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About DynamiteKaitorn

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  1. Map Slot : 32 Map Name : Flipside Author(s): Heich/DynamiteKaitorn Ports tested: WooF! Midi: Ultimate Battle! - Plants VS Zombies Screenshots: Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/wgenx4qm2yzxqt8/Flipside.zip/file
  2. DynamiteKaitorn

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    So I looked at a post someone made about "can you add/make custom levels for DooM SNES?" Answer? Absolutely! And honestly once you're set up it's actually fairly easy! Just keep in mind you can't recreate any Sunder or Sunlust map since, ya know, SNES be limited yo. Here's a small compilation of a DooM project I released back in 2018 but I converted E1M1 and E1M2 into SNES versions! :D
  3. DynamiteKaitorn

    Games you almost quit (Because you hated it)

    Can I put Half Life (plus both expansions), HL2 (plus both episodes) as well as Quake and it's 2 expansion packs? :3
  4. Just noticed one rule is making sure we have deathmatch. Do we HAVE to implement it into our maps or can we make a separate DM map (whether original or a fancy-copy of the main map)?
  5. No one's stolen MAP32? I have one potential idea that could work.
  6. DynamiteKaitorn

    Archipelago Community Project proposal thread

    Maybe shrink it down from "2048x2048" or have the player only access islands via teleporters?
  7. DynamiteKaitorn

    [MBF21] PUSS XXXV: Summer Showdown - a Ray Mohawk 2 Adventure!

    Map Name: The library sitting on that distant shore Author: Heich/DynamiteKaitorn Music: Dragon Roost Island - TLOZ: Wind Waker Sky: I just used that one blue sky with the glistening sun. :l Format: MBF21 Difficulty Settings: Yes - some items are added on lower difficulties and some enemies are added for higher ones Extra co-op stuff: Not a huge amount but there's a few extra goodies for Co-Op play. Also: the map has a teleporter to help Co-Op players not end up with a softlock. Comments: Maybe I find myself reading on that distant shore... Maybe I'm not... aaaloooone... Screenshots: Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/v0hp0wz6e7628ju/The_Library_sitting_on_that_distant_shore_v1.zip/file
  8. DynamiteKaitorn

    I become adult next year

    Welcome to Adulthood! Buy some booze (IF you're legally allowed) and enjoy it! Cause it's all downhill from here! :D
  9. DynamiteKaitorn

    If Doom is a boomer shooter, what is Half-Life?

    A nerdy boomer-shooter since you're a scientist?
  10. DynamiteKaitorn

    What makes 0/10 game? Examples?

    A full-on 0/10 for me is game that is SO buggy that even opening it is a complete nightmare. Even if I could play, if it fails massively in difficulty, music, sounds, graphics, controls and is a glitch-fest of a disaster then I refuse to go higher than a 0. Also any games that can flat out harm the user's computer since it comes with either a MASSIVE exploit (like Arbitrary Code Execution for example) or it's bundled with malicious code I can't rank it at all above 0.
  11. DynamiteKaitorn

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    The DooM mapping equivalent to "*Internally screaming*"
  12. The OwO Anomaly Version 2: - Overhauled the final room so it feels a bit more like E2M1 with a bit of the Oman's bloodfalls - Edited the gunner room near the end of the map so there's now the green marble brick texture as well as a new side area with E2M1's tunnel of pickups - Added in a few extra health items (map felt pretty harsh difficulty-wise so I toned it down) - Both of the Archvile trap closets contain ammo now - Moved a stalagmite since it was getting in the way for the blue key fight Oh and yes, you CAN leave the starting room via the window. I DID design it that way if you wanted an extra way out of spawn for a laugh. :3 https://www.mediafire.com/file/36o0xpirt2pfzki/The_OwO_Anomaly_ver_2.zip/file
  13. DynamiteKaitorn

    What are you doing for 4th of july?

    Absolutely naff all since I'm British.
  14. MAP NAME: The OwO Anomaly MAPS MIXED: DooM 1 E2M1 - Deimos Anomaly and Plutonia MAP 16: The Omen SKY USED: I just used "SKY3" since it was red. I was hoping to go for whatever sky The Omen used since that map is the majority of the mix. MUSIC: Untitled - DooM 1 SCREENSHOTS! :D https://www.mediafire.com/file/dehq3mw5yhawj9d/The_OwO_Anomaly_ver_1.zip/file