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    In Marana Dounus-Bhaava Crunatus

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  1. DFF

    '95 Never Dies CP [Full!]

    @lokbustam257 played through E1m8 in choc doom, UV. Was somewhat on the fence about the bleeding sectors effect but it somewhat grew on me. i think certain segments were more convincing than others (the first section was odd and some of the hallway effects are iffy, but the middle sections were good. I think some of the side hall effects would look better if they always contrasted. Sector 189 looks good but sector 188 looks weird, maybe a bloody hell against a marble hell with the metal main hallway would look good. The drop down section was cool, might look extra nifty if fireblu covered the drops to look kinda like going through rifts. as for technical complaints, combat felt fine but very linear and stagnant. I think with the concept of the reality warping more teleport traps or closets would work well, make the gameplay a bit more varies and tense. sector 106 and 131 are damaging but none of the other nukage in the map is, should be uniform to avoid confusion. Linedefs 213 and 256 are missing their textures (r. baron door has no tex but left one does, looks unintended). NUKE24 textures around sector 378 are broken and tearing in choc rendering, set offset to 0,8 rather than 0,-16 to fix.
  2. V2 of Slag Works based on some comments from @FrancisT218 as well as my own replaying filled in some missing textures added some extra textures removed damage from NW pool widened hallway near blue key platform moved 50 health from the center to the NW section of the map adjusted SW secret to reward a backpack and cells rather than a green armor and some rockets Added a 2nd soulsphere to the left pillar secret so it gives 200 health
  3. @DankMetal pretty fun man, merged the two styles very well. Bit of a tricky one with the plethora of hitscanners on perches and a limited arsenal. Ended the map with only 25 shells. Bit on the higher side but overall good balance, the 8 shells in sector 407might be the easiest to remove without harming the players balance too much. Only pain point i ran into was the initial 4-way courtyard. with all the chaingunners and only a sg to counter them i died here the most due to a lack of health and limited way to deal with them safetly. I'd probably move a couple more stims or a medpack over to that balcony so the player can take a little bit extra punishment (sector 51)
  4. @ViolentBeetle pretty fun mashup. I rather liked the hectic open field combat you designed that Mt. erebus brought over the more enclosed arena of dead simple. Difficutly feels good for its place (not that this WAD is planned to have a well defined difficulty ramp i think). Most deaths were due to stopping or getting caught in a bad confrontation. I ended the map with 108 bullets and 44 shells. Could likely cut some shell packs and keep it a bit tighter but its not the worst spead, especially on a map that requires certain monsters to be killed. Only critique might be that the two secrets do not feel very secret at all, but i'm sure if i went back and replayed E3M6 there's likely a very similar sort of uneventful setup. a secret out in the lava that mimics the regular exit of E3M6 could be nifty.
  5. My editor defaults to boom so it likely switched on me and i didn't catch it, thanks. Think all the other actions are vanilla. Updated the link, yellow key switches were moved further from monster teleport lines and changed from a ceiling to a vanilla compatible floor action.
  6. V1 of my map is ready to go: Link Name: Slag Worx Slot: MAP21 Music: Plusfort by Bucket Fusion: not sure if needed but i'll include anyways Pics: UV is on the harder side, definitely more plutonia than tnt for difficulty.
  7. @Cutman First map choice: plutonia map12 Second map choice: tnt map 13 Desired map slot: map 21 Already been delving back into iwads from the as we remembered series, should be fun to remix the map ideas
  8. @SharkyChip Playing through the WAD currently on HMP. Difficulty for HMP feels well balanced so no comments on difficulty setting. One general map note is that all the vine textures bleed through the ceilings and create a bit of a visual issue (such as linedefs 520 and 521). To remove bleeding midtextures, they need to be on a sector edge (so just connect the current lines and make separate sectors) and the sectors must have a height, texture, or brightness difference. Bit of an odd quirk but the most seamless solution is to make separate sectors for the vines, then make the sector brightness say 1 tic brighter or darker. Visually this lighting difference will be indistinguishable but it removes the mid-tex bleeding.
  9. Here's the link for Map19: Mini-del Decided to use only 2 doors as a pass through section. Hopefully this is fine but if not a 3rd door can easily be re-added. Also the end treasure in this segment is a blue armor but this can be swapped with a key later on if desired. also forgot to remove player start but may be useful for testing it alone.
  10. Played through map02, definitely a tougher map on UV, bit of a grinder given the space. -I ran out of ammo quickly going down the southern side of the map, very few resources to assist the player here. definitely some armor and extra health would be a good idea. mid/west proved better results but still lent to many deaths. Middle section got real crowded but managed to get through. I think overall could use some extra bullets and shells. possibly a cut down on an archvile or two or some of the smaller chaff enemies (demons ideally). Main reason bringing it up was i had to IDDQD out of the southern path from the start due to limited resources and options. May be bad run but i was consistently on the back foot in this map. -Linedef 5676, 5085 is misaligned -sector 436 has midtex bleeding into the floor, change lighting (1 brightness needed) to fix As for name and mus. Votes for music is 1.D_RUNNIN, D_COUNTD, D_BETWEE Name suggestion: Saltwash (kinda gives a bit of a rundown seaport vibe)
  11. Must have forgotten to upload the version with the 2nd trigger for sector 54, that or the WAD was compiled with an outdated version of the map, either way here's the latest link for E1M6. Not a big deal, but there is an EXIT sign in place, its on the ceiling in the middle of the sector (linedef995) so i can see how some may miss it. Lowering it would compromise the visuals in that area, but i found a spare linedef that I apropriated to add another sector to increase lighting. Hopefully is a bit clearer
  12. Texture set looks sharp, and been wanting to join MAYhem but had no experience or drive with ETERNITY last year. I'll take a slot when it comes up.
  13. @Scorpius I was looking through some of the maps in the latest compilation of the set for inspiration/possible missing themes for my map when i got around to playing your map for the first time (Castle Vendetta). Noticed a couple technical issued i'd mention but game-play wise the map had a good overall design and balance, not really any comments there. -Sector tag 23 is missing a proper sky transfer tag. -sky around the exit teleporter pillar is cutting off the pillar a lot, making it dissapear and several angles. kinda a tricky thing to handle with how doom draws skies. Not a huge issue but is noticeable. -Linedef 150 has some HOM effects going on, don;t see anything out of place so may just be a nodebuilder issue, moving a vertice on that line seemed to rectify the issue. -Linedef 534 (wall by the angled shadow effect) does not match the brightness of the angled shadow you made. This is some quirk with how doom handles lighting specifically on flat 90 degree lines where these lines are shaded brighter than lines at the same light level that are angled (because the shadow is made up of tiny triangular sectors not at right angles, they appear darker than the straight wall next to them). This can be fixed by moving one of the two vertices on that wall by 1 pix so that the line is at an angle. If needed i can link a screenshot to show the uneven lighting in-game.
  14. Here's V2 of Map17. -Implemented some difficulty tweaking around the laser platform and the final switch -reworked the southwest quadrant so monsters correctly spawn, adjusted monsters -Fixed soulsphere secret to be a secret, more accessible when found -added extra detailing in places.