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About AD_79

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    BTSX Apologist

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  1. AD_79

    AD MIDI Commissions - on hold

    If I had seen this earlier, I would have said yes. Currently they are on hold, sorry.
  2. Due to personal reasons, I'm putting pretty much all Doom work on hold for the foreseeable future. It's possible I'll return to some of my WIP projects eventually, but there's a good chance that at least one (most likely Paralysis) will end up being totally scrapped. I decided to at least stop hoarding the music written for them, which when combined with a few miscellaneous pieces from Tetanus and Eviternity 2 adds up to 35 new tracks for a grand total of 135. Download all MIDIs (2024-03-26) NEW TRACKS: 2020: 2021: 2022: 2023: 2024: That's all for now. I don't know when, but eventually I will return to working on Doom. Thank you for listening to and using my music.
  3. Fun maps, nice work. Hope to see more from you guys throughout this year.
  4. AD_79

    What are some WADs that deserve a new MIDI Pack?

    Posting to say that a Doom Core MIDI pack sounds fun. Also, I was playing around with the idea of writing new music for Cydonia a while ago, but only got three tracks in before abandoning the concept. Let me know if anyone would have interest in a project like this.
  5. AD_79

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II

    This is okay. The way I see it, mapsets (and especially megawads) should have clear highlights. Big landmark experiences that serve as obvious reasons to play and remember a project. This means they also need maps around them that are not obvious highlights: maps that are simply well put together, enjoyable and interesting in their own right but may not stand out as strongly. They serve as the glue that holds a set together. They serve as vital supporting characters, and I think it's time for more people to start considering them as such. Plus, if I like a project enough to replay it once or twice, there's a very good chance that I will start to remember at least something about every map within, regardless of an individual map's ambition or significance.
  6. AD_79

    Unpopular Doom Opinions

    ^ I read more or less this exact piece of advice when it was posted elsewhere a little while ago, and it is a huge part of why I'm still trying to map at all in 2024. Thank you. Some people become incredibly critical and harsh when it comes to individual maps, especially ones that don't stand out much on their own, which in turn makes me overly self-conscious and steers me away from creating. Slowly learning to consider the greater whole, as opposed to seeing each new map in isolation and straining to make it the best it can be, has been seriously beneficial.
  7. The goal is the same as it is every year: release a finished solo project. Please let this year be the one in which I actually succeed.
  8. Do you have a vision for what this project will actually be, and do you think you're capable of properly leading a project at this point in time? It's not easy. Also, it doesn't seem like you have any real plan here, no themes or direction for people to follow and not even a few solid maps ready before posting. All I see is "make some maps", which is not very compelling. In general you're asking far too much of people (a full megawad with a full custom soundtrack) while offering far too little. I'm recommending that you build up some experience in the community before you try this sort of thing again.
  9. If you're using a 32-bit version of Doom Builder, there's a plugin that keeps track of various map statistics, with total monster health being among those. This would help to keep oneself within the limit, which I do think has potential. That being said, it feels as if there is an overwhelming number of ongoing community projects at the moment. Take a moment to consider if your idea is good enough to gather enough interest, as well as if you are properly committed and capable of running a larger project like this. It's not easy. Additionally, if you decide to push forward with this, have at least a few maps done before you think about posting a project thread.
  10. Surprised to see my map fairly high up in the listing there. Thank you for enjoying. Here's to next year, I'm aiming to have plenty of stuff ready by then.
  11. ^ I only ever played through it on one difficulty (probably HMP) so I had no idea that it had this feature. Very cool!
  12. Player starts are unfortunately the only (as far as I am aware of) thing unaffected by difficulty settings. Having multiple flagged for different difficulties will result in voodoo dolls taking their places on all settings. You could use a teleporter at the very start of the map to change the starting point, but it's less immediate and I can't think of any maps that do such a thing. It's possible there are some out there though, and I think it's an idea worth exploring!