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Dweller Dark

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About Dweller Dark

  • Rank
    Can Never Decide What To Play

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  1. Dweller Dark

    DOOM Retro v5.5 (updated July 26, 2024)

    I tried listening for scratching noises in the menus but I didn't hear anything close to it. Does the noise sound like clipping or something like that?
  2. Dweller Dark

    Games you almost quit (Because you hated it)

    Red Faction and SiN are probably the games I've hated most, since they were either jank or weirdly designed (Who's idea it was to add a bomb defusal objective ENTIRELY dependent on RNG in Red Faction?).
  3. Dweller Dark

    The Unity Port Thread - PS/Xbox/Switch/IOS/Android

    I checked earlier, it's in the idgames archive. Not sure how far back the original thread is on the forums, though. idgames archive link for Tetanus: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/s-u/ttns
  4. Dweller Dark

    The Unity Port Thread - PS/Xbox/Switch/IOS/Android

    Is the Tetanus wad from the official port compatible with sourceports?
  5. Dweller Dark

    International Doom 7.5 / Heretic 7.1 / Hexen 7.1 (updated June 29, 2024)

    Yesterday, Inter-Heretic and Inter-Hexen weren't recognizing the input from the buttons, but I tried again just now and it recognizes them as intended:
  6. Dweller Dark

    International Doom 7.5 / Heretic 7.1 / Hexen 7.1 (updated June 29, 2024)

    You're welcome! There is a slight thing that I forgot to mention, though, in that I use the thumb buttons on my mouse for running (like on a Logitech G502). If it isn't an issue, can support for those buttons be added to the x64 build as well?
  7. Dweller Dark

    International Doom 7.5 / Heretic 7.1 / Hexen 7.1 (updated June 29, 2024)

    I've recently started using Inter-Heretic and think it works pretty well, though I'd like to request that the mouse bindings menu include the "Speed On" bind. Mostly because I bind Run/Speed On to a mouse button in almost every port I use, if it supports it. But that's the only request I have, since Inter-Heretic is pretty good in every other respect.
  8. That's a thing I struggle with too, so I get it. And that's why FPS games, or otherwise simpler games, are the ones I end up playing more often than not. Unless it's Blood 2, your average FPS will have a sense of predictability and stability with it's mechanics that you can rely on. Valve is probably the best at telling you or showing you how they want you to do something, especially with Portal, slowly introducing how portals work and then giving you the portal gun you'll use for the rest of the game. 2000s era games seem to have very good tutorials in general, I think.
  9. I think it's mostly an issue with the mechanics being explained poorly or in a way a newcomer might not understand, but a lot of mechanics can exacerbate it. Personally, I have trouble with isometric RPGs and RPGs in general that have complex explanations of their required mechanics, so simpler breakdowns are easier for me to understand. If it's a game that has simple mechanics and simple explanations, I can do a lot better at it. But a game can have complex mechanics and complex breakdowns of how they work, and finding simplified explanations can be hard to do. There does seem to be a requirement in most isometric RPGs, though, of utilizing every mechanic the game has to get the most out of the experience. That can sometimes be an issue if there's many mechanics, like in BG3 or Underrail or possibly Fallout 1 & 2.
  10. Even though I haven't played most of them yet, the official addons for the Unity port would be a good start. Double Impact, SIGIL, and SIGIL II are the only ones I've played up to this point, but I've found them to be pretty decent. There's also stuff like REKKR (you can buy REKKR: Sunken Land on Steam if you want more of it). Although, some of the wads have been modified for the Unity port and might not run on sourceports properly (SIGIL II, for example), so you may need to use a different version from idgames archive or from whatever website it was released on. Or might need to change the file type for something like REKKR: Sunken Land to be compatible with non-GZDoom ports. Links: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Official_add-ons | https://store.steampowered.com/app/1715690/REKKR_Sunken_Land/
  11. Reading this part, it seems to me that I have a hard time viewing "understanding" as enjoyable, depending on the games themselves. When it comes to a game that has a lot of mechanics to actively engage with and remember (like Underrail), it starts to feel more like work when I just want to get into the game and have fun playing it. I tend to enjoy FPS games more for that reason, where you can get by with a pretty basic understanding of a few mechanics. But I can try to look at it from your perspective and figure out how I can make understanding a little more enjoyable. Watching others play a game before I do (or after) is usually helpful for me to improve at a game, particularly FPS games. I'm still kinda clumsy in any game, but I can manage to get through some using the knowledge of the people I've watched. Most of the FPS games I've beaten, I watched Civvie or someone else play beforehand. It can get a little tricky to do that with RPGs, though, as you may want to understand the game but not have the story spoiled in the process. Though I sometimes get the idea that a game is harder than it really would be, which I'm trying to recognize and unlearn. And I'm going to try to reconceptualize things where I can, like you suggested, so I can possibly enjoy games better and more often.
  12. Lately, since playing through Duke 3D, I've been considering whether I should play Unreal Gold or PowerSlave Exhumed. But that's led me to something I didn't really consider a few months ago, which may be that part of my issue with indecision comes from perceived difficulty of a game. Not how difficult the game is, but how I perceive it based on others' opinions. Duke 3D seemed daunting because I watched videos of people playing it on a higher difficulty, but it was never really too difficult in reality on the difficulty I chose (aside from performance issues). I basically picked the game via an RNG website, chose the difficulty I thought would suit me, and chose to keep playing until I completed it, and it worked. And I've noticed that kind of spontaneous behavior is how I manage to play and complete games these days, whether it was a whim or I saw someone else play it and felt invested/encouraged enough to try and kept going once I started to understand it. System Shock Enhanced Edition, KOTOR/KOTOR 2, and most of the Half-Life series were daunting games for a long time until I actually got into and understood them, for example. One of the hard parts about this, though, is not thinking about difficulty and being able to understand the mechanics of the game I want to get into. Isometric RPGs are one of the genres I struggle with the most, partially because of how I perceive the difficulty and not having an understanding of the mechanics of a particular game. Sometimes in addition to overwhelming amounts of things to keep track of, which I've found Fallout 1 and Underrail to have. I've never been able to really get through either one because I don't have a really good understanding of them and because they seem like difficult games. Even if I didn't think about difficulty, failing or having issues understanding the mechanics will usually stop any attempt to get through the game in question. I struggle with some immersive sims too for the same reasons. And sometimes if you know too much about a game, it can be less enjoyable, which makes it a balancing act sometimes. There's something to just playing a game that can get lost in the process of just trying to understand it, with all the information in reach. Though I'm not certain how I can learn to just dive into a game, I figure I might express my thoughts about it here in hopes of a solution/remedy and a discussion. Even though I still struggle with the same issues as I've stated before, I believe what I've realized will help me improve and might express what other people here may be experiencing.
  13. Dweller Dark

    Nugget Doom 3.1.0 (updated May 16th, '24)

    Thank you so much!
  14. Dweller Dark

    Nugget Doom 3.1.0 (updated May 16th, '24)

    When it comes to the resolution scaling, where on the scale would 400p and 800p be?
  15. Dweller Dark

    If Doom is a boomer shooter, what is Half-Life?

    "Half-Likes" work well enough for me, but I do think that the boomer shooter genre is a little too vague (like how immersive sims are). So I prefer "boomer shooter" as a blanket genre that contains Doom clones, Half-Likes, etc, as subgenres.