1. Andromeda

    Leagacy of rust UV pacifist runs yet?

    Perhaps, check speedrun.com or something - DSDA is unlikely to host runs for it in the near future because it's not finalised yet and no source ports support ID24 (even if LoR barely uses its features) yet.
  2. The quote doesn't say he wanted to add jumping post-release, at least that's not the way I interpret it. I'll concede that the word order makes it a little bit ambiguous though. To me this is what it says: "Soon after the game's release Carmack manifested his wish that he'd added jumping in retrospect."
  3. Andromeda

    DOOM 2 MINUS DOOM: Updated beta!

    Weird, works for me.
  4. Andromeda

    I want to play a quite hard WAD

    MAP26 and MAP32 also qualify as slaughter (and in my opinion more than MAP25).
  5. Andromeda

    The DWIronman League dies to: Arcadia Demake

    Category: 1 Softlocked with 182/184 kills Three softlocks in a row :^) im_andromeda_arcadia.zip SOFTLOCK ALERT: When the blue bars close on you, make sure you get all the triggers in the vicinity to ensure the bars don't close again after pressing the one time switch that opens them up later in the level.
  6. Andromeda

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    Was expecting the failed demo to be a sneaky max record.
  7. Andromeda

    Getting WAD/PK3 info for collection

    I'm afraid that there's no tools capable of doing what you want, at least I don't know of any. I would also like to know if they exist because I'm facing a similar scenario but feeling too lazy to develop tooling for this purpose, lol.
  8. Andromeda

    DOOM Archaeology: The First 25 WADs

    Is this it? WHATSNEW.TXT inside DOOMED.ZIP seems to indicate that it's version 1.0b. https://discmaster.textfiles.com/file/21011/Image.bin/spiele/3dspiel/dummtool/rgdmed.zip
  9. Andromeda

    Sunlust [on /idgames]

    On /idgames? The zip file was last updated in 2015, so no.
  10. This is actually an interesting use of AI - of course the result as-is sucks, but I can see it being a useful way to generate layouts quickly which could help some mappers that struggle with that part (of course with a fair amount of reworking).
  11. Andromeda

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

  12. Andromeda

    Chamando todos os lusófonos!!!

    Sou tuga sim, bom ver essa iniciativa!
  13. I may have found spcdm.map (unless there's another map with that name): https://discmaster.textfiles.com/file/22387/GNOME_DEMO.iso/e-mail/spcdm.zip
  14. Andromeda

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    From a quick glance in the text file it looks like it only uses MBF sky transfers, which is a cosmetic change that works across all complevels in modern demo recording ports. It's likely that complevel 9 would suffice for this wad, with the benefit that you wouldn't have to deal with MBF's "smart" infighting.