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PUSS XVII: Pandemonium Speed Weeks - Claims Closed Folks!

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This is a neat challenge! I like it and eventually make a map for it, but don't trust me completely.

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I tried speedmapping before, but often fail to meet my expected deadline! Nice to have something with more room, I'm starting today.

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Map Name: Theta Station
Author: Heich/Dynamite Kaitorn
Music: Labrat [Jazz Jackrabbit 2]
Sky: A long space sky from some spybox compilation I downloaded... forgot who made it :S
Format: GZDooM: DooM 2 (In Hexen Format)
Difficulty Settings: Yes - Lower difficulties have a few less enemies and a few extra goodies to help them out.
Build start and finish time and dates:
Started 15th May 2022 (Roughly 10:15pm)
Finished 20th May 2022 (Roughly 12:55pm)
List of Attempted Mapping Achievements:



1 - 9k Linedefs
2 - 128 Secrets
3 - Factory assault
4 - Death from all directions*
5 - Space is the place
6 - Code master
7 - Water world
8 - 3 Key monte
9 - BFG acquired
10 - It's dynamic
11 - Pinky puncher
12 - The floor hurts
13 - Thwomp me baby
14 - Barrel me over
15 - I sawed the demons

* Since the flavour text simply says "use of 3D floors, slopes and arches" my map has them but height based battles isn't used much.


Good luck surviving and grabbing all 128 secrets. :)




Spawn room



Just outside



Lava! D:








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Just played the map on ITYTD. The plasma fight had me cackling for a good few minutes :D Awesome idea! The map is quite fun. The outer path is a bit... grey, but that's only a minor thing.

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Map Name: All Roads Lead To Rhomb
Author: Quux
Music: Lee Jackson - Urban Jungle
Sky: SKY2 from CC4
Format: UDMF
Difficulty Settings: Yes (ITYTD=HNTR, HMP, UV)
Build start and finish time and dates: 15th May 2022 Night - 21th May 2022 Night
List of Attempted Mapping Achievements:


  • Boss Battle Builder
  • 3 key Monte
  • BFG Acquired
  • Its Dynamic
  • The floor Hurts



Intended difficulty is UV, but only play that if you're into slaughter and all that stuff












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Map Name: Simple As Simplicity
Author: StorkGreen
Music: Ellis by Toshiharu Yamanishi (Thunder Force III)
Format: Doom: Doom 2
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Build start and finish time and dates: 1 day (3 hours), 05/20/22
List of Attempted Mapping Achievements:


-The floor Hurts
-The minimizer
-Build map within vanilla limits
-Space is the Place
-22 Sectors for 2022
-Pinky Puncher
-3 key Monte
-I Sawed The Demons
-BFG Acquired

Co-op: player starts




-Sadly, was unable to finish first map i started, so i quickly went to easy and fast one



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Map Name: Ruins of Bitrate
Author: Me
Music: Long Night - Stewboy
Sky: Roughly
Format: UDMF
Difficulty Settings: ITYTD is, by default, easier?
Build start and finish time and dates: Sunday, 15th of May, 2pm - Saturday, 21st of May, 8:30am
List of Attempted Mapping Achievements: 


Pinky Puncher
It's Dynamic
Fireblu and You

Comments: This place has all the reading of ancient ruins, but it seems the fabric which holds this part of the universe together is...well...




Ruins of BitrateV1.zip

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23 hours ago, Engired said:

I'm restarting my time and making a new map if that's okay.

Completely fine! Don't sweat it!

Maps are looking great everyone! :)

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Map Name: Pussvana
Author: Muumi
Music: Constant Source of Running Water 1 - Dam Breaks by Muddy
Sky: cloudy sky from mek box of skies and SKY4 from ultimate Doom edited to loop vertically by Muumi
Format: MBF21 
Difficulty Settings: Only UV and HMP
Build start and finish time and dates: 21th May 2022 - 25th May 2022 
List of Attempted Mapping Achievements:
* 9k linedefs
* Another goddamned ID level remake
* 3 key Monte
* The floor Hurts
This is what I think nirvana would have looked if Sandy had spent couple more hours for it.







Edited by muumi

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Map Name: Elusive Treasures
Author: myolden
Music: Descent of Madness by Tristan Clark
Sky: Default CC4 Act 2 Sky (will replace this in a later version I think)
Format: Boom
Difficulty Settings: Not Yet
Build start and finish time and dates: Started Sunday 5/22 at 1:30 PM, Finished Saturday 5/28 at 9:00 PM
List of Attempted Mapping Achievements:
9k Linedefs
128 Secrets
All the Keys
The Floor Hurts
I Sawed The Demons

Comments: While this map is completable without finding any secrets, I don't think I'd recommend it. Total playtime will vary greatly depending on how many secrets you do find, as there is a lot of optional content within them. Secrets inside of secrets inside of secrets.

Elusive Treasures.wad.zip




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@Steve88 Yeah, sadly, on vanilla ports sky is not working cuz of rsky1 from texture pack. Without cc4-tex it works trough

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10 days left (counting today) for submissions! Why not get started today!

Edited by Steve88

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