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Precipitous Extirpation [Doom2, limit removing]

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here is my fda and uvmax using cl2 on prboom plus and iddt code for secrets 

tbh its a very majestic and eye catchy layout the yellow key area with caco fight and beautiful sky was memorable for me...neat tidy texture usage... 

progression is rather basic and unimaginative and fighting was weakest part of map imo, tons of ammo and health with actually very little challenging monsters only first area is bit challenging and cacos were okay but there can be two times more monsters on map of this size especially sniper type positions....

it seems some real pro make a map and some inexperienced one place some monster in it....

but as i said it was a pleasure to play a map with such an exquisite layout and visuals....


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FDA on Crispy Doom, along with a few more tries. Honestly, the more challenging movement can make all the difference sometimes. You honestly did a decent job keeping the threat level up.



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Had a blast playing this I had good focus tonight and enjoyed discovering all those cool secrets, I think I'm on to you lol - fun times - that caco cloud got concerning  - archviles archviles and more archviles - really liked opening fight too - interesting scenario - and the castle aesthetics were super pleasing


going to bed now here is advanced screening, still processing



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Really cool map! Love the look of the vertical brown brick structures over the sea of blood. I agree that the combat seemed the most tense around the beginning when the manc and arch-viles teleport in, and then remained relatively soft the rest of the way through. I didn't mind, though -- still a fun, chill romp with a lot of beautiful scenery to admire. Especially liked the texturing and brick detailing throughout. Here's an FDA on Crispy Doom with 3/4 secrets found. 

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@Zahid Your observation is right. I spend much more DooM time building, not so much playing. And it shows sometimes. Yet, putting more monsters in there would end up pretty grindy, since I limited the weaponry on purpose. Maybe another wave. I see your point. Thanks for calling me a real pro mapper though! :-D


@LadyMistDragon Awesome demo! Good to hear that the "threat level" was right for you. I especially try to up the movement challenges with these castle maps...


@Clippy I loved watching you sinking in while everyone else was going on about other stuff. You totally excelled: UV max blind! Thanks for the video! ;-)


@Fiendish Thanks for the FDA and the kind words! I will watch it soon as I can...


Thank you all for playing!

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Nice work, Sect. I swear your stuff's been getting more and more aggressive over time, but certainly not unbearable or unnecessarily sadistic. You claimed more than your fair share of Bio pelts for this one hehe.



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@Biodegradable Now, that was a nice action-packed play-through! A couple of people mentioned that the map was very chill and easy. Can you imagine? Pleasure to see you play one of my maps again. 👍


@Clippy I think I’m going to make a video about that bridge thing. It nearly broke SLADE… 😏



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Re easy : maybe secrets make a difference (and still wasn't easy I was on edge the whole time). I know that's only reason I survived lol. No secrets def big gamechanger --


Ppl who said too easy try no secrets 


will totally watch bridge video stoked


@Wilster_Wonkels look bridge

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6 minutes ago, hatehatehatehate said:

I played and replayed Plague Tower Siege a ton. This feels like an extension on that. Bigger, taller and harder. 9/10 experience.

Thanks a lot! It’s in the same set. If I make 6 maps of this kind I will compile them. 

If you like this one don’t miss out on playing Iniquitous Fortification! 

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Interesting little level.  My favorite fights were the very first one, and the smaller one where the pain elemental teleports behind you with a manucubus in front, I think there were spectors and imps too.  


But too add on what others say it was pretty easy and the fights as a whole have a different vibe than the aesthetic itself. I only found 2 secrets, the backpack and a mega sphere.  I didnt need the mega as my health was topped off, and I still had most of the mega armor left, which I thought would be a secret when I grabbed it.  I thought it would be harder from the screens lol.  

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3 hours ago, Treehouseminis said:

But too add on what others say it was pretty easy and the fights as a whole have a different vibe than the aesthetic itself.

Hey, thanks for playing and commenting! Glad you liked it! That’s an interesting point. Can you elaborate?


The first room is the strongest, I’m not surprised. I’m so tempted right now to publish an “ultra” version to give all you pro-players a more challenging experience. But maybe I keep it for the next map. 😏

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7 hours ago, Sectorslayer said:

Hey, thanks for playing and commenting! Glad you liked it! That’s an interesting point. Can you elaborate?


The first room is the strongest, I’m not surprised. I’m so tempted right now to publish an “ultra” version to give all you pro-players a more challenging experience. But maybe I keep it for the next map. 😏

I just meant that the design of the areas gives me a slaughter type vibe, but the combat didnt live up to my weird expectations.  It's a very nice built map.  

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I think I understand what people mean, usually in maps the environment is part of what's fighting against you. Some slaughter tries to erase that component and focus much more on crowd control so they give you all the space you need. This map is incredibly soft in lay-out, you'll never bump into anything, you always have a way out and even the pits won't hurt you (the main blood one is even super advantageous). That's why even with a chunky body-count the harshness isn't felt. It's definitely something that starts rearing its head once you get to a certain level of perfectly clean in level design, you lose the edge of pain and (possibly unintentional) malice in favor of communication and smooth flow. And flow smooth it does, I bumbled around a fair bit, dropping to 20% health at several points but having faith the map will let me get away with all of it and it does.

Anyway the lay-out is obviously super clean, nice and dense. When I moved up to the balcony near the red key door right after hitting the switch which has a perfect view of the red key being lowered I laughed. Everything just clicks like that. Candle hints, torch markers, highlighted items in sight from most parts of any given room. All the fundies. Have you done any non-linear maps? Applying your skill to something more open would be magical to witness.

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2 hours ago, Dopaminecloud said:




I think I understand what people mean, usually in maps the environment is part of what's fighting against you. Some slaughter tries to erase that component and focus much more on crowd control so they give you all the space you need. This map is incredibly soft in lay-out, you'll never bump into anything, you always have a way out and even the pits won't hurt you (the main blood one is even super advantageous). That's why even with a chunky body-count the harshness isn't felt. It's definitely something that starts rearing its head once you get to a certain level of perfectly clean in level design, you lose the edge of pain and (possibly unintentional) malice in favor of communication and smooth flow. And flow smooth it does, I bumbled around a fair bit, dropping to 20% health at several points but having faith the map will let me get away with all of it and it does.

Anyway the lay-out is obviously super clean, nice and dense. When I moved up to the balcony near the red key door right after hitting the switch which has a perfect view of the red key being lowered I laughed. Everything just clicks like that. Candle hints, torch markers, highlighted items in sight from most parts of any given room. All the fundies. Have you done any non-linear maps? Applying your skill to something more open would be magical to witness.

Oh, thank you very much for the kind words! I do aim for relativ linearity and maximum readability. Non-linear maps are a different beast and casual action-focused players seem to get confused with them. If everything happens somewhere else you might quickly find yourself in a switch/door/key hunt, wondering what to do next. I like to make the maps look non-linear but be straight forward and readable. 

By the way, whats up with all the Cacos in the screenshot? They should block each other at the teleport exit. At least thats what the do on complevel 2. 😏

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17 minutes ago, Sectorslayer said:

By the way, whats up with all the Cacos in the screenshot? They should block each other at the teleport exit. At least thats what the do on complevel 2. 😏

That's me winning big at caco pachinko.

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