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About CodeImp

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  1. CodeImp

    Voxel Doom Releasing Today

    This is an amazing mod! Great work 👏 Can't wait for the Doom 2 edition!
  2. CodeImp

    These voxelized Doom sprites are incredible

    More of his recent work. This looks really nice. Best 3D-fication of the sprites I've seen so far.
  3. CodeImp

    These voxelized Doom sprites are incredible

    There is actually a drawback to using voxels as they require much more geometry to render than an optimized 3D mesh. This problem can be partly mitigated with the use of geometry shaders such that you only need 1 data point per voxel and the GPU will generate the cube meshes, but I'm not sure if that gets any close to the performance of 3D meshes.
  4. Doom Legacy. I played Doom in 1993 and for some years after that. After that I had more interest in Duke Nukem 3D, the Quake series, Half Life and Counter Strike. Until many years later, someone mentioned to me that Doom was still around and with added OpenGL and dynamic lighting: Doom Legacy. I checked it out and my love for this game was renewed. Now I prefer (G)ZDoom really. And I don't use magnification texture filtering, I like the old-school look.
  5. Amazing work gentlemen! This is a work of art. I'm enjoying every bit of it.
  6. CodeImp

    Pandemic: An Arcade-Style Shuffle Board

    In case anyone is interested, I have now uploaded a description of how the game was built and will soon upload source code as well. You can find it here: http://www.codeimp.com/?p=pandemic
  7. CodeImp

    New Editing Standards Resource Megathread

    Not that new (since 2008) but worth to include for reference: UDMF What Is It? UDMF is a map format which extends the features of mapping in various ways. The new features depend on sourceport implementation, but are all supported in a unified format, such that all editors can support the features without the need for yet another map format. UDMF consists of several lumps that make up the map data in similar fashion as the original, standard sequence of map lumps. Sourceports that implement UDMF at this time of writing: Eternity (G)ZDoom 3DGE Vavoom Skulltag Zandronum I'm probably missing some here, I haven't kept track very well. Some common new features that sourceports add through UDMF are: Floating-point precision of vertex coordinates. Flat (floor/ceiling) texture alignments. Flat and wall texture scrolling direction and speed. Individual brightness for ceiling, floor or sidedef parts (high/mid/low). Colored lighting for individual parts. Transparent rendering of textures. Sloped floors and ceilings. Knowledgebase DoomWiki UDMF Article UDMF 1.1 technical specifications ZDoom UDMF Article ZDoom UDMF implementation specifications Eternity UDMF implementation specifications Releases Using the Feature Verdant Citadel - Large stone fortress map by Exl. Paradise - 7 map episode by Tango. Hell-Forged - Reboot/sequel to Demon Eclipse's second episode by Amuscaria. Bastion of Chaos - An epic slaughter map by Bridgeburner. Ar Luminae - A large and vibrant Doom 2 map by Aurelius and Kaito. Faithless Trilogy - A Heretic/Hexen megawad by Jimmy. Probably a bazillion more, I haven't kept track. Tools All doom map editors that have recently been in active development support this, I think, but you know, I don't keep track that well. Please fill me in.
  8. CodeImp

    Your favorite "trend game"?

    CS-GO is my sort of all-time game that I keep playing. It is additive despite the massive cheating. PUBG never worked for me. I don't like the conflicting game mechanics (sneak-or-get-shot vs the shrinking blue circle). Have played pretty much all GTAs. Have been playing Satisfactory a lot for a while. Now playing Valheim a lot.
  9. While I have not been active in the Doom community for many years (still a Doom fan though and still play some maps) there are other things I have been doing... such as making this arcade-style shuffle board with music by @PRIMEVAL. Here is my story: More details on the construction, electronics, programming and potential improvements are here: http://www.codeimp.com/?p=pandemic
  10. CodeImp

    React to the Username above you

    Say this 10 times fast.
  11. CodeImp

    Bastion of Chaos - Low spec version is up!

    Slaughter isn't my thing but I just finished this map on easy mode and it was fun. I'd like to compliment you on this work of art. The map looks absolutely beautiful and the music is the cherry on top. I love the large contrast in difficulty settings which allows the map to be played by a broad audience. Amazing piece of work!
  12. You need your map to be in Hexen or UDMF format to use scripts. When you have converted your map (search the forums) you will get a SCRIPTS tab in the script editor in which you can edit the script that is compiled and included in your map.
  13. CodeImp

    What is the best idtech1 game?

    Looks like I'm the only one voting for Doom (1993) so I'll add some explaining to that. I think it is the best game because: It had the most impact on people and the gaming scene. Because it was new and (at that time) high-tech, but also because it immersive and a perfect balance between challenging, beautiful and scary. It had (at that time, at least for me) an original story, but allowed you to dive right in (no need to read/watch an intro). While the story was not detailed and not forced upon you, it was there just enough to get an idea of what is going on. It is complete. The story has a beginning (Knee-deep in the dead) with a great transition to the next episode (E1M8), a followup (Shores of Hell) and an ending (Inferno). It has enough content, the content matches the story (the environment styles and details) and a satisfactory ending (with a teaser to the next story, Doom 2). Ultimate Doom is good too, but to me is simply more of the same. Like WADs you can download. Nice for an additional bit of entertainment, but doesn't make the game itself better. Doom 2 is great, especially the new monsters are well done, but still Doom 1 had more impact to me.
  14. CodeImp

    SC-55 soundfont

    Unzip it to the "soundfonts" subdirectory of your GZDoom directory. Then start GZDoom, go to the Sound options, Advanced sound options, Midi player options, select the midi player you are using (likely FluidSynth) and then select soundfont (Select configuration). EDIT: Just noticed that the file inside that ZIP file you linked is not recognized by GZDoom. You may have to convert it or download it in a format that is supported by GZDoom.
  15. CodeImp

    Favourite map editor(s)?

    This was the first editor I used and used it for a long time. I got it on one of these shovelware CDs that I bought somewhere in the 1990s. Good times!