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About dashiefrickintyan

  • Rank
    got hearts in her eyes

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  1. dashiefrickintyan

    dashiefrickindraws and wants to share it

    - 09/07/24 - a lovey face for a lovey wad p.s phoenyx was here :3
  2. dashiefrickintyan

    dashiefrickindraws and wants to share it

    - 16-17/06/24 - im old hehe
  3. thank you so much for this!!!!! amazing smol set <3
  4. dashiefrickintyan

    dashiefrickindraws and wants to share it

    woah no way its been 3 months since i posted something. but i promise im working on something>:) - 26/05/24 - my part for an epic art trade with @stephyesterday
  5. dashiefrickintyan

    How would you describe your mapping philosophy?

  6. dashiefrickintyan

    Junkfood 3 [MBF21, Slaughter] (idgames)

    i love strawberry liquid
  7. dashiefrickintyan

    dashiefrickindraws and wants to share it

    - 08/03/24 - got hearts in her eyes
  8. dashiefrickintyan

    I Can't Sleep [On /Idgames! - MBF21 - DSDA-Only]

    this was such a nice and comfy experience, i really enjoyed it! platforming was a bit too challenging for me at some points, but i blame it on my sleepiness, hehe thanks for making this, and i hope you're feeling well<3 here's the vod of me playing it, if you wanna see the skill issue in action:p -
  9. dashiefrickintyan

    dashiefrickindraws and wants to share it

    hehe, two of my wads already have ponies:p but i'll post that smol map in a bigger wad (i hope)
  10. dashiefrickintyan

    dashiefrickindraws and wants to share it

    - 09/02/24 - ....will you?
  11. dashiefrickintyan

    dashiefrickindraws and wants to share it

    - 23/01/24 - no way a furry - idk/01-02/24 - some random paper sketches hehe - 01/02/24 - a smol dashie scketch - 09/02/24 - a 4h hud face pog!!!! - 05/02/24 - some graphics for a speedmap (yes just one small speedmap lmao) that i won't post yet hehehe. probably i won't use those graphics too but we'll see welp that's a bunch of stuff lol. i hope i'll do something for valentine's day soon too <3
  12. dashiefrickintyan

    dashiefrickindraws and wants to share it

    - 16-18/01/23 - HAPPI BIRTHDAY MEOWGI- ahem. some stuff i made for his b-day wad, hehe can't say that i'm really happy with the amount of graphics i made, but my excuse is I'M FOOKIN DED
  13. dashiefrickintyan

    MeWo - Happy Birthday Meowgi! (Now on idgames!)

    happi birthday meowman <3
  14. dashiefrickintyan

    dashiefrickindraws and wants to share it

    - sometime during december of 2023 - meow. didn't post in a while:p some art i made for Give Me All Your Love hehe. i really like how sketchy they are cus to me it makes them more emotional and an interpic i made for Secret Santa event :) <3