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About Maribo

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    Believes in Patterns

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  1. This topic has much more interesting framing to work around than the previous one! I'll answer purely from the slaughter perspective, to keep it (hopefully) within scope. Each of these games hinge around their own singular, unique quirk that forms the foundation for everything that is built on top of it. For Kaizo Mario, this is regrabs. For Doom, this is the (relatively) simple monster movement. For those who don't know: a regrab is when press the jump button, release it, and then press and hold the jump button again at any point after leaving the ground. What this does is halve your falling speed while the button is held. This may sound insignificant, but it gives you a tremendous amount of flexibility in how and when you interact with other objects. It is the most essential building block in Kaizo design and is what enables a lot setups to be possible, particularly anything that might require shorter vertical jump height while simultaneously requiring significant horizontal movement. On the Doom side: Monsters move towards you. They are not particularly smart. You, however, are significantly faster (and hopefully smarter) than the monsters. They will follow you, in a relatively straight line, to the end of the earth or face-first into the first solid wall that gets in their way. When you understand how the monsters are going to move, you can start intentionally moving in ways that are advantageous to you and would allow you to live much longer in a given space than would otherwise be possible. Horseshoe movement, anyone? It becomes a bit more muck-y and difficult to draw parallels from here, simply because there are a lot of differences in design possibilities between the two. 2D vs 3D spaces, and Doom (generally) being significantly more combat-based and generally not inclined towards platforming. Something they do have a parallel in, however, is the community surrounding them. In the decades after their initial release, their communities have taken the games apart and put them back together many times, often in a modified format or with extra toys introduced. They've also made the games prettier, or introduced their own textures and sprites, or made their own music. SMW has its patches for things like Celeste dashing, playable character Princess Peach, and com_poser music renditions. Slaughter mappers have their trusty Cybruisers, 32in24-15 resources, and modarchive music. I think that's pretty beautiful.
  2. I removed it at some point in the last few months because I've been thinking heavily about expanding it, but I haven't really had the time or motivation to do so. There's some stuff in it that I'm conflicted about and haven't decided if I want to rework how it's implemented (mainly the way I gutted standard teleporters), and other stuff that I'm no longer happy with (title/inter/bossback/help graphics). The WAD was a product of like... a few days' worth of work at the tail end of NaNoWADMo and while I don't regret jumping on the idea I had for participating, I do regret that I didn't hold this back and work on it for a bit longer. I've added the original version back to the OP for now, because I don't know when I'll be able to work on it like I want to. @Stever1009 You also asked me about this, sorry for ignoring you at the time.
  3. Thank you so much. Receiving not just one, but two extensive essays by completely different people is not something that I ever expected to happen when I was making it. I love when I get a chance to read interpretations of the WAD's narrative. Every map has meaning to me behind them, but that's for me know the exact details of and for the player to merely speculate, or not, it doesn't really matter. -- I have (intentionally) given conflicting answers to people who continually ask me about the narrative, but this post is the most concrete and sincere statement that I've made (or will make) regarding it. I think it is clear that there is some form of narrative, but whether it is a literal or abstract one (or even both?) is something that varies wildly in perception. I think that it is much more interesting, and fun, that I get to see what other people see in it without providing a novel's worth of personal context. That post also has some notes in it regarding aesthetic and combat design philosophy, for anyone who might have missed it. This might be the highest praise I've ever received in regards to a creative work, and I hope it's not conceited to say that I would feel beyond flattered if it came true. I would love to see a thousand different people's expressions of whatever term this is. I would also like to point towards Dum-Dum Thoughts, which was made by someone who was heavily involved in ICGYA's development and even has a map directly inspired by the first map in ICGYA, despite the fact that Dum-Dum Thoughts was publicly released first. They are kind of like sister WADs in some aspects, and were in development at the same time. The WAD itself would not exist if I didn't know a lot of people who were willing to help me with various difficulties and/or generously provide asset work. I made sure that I listed every single one of them in that mile long credits section. Thanks again. Your write-ups here are always a pleasure to read and it was like being given an off-season birthday gift to receive one for a work of my own.
  4. Maribo

    Abstract, Artistic and Expressive Wads

    An unorganized and incomplete collection of things, in which you will find no shortage of passion: Dum-Dum Thoughts 1 Bad Wad Candlemass Clouded Eyes A Lost World Uroboros The Settlements I Can't Sleep 0x0 DEFY THE OMPHALOS Down The Drain Saturnine Chapel Firebloo Girls YOUDOVOODOO Cognitive Dissonance Mork, Murder, Art Northern Powerhouse Ashen Garden
  5. They were recorded with the -dsdademo parameter, which records the demo in a separate, experimental format that allows for saving, loading, and cheats (if necessary). I often use it for recording casual playthroughs since it's less of a time & energy commitment than recording, potentially re-encoding, and uploading an independent video. The demo format isn't finalized and as a consequence, might not properly play back in previous or future versions of the port, so it's polite to mention which version it was recorded in.
  6. pt_demo1_maribo.zip - Some casual playthroughs from last week. DSDA-Doom v0.27.5 required, WAD version included for future playback. Nice little coffee break WAD (for now). Definitely would not mind getting a megawad worth of relatively short and punchy Plutonia-inspired maps. I'll be back for the rest.
  7. Maribo

    [MBF21] You Only Get One Shot

    Out of all the existing BFG two-shot tutorial/practice maps, this one is probably the best one for coming to an understanding on how to position yourself so that you're actually landing a majority of your tracers on the cyber. Simple feedback: big knockback -> your tracers hit -> kill // no knockback or minimal knockback -> you missed a lot of tracers -> no kill. I would suggest making the play area a bit smaller, if you do any changes. Despite its current size, if a cyber teleports in and decides to fire immediately or near-immediately, a perfect shot on the cyber doesn't guarantee that it will make it into the kill area, most likely due to the variance in tracer damage or minor blockmap interference. It's likely impossible to eliminate this variance mattering without changing the setup to something else more restrictive, like a monster-blocked hallway. Good map anyway. Have a 1:40 max from a few evenings ago - yogosm140.zip
  8. Happy belated birthday, you did a very good job of applying the 10x10 Map01 aesthetic to a series of "wake things up and see what happens + hope you like turret viles" setups. Would consider adding or double-checking that monster block lines are applied to all of the turret monsters' sectors, unless you don't mind if they can be knocked off, because the size of their platforms make it very easy to nudge them off and turn them into extra roaming monsters. bw-maribo.zip - DSDA-Doom v0.27.5, UV.
  9. Maribo

    Puzzles and Pieces - 8 Tiny Puzzles for Vanilla

    Lovely, soul-healing, comfy Doom. Great for making tea and playing through on a lazy Sunday. papi-maribo.zip - v0.27.5 playthrough of every map in one go. Obviously lacks the vocal commentary of a video playthrough, but perhaps the minor confusion and flailing is entertaining enough on its own. :)
  10. Turns out bro was waffling about hitscanners, plasma-based combat, reality Tyson, and tribute micro-maps. Cute and silly Doom made for cute and silly people. wafflehouse-maribo.zip - v0.27.5 UV playthroughs, idgames version.
  11. Maribo

    Obscure Games That Deserve More Attention?

    Nice list, I see a few things in here that I've been meaning to get to, or things I've dabbled with and haven't managed to find the motivation to sit down and play through. Lost in Vivo, and Paratopic are firmly in "I will probably love this if I can ever get around to them" territory. Some stuff: 2:22 AM - Hazy dreams, long forgotten memories, and old VHS tapes. Intercontinental - Death imminent. I Was a Teenage Exocolonist - It only feels appropriate to put this here at the start of pride month. Hope springs eternal. Demonizer - Shmup for demon girl fans. A Year of Springs - Compilation three cute VNs. Smile for Me - Talk to people. Make them feel just a little better. Heaven Will Be Mine - Loves lies crushing. Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor - What a horrible life to have a curse.
  12. Masterful, labyrinthine construction of spaces between, spaces that once were but are no longer, and spaces that could never be. The clock is ticking. ldoom2-maribo.zip - v0.27.5, RCs required for playback included.
  13. Maribo

    Obscure Games That Deserve More Attention?

    Some minor corrections here: The spawns (as in, what enemies spawn and when, visible here) for the game are 100% deterministic, but their locations are "randomized" to a degree. They follow a rough pattern of alternating what "side" of the arena they spawn on, with some amount of offset. This is most noticeable in later loop waves, because Thorns pop up in a distinct Y pattern (unless they have a wonky extreme offset). World record is just shy of 21 minutes, visible here. And the spiritual successor by the same team is HYPER DEMON, which is an inversion of Devil Daggers' "survive as long as possible" goal: "kill everything as quickly as possible". Wonderful games by a wonderful team.
  14. Maribo

    The state of Doom on Linux

    Slade can also be compiled from source or installed from the DRD Team repo on Debian-based systems, described here. The flatpak is affected by the TEXTUREx bug described here and can result in the TEXTUREx window appearing blank, or crashing the program. I have encountered a separate bug in DRD/source-compiled versions where palette tweaking can causes crashes, but I've never been able to reproduce exactly what causes it to happen, nor am I sure if it's a bug within SLADE or a dependency. UDB used via Mono has always worked fine for my Ubuntu and Pop!_OS systems, with the caveat that there is a 100% reproducible crash that I have to work around (right clicking while holding left click at the same time). Running the Windows binary releases through Wine has always been untenable to me, due to the fact that editing tag numbers via inputting with the keyboard will immediately crash, and clicking the arrows to iterate by +1 and -1 is far too tedious.
  15. There are quite a few people on this website who see a thread they deem as trash, pointless, useless, whatever, and their instant reaction to this low quality thread is to post in said thread about how bad it is, or they drop a one-liner joke, or they say "mods will close this soon". These people also don't bother to report the thread themselves, and their post actually pushes the thread towards more eyes since more posts in a shorter time frame means it will show up on the Popular Now sidebar (this thread is at the top, right now!). I would really keep this in mind next time you see a low effort or shitpost-tier thread, because engaging with it to point out to its OP that it is a shit thread (beyond reasonable circumstances) or piling onto it with others just pushes the thread into even more people's view, for a longer period of time.