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Michael Jensen

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About Michael Jensen

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  1. Michael Jensen

    Drake O’Brien Ovational Megawad

    I don't know about any other full maps. He did a couple of small special effect demonstration maps found here. After Doom, he seemed to be doing a lot of work including level design and textures on an awesome looking, unfinished and lost Quake II total conversion LUC (http://www.quake2.com/tntquake/, https://web.archive.org/web/20060921203906/http://www.gravitydesign.net/luc/)
  2. Michael Jensen

    Drake O’Brien Ovational Megawad

    I've been excited for this project ever since you mentioned it on Chat 'n' Frag, sign me up!
  3. Aside from 3 or 4 maps, Eternal Doom is both incredibly consistent and high quality in pretty much all aspects. Gorgeous maps that flow together really well for the most part, immersive atmosphere, excellent soundtrack, beautiful new textures. 10/10 even if it came out today.
  4. Michael Jensen

    Drake O'Brien passed away.

    My favourite mapper, the one who did most to reveal the true potential of mapping as an art form to me. His three maps will forever be wonderful, evocative journeys through a digital world and the greatest source of inspiration for me. I feel bad I still haven't finished my main project, but whenever it comes out, hopefully it'll carry the same spirit of adventure, exploration and sense of wonder as his maps. Rest in peace.
  5. Michael Jensen

    PyddTex! (PYDT Compilation and Restoration / Retrieval)

    Just noticed I forgot to post these, sorry. The missing shawn transitions and old versions of the GSTONEs. 129Vis.zip
  6. Just finished episode 5, this has been a really fun set of maps. My favourites were Life in the Fast Lane (18), Spiral (19), Prison Escape (23), Loops (27) and Fortress (28). The first two episodes are a bit rough but the maps get better and better with each episode, in pretty much all aspects. I enjoyed the focus on puzzles and gimmicks. The maps were very unique but it meshed well with more traditional doom gameplay stuff, at least in the later episodes. Only complaint I have, even with episode 5 is the scale of some of the maps. Aside from spending a lot of additional time just moving around, it can make progression seem more complicated than it is, especially in more open maps, remove challenge from figths and take away from the visuals a bit. One really minor nitpick I have, the maps use a lot of custom tetures which is neat, but not all of them mesh together very well, being in different styles, hand-drawn, photo sourced, etc. Looking forward to episode 6!
  7. Michael Jensen

    Memento Mori (updated version!)

    In recent years, general opinon of MM seemed to move towars negative, moreso than any other classic 90's megawad. It's nice to see it recieve some positive attention and even though I'm not exactly a reviewer, I figured I'd join in. Aside from couple rough maps, it remains a great experience today. Generally good and varied vanilla visuals with beautiful highlights like Maps 05, 13, 14 and 21, certainly helped by some great, really cool custom textures, which fit in with the classic ones incredibly well, much better than any other 90's custom stuff (aside from Eternal Doom, but that's a completely different aesthetic). The maps are quite varied without the whole thing becoming incosistent/all over the place and the variety really helps blaze through the whole thing. In comparison, while I prefer MM2 in terms of individual levels, it has a ton of long or similar maps back to back, which can get tiring and take much longer to geth through. Another aspect of MM I really like is some really, unique and fun design choices, or even whole map designs that you don't see much these days for some reason. The Innocent Crew's maps especially are very creative in fun and refreshing ways. Incredibly underrated mappers. Literally everyone knows this already, but Mark Klem's music is amazing.
  8. Michael Jensen

    PyddTex! (PYDT Compilation and Restoration / Retrieval)

    I saved quite a few textures from the thread, some of them while ago, so I'll look into what's missing and try to help out. Having an author index would massive help organization. Looking at the missing stuff spreadsheet, I have some of 129thVisplane's textures, in case they can't find them and a lot of Fuzzball's stuff as well. About Fuzzball's textures, I believe that these are number 18 in the spreadsheet these are number 48 and these are number 52. These are 129thVisplane's textures that I have, I think I saw a couple in the compilation. If some aren't found, I can post them. I'm pretty sure that textures by obake made for Verse Hopper (number 37 in the sheet) are all present in the wad itself as OBWAL__. The textfile states "Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse." but since they were posted in the thread, with permission to use, I asked @obake a while back, and they said it should be okay. These miiiiiight be number 43 but I'm not sure, I have them saved as fuzball edits by Jimmy (forum posts). Number 50 might be some of the WOODLMT_ textures in Jimmytex
  9. There's a lot to look forward to :) Cammy did outstanding job on the music and sprucing up the maps.
  10. Michael Jensen

    Mappers you wish to see make a comeback

    Sverre Kvernmo! He made absolutely amazing maps back in the 90's, and in 2013 he returned for a while with, once again, some of the best maps ever. Echelon is an absolutely incredible megawad and more people need to play it. He had a quite unique style, especially in his newer works. It'd be incredible if he made more. He made some Quake II maps, including a sequel(?) to Earth.wad. I couldn't find much else about him, although I didn't do a very thorough search.
  11. Michael Jensen

    The Dean of Doom series (companion thread)

    Comparing gameplay of classic wads against modern only makes sense when judging maps with similar style, goals and focus. Maps built primarily around combat are naturally going to be ahead of maps which favor atmoshpere, exploration, worldbuilding, puzzles, etc.. Majority of 90's wads had a different balance of these elements, often emphasising primarily worldbuilding and atmosphere, creating unique places to explore, and modern maps with similar focus aren't that much different in terms of gameplay. Sure, there are some improvents, but apart from couple of unpopular tropes (excess of which in 90's wads is often overexaggerated anyway), there isn't much to improve. Action in the classic wads is for the most part completely fine and when it isn't, it's easy to look past anyway, since it isn't the main focus. I don't mind if a map has a boring hallway fight, when I have an interesting places to explore. Combat is only one element of level design. People like the classics, not because their gameplay is a non-stop kinetic action extravaganza experience of pure distilled skill or whatever, but because there are other things to enjoy in Doom, and these wads do them well.
  12. Michael Jensen

    The Dean of Doom series (companion thread)

    I was thinking about what the fd meant and somehow never thought of that. However, according to the coverdisks contents file, the level was made after Plutonia was finished. The wads textfile says that it is a "taste of what Final Doom is all about", maybe that's why it's called that? There is a rejected Evilution submission on the coverdisk, nomercy.wad, a Map30 replacement.
  13. Michael Jensen

    The Dean of Doom series (companion thread)

    On the topic of filling Requiem with previously released maps, Map23: Hatred by Dario Casali appeared, among other Casali maps, on a coverdisc with the October 1996 issue of PC Review magazine as Vault_fd.wad, around 8 months before Requiem came out. The only differences are a unique sky, the SS sprites, which are modified to remove their face and hands, and sound replacements for the SS and opening doors, which use the IoS pain sound for whatever reason.
  14. Michael Jensen

    '95 Never Dies CP [Full!]

    New version that adresses most of the issues above, plus some other changes. (Don't read this if you haven't played the map yet) Deimos Command (E2M5) v2.zip
  15. Michael Jensen

    '95 Never Dies CP [Full!]

    First submission of E2M5 for testing. This is by no means the final version, but I'd like to hear from others how it plays so far. Multiplayer starts are implemented, difficulity settings are partially implented, since monster composition is most subject to change depending on feedback. Deimos Command (E2M5).zip