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Which map has the most linedefs and sectors?

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I know there are maps like Jade Earth, Deus Vult and Deus Vult 2 that have boasted to have massive maps with tons of linedefs and sectors but those are 10+ years old now. Surely there are plenty of maps out there that have surpassed the number of linedefs and sectors by now. Are there any modern examples of maps that have clearly surpassed the number of linedefs and sectors in a map? I'm betting many late stage maps in Eviternity and Eviternity 2 and Episode 1 of Elementalism have done just that.

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The Doom/Boom binary map format has a hard cap on the number of linedefs possible, and several maps have reached or approached it. Comatose is at exactly the limit, with 65535 lines, and Poogers MAP29 is tied with it. Poogers MAP35 has 64487 lines. Twogers MAP36 has 65485 lines. Every Sunder map from MAP15 onwards has at least 62000 lines, except MAP31 (and most of those are above 65000 lines). I remember Insane_Gazebo saying he had to cut detail from MAP17's outdoor area to make it fit within the linedef limit.


With UDMF you can go above that limit. The highest I've seen is Ar Luminae, with 143840 linedefs.

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MyHouse.pk3 has 164,452 linedefs, with 298,798 sidedefs. It's no wonder why it takes so long to load that cute little simple house.

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Worth noting that the answer to this question gets kinda muddled for some modern GZDoom maps, since a more and more common practice is to convert entire chunks of non-playable areas into 3D models. I've had to do this to prevent large maps from falling apart at the seams, which just ends up leaving giant chunks of empty space in the editor.

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Biggest maps I've ever played personally was MAP05: The 32-nd Dimension (32 Inch Nails) and MAP32: Anagnorisis (Eviternity), the latter sits at a whoppin' 60375 linedefs and 7207 sectors while the former is a less impressive 18006 linedefs and only 1813 sectors. Both still took me thirty minutes shy of 3 hours to clear, making them the longest maps for me.

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By no means a definitive answer (myhouse is missing for example), but some top 10 counts from the /idgames archive:










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10 hours ago, antares031 said:

MyHouse.pk3 has 164,452 linedefs, with 298,798 sidedefs.

I checked the maps covered on the wiki, and this one leads the ranks there too in those two stats, but its 35,566 sectors are second to the 35,747 sectors in MAP08: Runaway Terminate of Insanity Edged.

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Not released so it doesn't really count, left in limbo because of the strain it took on my rig (to the point of being too laggy to work with, with 1fps ingame). Current stats are for Part 1 and 2 of the same UDMF map, it got too laggy so I had to split it up for future work.



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On 5/25/2024 at 12:18 AM, dasho said:


Goddamn! How do you even navigate through that? This looks like a block of instant ramen noodles.

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Just now, Lizardcommando said:

Goddamn! How do you even navigate through that? This looks like a block of instant ramen noodles.


I don't, this was testing the level size override and would probably be zero fun whatsoever

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