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I will play your WAD and make a video with commentary [ON HIATUS]

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This is a longish map, I've completed it in about 20 minutes but full exploration can take upwards of an hour.

It is UDMF / GZDOOM with some dynamic lighting and a lot of DOOM Cute/Spooky Elements/and a few unfinished portions.


I understand if this goes further down the list due to length and format. I appreciate you taking the time to put it through it's paces.

Edited by DeetOpianSky : Additional info.

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16 minutes ago, Raith138 said:


Is this finished? Because you should probably announce it. You have not even said anything for over a month so...

He is most likely either taking a break or doing irl stuff, You need to be patient young patawon

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He did say something on discord a couple of days ago but if this is paused then the title should reflect that I think.

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Thanks for playing map 6 I am not sure how you found it as I though I sent you map 5, but it was a pleasant surprise. Map 6 I just finished a few days ago and have not play tested it as much as I would of liked (sorry about that last fight) you commentary on the map is very helpfully and insightful and I will be making changed accordingly. Glad you had a good time with the map and glad you are back.

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29 minutes ago, ViolentBeetle said:

Thanks for playing. Was it the first or second version (It's hard to tell because differences aren't immediately obvious)?

version 2 :)

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Hey your back :) 


I though you might like the start of this new wad thats basically done.  Map01 is a dark techbase.  MBF21.  mp3 ambient music.  I assume the port you use defaults to software renderer, because Im using softFX for the custom full bright effects that only work in software mode.  So most ports are fine except gzdoom unless your settings arent right.


wad: Bleak

map01 Downpour



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Howdy!  Bless you sir, bless you.


3-9 minute map. 

It went from a sketchbook of ideas, into implementation using Doom Builder 2.  Curious what you think!

- I only have tested with GZDOOM, as I have no other Doom engine...

- Made in Doom Builder 2 using only DoomII+I textures

- Added Doom I textures using Slade3

- (tried renaming map with Slade3, but it messed up all the textures from Doom I, and I haven't quite figured out MAPINFO and PStartPEnd issues yet... so next point)

- IDCLEV to level 09 for the level and intended music.... (I haven't quite gotten to figuring out how to add custom music.)

-Doom II base


Thank you


Edited by JM_andtheArgonauts : upload new version

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On 8/30/2023 at 3:54 PM, JM_andtheArgonauts said:

Howdy!  Bless you sir, bless you.


3-9 minute map. 

It went from a sketchbook of ideas, into implementation using Doom Builder 2.  Curious what you think!

- I only have tested with GZDOOM, as I have no other Doom engine...

- Made in Doom Builder 2 using only DoomII+I textures

- Added Doom I textures using Slade3

- (tried renaming map with Slade3, but it messed up all the textures from Doom I, and I haven't quite figured out MAPINFO and PStartPEnd issues yet... so next point)

- IDCLEV to level 09 for the level and intended music.... (I haven't quite gotten to figuring out how to add custom music.)

-Doom II base


Thank you


You can simply rename the song to "D_RUNNIN"

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10 hours ago, Ash4ash said:

You can simply rename the song to "D_RUNNIN"

Thanks, there's a lot of lump/patch stuff that I have to figure out how to do still.  It's a new extremely spare time type hobby to make a map.  I have a second one in development now, but wanted to see what other's thought of the first one to stay motivated.

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