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Doom Streams

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12 hours ago, NinjaLiquidator said:

Mapping - this day it will be hardcore. I am best mapper ever and this is the reason why :P



The stream has ended now. It had 12 hours 40 minutes. I have made a high quality challenge slaughter map. I have to do just secrets, monster and item placement and teleports, and testing. Next stream will be tomorrow, and during it the map will be finished and uploaded right here. Good night ;)

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I've been thinking about having my wife play the first episode of Ultimate Doom and recording her commentary. She's not a gamer by any stretch, but I've seen her play Sims and Fable and enjoyed watching the weird crap she did.

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10 minutes ago, wheresthebeef said:

I've been thinking about having my wife play the first episode of Ultimate Doom and recording her commentary. She's not a gamer by any stretch, but I've seen her play Sims and Fable and enjoyed watching the weird crap she did.

I'd watch this.  Always nice to see new players learn the game and see how they feel about it.

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come watch me, a newcomer, make doom maps to prepare to rebuild the doom community from the ashes while also obsessing over my dead cat https://www.twitch.tv/bonnie____


for reference, here's a picture of my cat, seconds before his death (we were having a duel)




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Testing a really awful map and then probably a wad or something: 



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