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About JadingTsunami

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  1. JadingTsunami

    Technically impressive vanilla wads

    Feel free to DM me if you need help with it. EDIT: Note if you chose a very large animated GIF with lots of frames, you will need to wait a long time. It's possible it isn't hung but processing. You might try resizing your GIF or choosing a smaller one if that's the case.
  2. JadingTsunami

    Technically impressive vanilla wads

    Sure, that's how it's described; none of the impressive parts I mentioned require or depend on violating vanilla limits though. They're fully vanilla-compatible. I'm not even sure the WAD violates vanilla compatibility; it's sort of a blanket designation "just in case" any limits are exceeded. I took the OP's meaning to be looking for technically impressive WADs with concepts that can be used in a vanilla context, not necessarily only limiting the conversation to WADs that are absolutely verified to work with a strictly vanilla EXE. Maybe OP can clarify what is desired at some point.
  3. JadingTsunami

    Technically impressive vanilla wads

    Zeppelin Armada has NPCs with dialog, scripted/animated scenes, required and optional quests, and is complevel 2 vanilla/limit-removing. I found it to be a really impressive technical achievement within the vanilla constraints. I also believe the self-cycling/resetting switches are a new invention, which is kind of incredible in itself.
  4. Fun thread idea, I like it. >What sourceport do you use, do you play with any mods? prboomX, often with this script from plums which evens out difficulty of hard maps. This is if I get tired of timewarping back and forward (similar to dsda rewind) through difficult sections. >Settings that make you unusual? For revenant-heavy maps, I make the revenant fireballs shoot-downable (via DeHackEd) instead of doing the endless homing rocket dance (just don't have patience for it). >What difficulty do you usually go for? And how do you engage with a map? Always UV. First I just go after it. If I die I usually timewarp/rewind. If I get frustrated I add the health script above. If there's a billion revenants then I use a modified version as mentioned. >What kind of wads do you go for? Mostly straightforward "classic Doom gameplay" stuff, either cl9 or limit-removing; I don't typically play the ultra-monster-heavy things with flashy combat arenas. >What makes you play it the way you do. It's what I like. Maybe not a satisfying answer but I am not sure there's much else to say. :)
  5. I saw a request for a tool to diff the lumps inside two WADs, so I created this. I am posting it here in case others find it useful too. https://github.com/JadingTsunami/wadddiff Written in python. Requires omgifol. Usage: waddiff.py a.wad b.wad Prints the lumps that differ between the two WAD files. If nothing differs, nothing is printed. If using in a script context: Return code 0 means no differences found. Return code 1 means differences found. Example output: Warning: Lump counts differ between the WADs. Lump LINEDEFS within MAP12 differs between demo2.wad and demo.wad Lump SIDEDEFS within MAP12 differs between demo2.wad and demo.wad Lump VERTEXES within MAP12 differs between demo2.wad and demo.wad Lump SEGS within MAP12 differs between demo2.wad and demo.wad Lump SSECTORS within MAP12 differs between demo2.wad and demo.wad Lump NODES within MAP12 differs between demo2.wad and demo.wad Lump SECTORS within MAP12 differs between demo2.wad and demo.wad Lump REJECT within MAP12 differs between demo2.wad and demo.wad Lump BLOCKMAP within MAP12 differs between demo2.wad and demo.wad Lump TITLEPIC exists in demo2.wad but not in demo.wad Lump category 'data' does not exist in demo.wad but exists in demo2.wad
  6. JadingTsunami

    Reflections and Aspirations: MBF21 in 2024

    Hmm, is there any reason not to define a dummy map in that case (even just a square with text that says "this map is not valid for this set" or something)? Is it just convenience?
  7. JadingTsunami

    DBP66: Lunar Strain

    I'm really glad you enjoyed it! I also think everyone did great work for this set; I really enjoyed everyone's contributions. Thanks for playing!
  8. JadingTsunami

    DBP66: Lunar Strain

    Only as information, you should be able to type "idmypos" and get your coordinates. It's a cheat code going back all the way to the original Doom. Kind of a neat piece of history.
  9. JadingTsunami

    prboomX 2.7.0 (Nov 3, 2023)

    Is there any reason not to use this DeHackEd patch to achieve that effect (and others)? Note there is the option to auto-load a DeHackEd file if you want it to be available by default. This is in the setup options under "General" and "Files Preloaded at Game Startup".
  10. JadingTsunami

    Linedefs WITHIN a self-referencing sector?

    Generally speaking, that doesn't work very well. You will get bleedover unless you can tightly control your nodebuilder's output. It does depend on what you're trying to do in specific. If you just want some midtextures and you can put them outside the self-referencing sector, or create a set of self-referencing sectors instead of one contiguous one, those might be solutions.
  11. During the "prework" phase, a lot; palettes I thought would work just plain don't, textures that look good in the editor look awful in game, traps and setups are more annoying than I thought, etc. During the "grind" phase, probably around 20% gets cut due to refinements but I mostly have an idea of where I want things to go. In the "polishing" phase, very little gets cut, mainly because I do this as a hobby and I don't enjoy re-doing huge portions that are already serviceable.
  12. JadingTsunami

    Issue with UMAPINFO

    IWAD detection is not so much an exact science. In your case, most likely you have less than 31 maps. Therefore your IWAD is detected as "not Doom 2" and UMAPINFO will interpret that to mean ExMy format maps are expected. If you add, say, 32 maps (even "dummy" maps with no content), see if the error goes away. Note you need to supply actual maps, not just the UMAPINFO definitions.
  13. JadingTsunami

    Source Port of Choice

    Why is it "ruined"? Sorry if this is obvious; it didn't translate for me.
  14. JadingTsunami

    prboomX 2.7.0 (Nov 3, 2023)

    I received a request to merge in some changes to how the mouse movement works in this port. If anyone is interested or concerned, please try them out and see if you like this change or dislike it. Make sure to back up your config file first: these changes will overwrite how mouse sensitivity works (it will be much finer-grained). To get your old settings back, copy your old config file over. A test copy is attached for anyone interested in trying it out. vs_win32.zip
  15. JadingTsunami

    The COMPLVL Lump

    Not all ports support complevels, like Graf mentioned above. The proposal needs to address that.