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Xenomorph Base (testing version)

   (2 reviews)


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Doomer Boards krew4lyfe

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Xenomorph Base has some cool moments and nice details to it, though I did feel in some places it either felt unpolished or wasn't as engaging as I'd hoped it would be. It's got a nice introduction to the action and starts to pick up much better with the second and third maps, however it seemed to drop in quality by that point, though I did enjoy the last map even if it felt a little shorter than expected. It does feel like something that could have used more work in places but as it stands it's an okay enough romp to blaze through.

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· Edited by BaraKornel


The maps got more detailed, and just nicer to look at as I played the wad. I think it was really really fun, and it is very well balanced. It's not easy, but not hard either, it gives a nice challenge. MAP03 was amazing, and MAP06 is just badass. Loved the creative ideas, I think your maps have a lot of them so yeah.. it's fantastic.


I couldn't find the blue key though on MAP06. The floor didn't come up, so I had to IDCLIP my way out of the hole. Everything else is great though.


Edit: Nothing bad happened about the blue key on MAP06, for the second time around. I don't know what went wrong on my first playthrough.

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