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Forest of Illusion [1.3]

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55 minutes ago, TheCyberDruid said:

I like the map design :) Difficulty is rather naughty ;) On GZDoom some/most of the grates are passable. Is that a bug or a feature?


It's just a thing with GZDoom, since I'm making these maps on MBF21. I would recommend disabling jumping in the meantime 😌

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Had a tonne of fun with this on HMP. The way the player can control the flood of enemies into the central arena felt really good. I Initially felt that most of the combat was front-facing and the traps not all that deadly, but I still ended up berserking the remaining 'matoes because I am Bad With Ammo (TM).


I adore how the simple doomcute trees are contrasted with some really lavish detailing inside. There was an air of menace as you wondered what walls would fall down, but it all still felt kind kind of... cosy? Whatever it was, there was a real great atmosphere here.


8 hours ago, Origamyde said:


It's just a thing with GZDoom, since I'm making these maps on MBF21. I would recommend disabling jumping in the meantime 😌


Ice-skated into oblivion before grabbing the yellow key - 10/10, would laugh arse off again.

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Me and Isabelle Really enjoyed this one, I'm a big fan of a good single map with great care for details, just the right length for me. The combat flow was excellent!


I did had the same issue with some the the passable grates textures but other than that everything is fine.


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4 hours ago, Delisk said:



Can't believe I did not notice it at first, but you literally were able to bypass an entire section of the map at 13:35. You were meant to take a teleport line to a section against many Pinkies, but sent that bonehead instead of you :O

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Version 1.1.5 is now UP : it fixes all walkable midtextures by making them impassable (a byproduct of switching from MBF21 to Boom), and also a small issue with a teleport LineDef that would prevent some players from accessing an additional fight and 100%ting all kills.

Edited by Origamyde

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Guessing this is GZDoom only? Crashes DSDA, woof and Doom Retro on launch.


I've noticed that the "MBF" comp setting in GZDoom keeps the MBF21 settings disabled by default and you need to manually toggle MBF21 by drilling down into the comp menu. Might be the reason for being able to pass through the fence/grates

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3 hours ago, nickxcom said:

Guessing this is GZDoom only? Crashes DSDA, woof and Doom Retro on launch.


Not only GZDoom, since you can also play the map on PRBoom+. But yeah, kinda sucks that most options are limited for now.


I'll try updating the map to make it more compatible with the aforementioned engines, but I can't promise anything.

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That was very pleasant map to play.

Even that amount of enemies didn't scared me that bad near end, 'cause waves of enemies was well balanced and nicely organized.

Never felt that something was very unfair or too brutal towards the player.

Cute details and good usage of various textures.

Interesting setting and astonishing work with silent teleports.

Not sure, where secrets was, by the way... You hid them very well!



Gonna be glad to see, which gonna be your next maps! <3

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Demo: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YjnmeDWk1H0mQ5XVyCe3AbhHUHQfOiPk/view?usp=share_link


I quite like the unique aesthetic in each wing, especially the different views otuside. Combat is fun with some nice traps, though there are a couple of sections where you can just run away from fights :-). The silent teleporters to the wings can be a bit janky if you let enemies get near them. 


I didn't find the backpack secret until right at the end, and the map felt very ammo constrained in parts. I did accidentally pick up some shell boxes when I was at near full ammo, but I still found myself relying a bit much on the chainsaw/fist. I also didn't get all the kills since I skipped the three hell-knights in the blue key wing, and there doesn't seem to be a way back there?

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1 hour ago, s4f3s3x said:

Is this Vanilla?


PRBoom+, and GZDoom normally.


I'm working on making it compatible with DSDA-Doom. Other vanilla-friendly engines are not guaranteed to work alongside as well.

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I've now fixed the issue preventing the map from being loaded in DSDA-Doom (Graphical lumps not recognized, I had forgotten to change a PNG texture to a Doom-compatible one). Feel free to test it with additional engines !

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I mean, what would the complevel be?
Anyway, I'm currently playing this on Eternity. I'm kinda halfway through the map, and I don't seem to have encountered any issue so far : )

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9 hours ago, Origamyde said:

I've now fixed the issue preventing the map from being loaded in DSDA-Doom (Graphical lumps not recognized, I had forgotten to change a PNG texture to a Doom-compatible one). Feel free to test it with additional engines !

Thanks for fixing! Appears to work fine in Woof, DSDA, Doom Retro and RZDoom. Good stuff

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Following @erkyp3rky's advice on making the sectors more like closed areas, I've updated the map into version 1.3, featuring bars to prevent the player from leaving too early, more ammunition and health to make things slightly balanced, and added a rocket launcher in both Red and Blue keys sectors, so that you are not depending on the Yellow key sector to get better firepower. Let me know if it works or not !

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2 hours ago, s4f3s3x said:

Trying out v1.3 and... you changed the backpack secret, you b@#$%&! ( :' D)


Why need a backpack when you can get earlier firepower ;)

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Hello, I have played the level and I found the gameplay quite fluid and entertaining the fact that each zone is different. Congratulations Origamydes and I hope to try other maps in the future!

I made a video of it.

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