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About OceanMadman

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    -F. L. A. C. I'm also known as Gnomo.

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  1. OceanMadman

    Why are recent Doomworld threads stupid?

    just close the forums already
  2. OceanMadman

    Why do doom games take so long to come out?

  3. OceanMadman

    Gnome Hunters Wad-EPISODE 1

    I finished playing @Godzialox666 maps some minutes ago and I really liked them. Good job sir. Now I'm even more glad I mapped for this 👽👽👽
  4. OceanMadman

    Habitat 22 DM

    Very cool. It was fun to test these :).
  5. OceanMadman

    Gnome Hunters Wad-EPISODE 1

    Very nice. It was fun to make two maps for a wad about hunting people of my species :))
  6. OceanMadman


    Ah, el de la parte egipcia es intencional porque esa zona está hecha para ser bien abstracta/bugueada/etc, así que lo dejo jiji. Lo del código es buena idea, quizás así confundiría menos, sí.
  7. OceanMadman

    is there actually any good Wolfenstein themed wad?

    Operation Rheingold by Laz Rojas
  8. OceanMadman


    Yay, first RC. Many great maps here from what I've seen. This will be fun By the way, there might be certain text file that is useful to complete certain map of mine. Good luck.
  9. OceanMadman

    An earnest call for more colored lighting

    Lo mejor de amehtanA son las lucecitas jijiji
  10. en esta época eras mejor, como has decaído 😔😔😔

  11. OceanMadman

    Doomed Urbex - V1 release!

    I need permission to access it.
  12. OceanMadman


    Hola. Que opinas de Central processing?
  13. OceanMadman

    Doomed Urbex - V1 release!

    This is where all the secrets are, since I don't know which one is the one you're missing. The boxes that lower those monsters should lower when walking in front of a switch, but now I think It's possible to activate the switch without walking through that line, so that's probably what happened. Thanks for informing me about that. And yes, those items are just decoration in map08.