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About Rifleman

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    Ethereal Crusader

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  1. Rifleman

    character class coding?

    You can try this ZScript guide to begin with. It's pretty comprehensive and also describes the prerequisites. https://github.com/jekyllgrim/ZScript_Basics/blob/master/README.md
  2. Rifleman

    Making Forcefields in GZDoom (Doom 2 UDMF)

    Not sure how it's done through line actions, but you could set the line to run a script like this: script "ForceFieldDown" (void) { Line_SetBlocking(line_tag, 0 , 6); //removes player and monster block SetLineTexture(line_tag, LINE_FRONT, TEXTURE_MIDDLE, "-"); //removes the middle textures SetLineTexture(line_tag, LINE_BACK, TEXTURE_MIDDLE, "-"); }
  3. Rifleman

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    Unfortunately not :/
  4. Hi guys, I need some advice. Tried to search, tried using AI, but no dice. I'm sure some genius here will know right away...:) First, I see code like this a lot, where a random number is generated using the name of the class and I don't get how it works, what numbers are 'being used' to pick. A piece of Heresiarch's code as an example: void A_StopBalls() { int chance = random[Heresiarch](); args[3] = SORC_STOPPING; // stopping mode args[1] = 0; // Reset rotation counter if ((args[0] <= 0) && (chance < 200)) { StopBall = "SorcBall2"; // Blue } else if((health < (SpawnHealth() >> 1)) && (chance < 200)) { StopBall = "SorcBall3"; // Green } else { StopBall = "SorcBall1"; // Yellow } } And second, again using Heresiarch's code - is there a way to use this function, but set the z offset to spawn the projectile higher? mo = parent.SpawnMissileAngle(cls, ang1, 4.); I know there is SpawnMissileAngleZ function, but there is no description on the wiki and I am not sure it's supposed to do what I think. No matter what I set the first argument of it to, I see no projectiles in game. Thanks in advance for any help!
  5. Rifleman

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    Found this interesting skybox and just had to use it somewhere :) EDIT: here you go - credits to Mr.Who at gamebanana.com skybox.zip
  6. In addition to what kalensar posted, you can also add Weapon.SlotNumber x property to the gun.
  7. Rifleman

    Share Your Sprites!

    Magical Ettin Phantom. Lower half is made of particles, so I had to make a gif to show it moving - there is none of the 'shimmer' in game. Static sprite for comparison (made with editor - there are no lower half sprites after all). Gave it +FLOAT and Lost Soul attack - looks cool when charging, leaving a trail and changing particle colour to red :)
  8. Rifleman

    Portals (UDMF) use-cases?

    Besides floors above other floors, I use it for actual portals and non-Euclidian spaces. Like entering a small box that is massive inside. Made a short portal video a few years back when I was first trying this out. In one map I also used it for a small mirror maze, combining it with mirrored walls. EDIT: found a video of the maze from when I worked on it. The map itself is part of this WAD, MAP32 I think.
  9. Rifleman

    Ceiling actor not rising with ceiling...

    MOVEWITHSECTOR flag should do just what you're asking for, if I'm not mistaken.
  10. Rifleman

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    A respite from all the action - solve the puzzle in 3 minutes or melt. :)
  11. Check the trigger of the script, you may have it calling the wrong script name.
  12. Rifleman

    Seamless skyboxes without multiple parts?

    As long as you have the pictures, it's as simple as this: https://zdoom.org/wiki/GLDEFS#Skybox_definitions. Getting those is another thing. Some you can find on the web though.
  13. Rifleman

    Music fade out in one specific area

    In the editor under Things/Sector actions you can find Actor enters/leaves sector. Put them in a sector and make them run a script. Or use linedefs to do the same. I used a script like this: int musicVolume = 1.0; Script "Music03" (void) { while(musicVolume > 0) { musicVolume -= 0.025; SetMusicVolume(musicVolume); Delay(1); } SetMusic("D_MAP03"); while(musicVolume < 1.0) { musicVolume += 0.025; SetMusicVolume(musicVolume); Delay(1); } }
  14. Well, I dunno how to do it with events, so I would be grateful for pointers/guide/WAD to learn from. I tried playing around with ZScript Status bar but can't crack it. In the meantime, I managed to partially resolve it by having the LineTrace HitActor call the script and then I use GetActorClass().