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About Roebloz

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  1. >What sourceport do you use, do you play with any mods? Zandronum as my main port, LZDoom if a mod requires it (No GZDoom, I refuse.) I sometimes use my own Chippy Doom if I play a vanilla WAD, though its just an edit of WinDoom, so not really a source port per se. >Settings that make you unusual? I play using WASD, and use , . as my strafing keys, and N and M as my fire keys. Keyboard only btw. >What difficulty do you usually go for? And how do you engage with a map? Hurt me Plenty unless its Nightmare November, (Then guess which difficulty I go for) and then I engage by running headfirst into it, never saving, and then complaining when I have to go back to the beginning. >What kind of wads do you go for? Any map WADs really, but preferrably easier ones. >What makes you play it the way you do. My brain.
  2. My man really went captain america with the shield lolmao
  3. I was just joking around. (Besides, I haven't made a SNES Doom, or Doom level in general in months, so you are free to take my crown... c:) Cacodemontube has been made aware. (We're both in a discord DM with Randy Linden himself, who also let us know about it)
  4. Randy's posted about it, good job! This is great news for SNES Doom modding (Though bad news for me, since now I'm gonna have competition!) https://x.com/RandalLinden/status/1799488800399253821 I can't wait to see what discoveries are made with the full code in hand.
  5. Oh, damn. I just learned about it from Randy's twitter himself, and I didn't see redruM69's post since he posted it in Doom General rather than here.
  6. A few years back, Doom SNES's source code was being released by the lead programmer, @RandalLinden, however not all of it was able to be released due to some legal issues with some of the assets, making the source code uncompilable. (At least without major efforts, I don't know if anyone did successfully) However, recently a complete backup archive of the source code (INCLUDING graphics data, level data, XBAND netcode and everything that Randy wasn't able to release himself) was tracked down by JJ Dasher, who obtained it from Jeff Hughes (who had kept it ever since working for Sculptured Software) and finally managed to dump it all and release it on archive.org. https://archive.org/details/jeffs-doom-snes-disk-images It seems a few days older than the stuff Randy released, so unfortunately there won't be the edited levels that had been rejected, but rejoice! DOOM SNES's source code is finally out of legal limbo! I can't wait to see what people do with it, and what discoveries are made in the code...(So, post them here)
  7. Roebloz

    Happy Pride Month from Cardboard Hissy!

    Excuse me what
  8. Won't really matter for me since my computer is hot garbage, so I won't be able to play it. I've yet to be able to play Doom Eternal, and the only time I played Doom 2016 it felt like I was moving through slime (It was both smooth and laggy, somehow) That being said, I am very curious to see what will happen. My predictions is that it will be a prequel going into the origins of the demons and Jekkad and how it turned into hell, and the twist will be that either you are playing as the Dark Lord, or that you are regular Doomguy post-Eternal and time has just looped once the universe ended, birthing anew. (Or hell, both at once; Doomguy is the only survivor once the universe collapses, and creates it anew, becoming Davoth himself)
  9. My old cardboard drawing of Hissy that's sitting on my desk wanted me to tell you that she wishes you all a Happy Pride Month! (Also, I'm curious: Is the original Hissy still in @Scuba Steve's possession? If so, I wonder who it will go to next...Maybe she could meet her cardboard self? Nah, who am I kidding, I'm not worthy. I am curious where she will travel to next though...)
  10. Looks pretty cool. I'll give it a shot.
  11. Zombieman, Shotgun Guy, Chaingunner.
  12. Roebloz

    Does anyone still use dosbox?

    If I want a vanilla experience, I just use my own Chippy Doom.
  13. Roebloz

    Anyone remember Minesweeper?

    I remember, but I've always been more of a 3D Space Pinball kinda guy. I did make Cacosweeper Doom though!
  14. I would love to play a Virtual Boy port of Doom, but it would probably require some extra processing power inside the cartridge itself. As for the easiest version to make it work on, theoretically speaking if we had the full source code of every single Doom console port then the easiest to port would be SNES given it is much simpler, however it would just be PC Doom since, well, if we're gonna be putting a RAM expansion inside the cartridge, we might as well go for it instead of trying to do another Jaguar Doom.