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About xX_Lol6_Xx

  • Rank
    Si vis pacem, para bellum

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  1. xX_Lol6_Xx

    Post your Desktop Background

    Don't exactly remember where I got this one, maybe also from /w/ or /wg/, but hey, it matches my window manager theme.
  2. xX_Lol6_Xx

    I become adult next year

    Don't worry brother, you'll be okay.
  3. xX_Lol6_Xx

    Terry gigawad concept

    Only seven posts? Off to a really rough start.
  4. Nowadays my port of choice is Nugget Doom, pretty much does everything I need and has cool features. As per mods, none outside widescreen assets and perkristian's hq sound pack with some sounds I added in for the bfg, the plasma gun and the teleporters (which are from Doom 3 btw). Let's see... I do have the viewbob configured to 50% and the weapon bob to 75% inside Nugget Doom, because otherwise I get really bad motion sickness with uncapped framerates. I guess that makes me unusual. Same for most other ports, if they even give the option to lower or turn off viewbobbing without making the weapon static. Hurt Me Plenty all the way, I usually take it slow on any given map and clear each area one by one unless I already know the route. Especially on big maps as I tend to get lost really easily, and that ensures I don't get bitten in the butt by a pinky while I try to dodge mancubus fireballs. Hmm... I guess I just go for standard wads, I don't usually play slaughter maps as I tend to get bored with long fights that never seem to end, with some exceptions. I do like sandboxy maps so long as progression is clear, and of course mapsets with killer soundtracks, even if I die a lot in them as they tend to be pretty challenging. To be honest I don't really know.
  5. xX_Lol6_Xx

    Defaulting to Ultra Violence is terrible, and here's why

    I'd say it boils down to four mayor reasons: Nearly all speedruns are done on UV. Mainstream doomtubers playing nothing but UV, and a certain someone portraying UV as 'The gentlemen's way to play Doom', . Doom and Doom 2 aren't that challenging on UV, so people ramp up the difficulty for extra stuff to kill. People seeking validation from random strangers on the internet for playing on the harder skill. I would normaly include general elitism, but at least on doomworld I hadn't really seen any, personally. Still, who cares if you play on anything outside UV, I myself only play on Hurt Me Plenty and so far I hadn't experienced any backlash for doing so.
  6. xX_Lol6_Xx


  7. xX_Lol6_Xx

    Share Power Metal songs

    Not exactly sure if they count as power metal, and if they do they're definitively from the genre's early days, but I might as well post 'em :)
  8. xX_Lol6_Xx

    What can you get banned for?

    Simple rule of thumb. Think twice before posting and if what you're gonna post could likely get you banned. If you think it will, don't post it.
  9. xX_Lol6_Xx

    Which wad was this slaughtermap in?

    Maybe it's a boom wad, if I rememeber correctly boom changed the invulnerability so it always protects you from everything, including telefrags.
  10. xX_Lol6_Xx

    IronEagle Competition 68: Cold Front

    Cat 1 on HMP, died on Map02 around 10:51. I really need to dust off those skills ;-) All info in the text file as usual. Zip: 1IE68_Lol6.zip
  11. xX_Lol6_Xx

    Games You Have The Most Hours In?

    After purchasing a better computer I finally able to catch up with my favorite game ever, Left 4 Dead 1, don't know why but I like it more than it's sequel ;).
  12. xX_Lol6_Xx

    How Did They Come To This?

    Damn, back in my day troll threads were far more elaborate.