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About TheEvilGrin

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    Thermodynamic Member

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  1. There are 2 functions (at least in UDB) that could be useful to you to my knowledge : - you can add the same height everywhere with ++x, for example ++48 raises it by 48 mp; - you can add height incrementally with +++, for example with 3 sectors and +++8, the first will be raised by 8, the second by 16 and the third by 24 (the order taken into account is the selection order displayed in the main window) you can do the same thing to lower it by replacing + by -, and also use ** and // to multiply and divide the value :D
  2. TheEvilGrin

    Story based City WAD questions.

    For the credit question : usually, when someone publishes a (non-commercial of course) mod or wad here, they allow for its resources to be re-used. BUT : - It's seen as polite and strongly recommended to ask for permission from the author, unless the resources are from a resource pack specifically; - Not all wads allow it. to know that, check the end of the text file that comes with the wad download on /idgames For the rest, I'm no resource management expert. But performance won't be an issue before inspiration is : it's very easy to either lose momentum, or your original vision and get buried into too many resources that make your project either unmanagable or too unfocused .... but people have made great wads, and with a bit of dedication and energy, so can you ! Happy modding :D
  3. You need to declare your variables outside of a script, just in your SCRIPTS file and before the scripts that use them.
  4. TheEvilGrin

    RAVEN MIDI Pack II - Breathing Life Into "Deathkings"

    Still in ! I made this midi when I was 15 tho so it may need quite a bit of rework and I'm not able to do that right now, but that's in my plans
  5. TheEvilGrin

    2024 - Doom New Year’s resolutions

    - Release [REDACTED] - Do more speedmapping - Learn how to do polyobjects (this one is from 2021 originally heh)
  6. TheEvilGrin

    Post your Heretic/Hexen textures and decorations!

    omg that is a gold mine ! i was precisely looking for that kind of stuff ! thanks a ton !
  7. TheEvilGrin

    Make Your Own Doom Cheat Code

    IDK : used when pointing at a switch, prints a message with what it does and marks where it does it on the automap IDENTIFY : gives you the decorate/zscript class name of the thing you are pointing at. also works with texture/flat names (jokes aside that would be great to have) IDIOM : adds "as the French say" to every hud message until the end of the level
  8. TheEvilGrin

    What Chocolate is Best Chocolate?

    Wait, some people actually like white chocolate ? huh The real best chocolate is dark chocolate around 65% with hazelnut in it
  9. Feel free to write a counter-article explaining why it's the worst Doom map then :-P
  10. Yay ! Glad to have been part of this one ! 3 Years of writing and 1 year of design work now ... this one is laaaaaarge, please enjoy everyone :D Also remind me to keep archives of my files :)
  11. TheEvilGrin

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    I made a blue map so now I have to make a green map
  12. TheEvilGrin

    Post your Heretic/Hexen textures and decorations!

    Blue Recolours of light sources I made for Blue Straggler