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About Doctor_Spengler

  • Rank
    Local artist that can do Fortnite dances and speedruns.

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  1. Doctor_Spengler

    Game that everyone hates but you like?

    Obligatory Fortnite comment here. Its actually a good game but gets brushed off too easily.
  2. Doctor_Spengler

    Name some artistic mappers

    @Christophine Place is the queen of doom cute, her maps on Not Even Remotely Fair (Maps 06 and 15) are hands down the best in that wad so far. She has some solo projects in the works and everyone should look forward to them!
  3. Doctor_Spengler

    The Above Avatar is Fighting You. How Screwed Are You?

    I don't condone animal cruelty. But I'm safe.
  4. Doctor_Spengler

    NoSp3 Demos [-complevel 21]

    Map 1 UV-Speed in 1:09 nosp301-109.zip
  5. Doctor_Spengler

    Your Tony Hawk Pro-Skater experience

    Whoa this is cool as hell!
  6. Doctor_Spengler

    Your Tony Hawk Pro-Skater experience

    As a child it's what has gotten me into skating, and now that I recently got back into the series replaying the first 3, acquiring 1+2 HD (which is totally worth it, it goes on sale here and there), and finally playing underground. After revisiting the series, it got me back into skating. I relearned the boardslide and 50-50 in a surprisingly short amount of time. Still need to relearn the kickflip ironically enough. But I absolutely forgot how much fun this game was. My favorite is 3, it's a shame that 3+4 HD never went through. Has the series ever impacted your life? Or hell, were you just a fan of the series? Tell me about your experiences.
  7. Doctor_Spengler

    Post your Doom textures!

    Needs more fireblu.
  8. Doctor_Spengler

    NoSp3 Demos [-complevel 21]

    Yo GGs, and on pacifist? Very impressive. Goes to show how little I know about speedrunning. But your text file did give me an idea. ;)
  9. Doctor_Spengler

    Doom Slayer in Fortnite

    Not sure if this is a deserved bump but they are currently giving Rip and Tear away for free as lobby music.
  10. Doctor_Spengler

    Doom Slayer in Fortnite

    I instantly copped Chapulin
  11. Doctor_Spengler

    Doom Slayer in Fortnite

    It is, Doom Slayer was confirmed for fortnite many months ago
  12. Doctor_Spengler

    Doom Slayer in Fortnite

    Full render
  13. Doctor_Spengler

    Doom Slayer in Fortnite

  14. Doctor_Spengler

    Doom Slayer in Fortnite

    A better render I'm pretty excited.
  15. Doctor_Spengler

    Doom Slayer in Fortnite

    yes, chapter 1 used to have jazz jackrabbit posters all over the map.