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  1. @BeachThunder: I played A Room with a View with dsdadoom on ITYTD. I did not encounter any issues. Only died twice. Impressive how much gameplay is offered in such a small playable area. The doomcute decoration on the little tower with the Cyberdemon looks nice.
  2. @Mrcatin123 Thank you and welcome to Doomworld! Unfortunately, Hovertank 3D is not supported. It would be nice to have, but so far I couldn't find the time to look into it.
  3. Much like @taufan99, I also have a bit of mixed feelings about this turn of events. The actual game is obviously not the main selling point of this big box release, since it can be obtained way cheaper via GOG. And to be honest, I personally don't care for pins or stickers. With that said, it is an unexpected surprise to see a relatively obscure game, which happens to be closely connected to my favorite hobby programming project, to be put in the spotlight like that. And the box art looks incredible. I can totally imagine that box to be on my shelf and that poster hanging in my home office. But, yeah, that's quite a price tag. Technically, Catacomb 3D is not abandonware, since it's commercially available via GOG since 2013.
  4. I played some more maps with dsdadoom on ITYTD. Getting Smaller @TJG1289 Nice mix of outdoor and indoor combat. I like how the rooftops are depicted. I had no problems navigating around. The fights were pretty easy, but fitting for the MAP02 slot. Cesspit (v2) @solidago I like the organic shapes in the map, as they manage to hide the space restriction quite well. Only when opening up the automap it becomes clear that the entire level is confined to a square, but while playing it feels like a big space to explore. I had no issue in finding my way around. I had plenty of ammo at the start of the final battle, but it was still a pretty hectic and fun fight. Deluge @whybmonotacrab The fight is chaotic and can appear intimidating at times, but very doable and actually quite entertaining in ITYTD. It's crowded, but there's plenty of space to maneuver, lots of health to pick up and sufficient cover for the rockets from the cyberdemon. I noticed that at one specific sector the regular Doom 2 sky can be seen through the customized sky.
  5. Here's an updated version (V4) of the Fallen Citadel. I've aligned a number of textures and fixed some walls that needed the lower unpegged flag, as @solidago pointed out. Based on feedback from @Lina, I added two revenants on a platform to the first battle. I did some test runs and they do seem to change the dynamic of the battle. I also added a few enemies in other places. TheFallenCitadel_Embryo_MAP04_V4.zip
  6. Thanks for the feedback and the examples of texture alignment issues! I will do a double check on texture alignment. That's some great feedback, thanks! Regarding the first fight, I intentionally wanted the map to start off with a large set piece involving a big, chaotic fight, to contrast with the close quarters combat in the later levels. But I recognize that turret enemies could make the fight more interesting. For that purpose I had some imps positioned high upon the citadel wall, but they currently do not pose much of a threat. I will try to spice it up a little by adding more turret enemies and creating an extra platform for them to stand on. I will also check if some enemies can be added to rooms that are a bit empty now.
  7. I just opened the game data of Catacomb Abyss v1.13, "Curse of the Catacombs" and "Terror of the Catacombs" in WDC. They all have that same music file, with sound and all. I also tried Catacomb Abyss v1.12, but unfortunately WDC couldn't open it, so I'm not sure about that one. Nevertheless, I'm still positively surprised about the range of game versions that WDC can work with.
  8. I had the same observation as @SiFi270. I don't think that Wiki page is correct, at least not with respect to the version of Catacomb Apocalypse that is shipped with the Catacombs Pack.
  9. That's a good point, @Blzut3. From a game preservation point of view, the source code has indeed top priority, since it has the highest risk of becoming lost forever. That's taken good care of in case of Hovertank 3D. With regards to the game data we at least know that there are many copies floating around. And if someone really has the interest, time and knowlegde to develop an HD version of Hovertank 3D, the rightsholder is known and can be contacted so perhaps an arrangement can be made.
  10. @WhiteMagicRaven Thank you! I would also be very much interested in playing a widescreen HD version of Hovertank 3D. But I don't see myself developing it anytime soon, due to the required effort. What's also a hurdle is that the game data of Hovertank 3D is currently not available as either shareware/demo or a commercial package. Requiring players to obtain the game data from abandonware sites is not my idea of a smooth user experience. If anyone's wondering, the rights to Hovertank 3D were bought ten years ago by someone from Germany, but so far that didn't lead to a commercial release. Hopefully that will change some day.
  11. Arno

    What country are you from?

    I'm Dutch and up until last year I was living in the south of the Netherlands. Now me and my family have moved to the Flemish Region of Belgium. It felt like home quite quickly. Belgium is a lovely country.
  12. Thanks for your suggestion. The Too Hot to Handle music file from Catacomb 3D (and Keen 4) is indeed present in the game data of every Catacomb Adventure title. It's relatively easy to allow playback as an option. I've added it to my todo list.
  13. Thanks for the feedback! There were indeed two bars at the supercharge that provided just enough room for the player to squeesh through. I've put the bars closer together. I didn't manage to reproduce the straferun towards the megaarmor myself, but I can imagine that it's feasible. It wasn't intended, but I decided to let it stay as-is, thereby accepting the consequence that a skilled player can get the megaarmor a bit early. Indeed, that wasn't intended. I've removed one of the two secret sectors. Thanks! Here's the updated version (V3) of the map. TheFallenCitadel_Embryo_MAP04_V3.zip
  14. It's indeed been over a year. Time sure flies. I have to admit that I haven't worked on the source port since. That's mainly due to RL stuff, but also because I wanted to dive into some side projects. I'm currently looking into improving the Catacomb related articles on Wikipedia. It's definitly possible to add support for the P.D. mods in the future, and I think it would be fun to have it included. It's on my todo list for when I resume work on the source port.
  15. Into the Eagle's Nest (1987), a game where you shoot nazi's from a topdown perspective. I got the game via a second hand IBM 286 PC, so it must have been around 1990 by the time I played it myself.