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Blasphemer discussion

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Cacowad recently messaged me with a good idea. A sort of mini release just to get things going. Now, I haven't had much time to have a cheeky peak at the saucy new material floating about this thread (especially the new maps) but something tells me it's getting near the time to release something. Also, is that player sprite still being worked on? I would like to have that done and dusted by the next release the WIP looked pretty good so far.

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Well, judging from the progress shown here seems that it is going pretty well.
Also i think could be good if in the first post were collected the varius submissions, so anyone searching some old ones would not be fated to roam into an endless series of posts, pretty much like a "standard" community project :)

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Does anyone know if Git Hub's free account would be able to withstand the size of this once it is completed? I only just remembered about Google code supposedly closing down.

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If we suppose the final product to be around 30MB, it will for sure. Anyway, these two pages seems to be pretty clear in this regard, since we don't care for the project to be hidden we can have the free account; also until a single file does not exceed 50MB we are golden (and i don't think we'll reach 1GB of repository anyway).

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A new release would be a good idea.

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Cacowad said:

@Angry Saint: On the other hand i should be able to do an update to my map in a short time... out of curiosity did you tried it out? you can find it near the end of page 2 of this thread.

I did.

It is a good map with nice atmosphere. The only strange thing is that you have a secret area with the crossbow, and a bigger area attached to it (the bottom left of the map), which also has a different style than the remaining of the map. I think secret areas are supposed to remain limited in some way.

It would be a good map E1M2 in my opinion.

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Hehe, i have the (bad?) habit to put at least one big secret area in pretty much every map i do, is sort of a signature of mine.

Anyway, to show i still have something in the closet, here's some screenies:

More to come.

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Progress on the player is going smoothly, almost finished with the walking animation(2 rotations left). And i'm also doing this as a replacement for the chicken morph:

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Is just normal, we are few and packet with other things to do (like i'm drowning in 2 sp maps and like 6 unfinished DM maps, without counting studying and such), and in summer everybody goes on vacation (or pc melts... either way)... Soon (tm) i should be able to post an update on my maps for Blasphemer (yes, maps).

EDIT: now google code is officially dead, so some work should be done on the github version... i would love to help in some way, but i could do more harm than good with my lack of experience.

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Mostly life getting in the way and other projects. This is far from dead, believe you and me. I still have some of my DM maps to polish off. Also once a player sprite is fully added and an episode of DM maps, too, then we can see about another release. I do still need to move the gear to GIT, though. Also, just so people are aware, we do have an IRC channel. I will be making more effort to join, again. Easier communication platform.

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Springy: there are several weapons that Eriance made and has given permission to Blasphemer and FreeDoom to use. I have posted them below. Given that the most urgent priorities for Blasphemer are HUD weapon sprites and player sprites, I think these would be a very good addition to the project, quickly covering many of the missing graphics required to create a functional multiplayer game. My fervent suggestion, as someone who has contributed a lot to Blasphemer and would like to see it flourish, is that you add these graphics to the game and make a new release. Things here are stagnant and some new, high-quality sprites might inspire more contributions.

This would be a great Necrocannon.
This could be a Phoenix Rod replacement, or used as a melee replacement for the gauntlets.

(minus the doomguy hand at the bottom, obviously)

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Blimey, I haven't seen those sprites in a few years. Also thanks for taking the time to ask permission to use them. These will definitely come in handy. I also managed to snag a wand sprite from Bloax which I am considering using instead as I feel that the current wand is far too similar to the original. I'll see if I can cut the sheet excess off and add them at some point.


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The third set is a basically a reskinned hellstaff, i don't think we can use that. On the other hand the others are marvelous, especially the first two seems really fitting the current missing slots (firemace and phoenix road).

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The first one is definitely a great firemace. I'm tempted to suggest using the second one (the bony one with the green glow) as some sort of melee claw/staff thing to replace the gauntlets, which also have a green glow and sort of "grab" the enemies like a claw weapon would (and like Doom's chainsaw does). I think the phoenix rod could be replaced with the second-to-last weapon (the dark gray skull staff) and the phoenix rod projectiles could be replaced with the white skull projectiles on the third-to-last sprite sheet.

If these sprites are used for the firemace, gauntlets, and phoenix rod, the only weapon left to replace will be the staff.

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I hadn't seen that! I'm going to link the images here to make things easier to discuss and add to the project.


So if the claws replace the staff and the Eriance sprites replace the other weapons, Blasphemer has a full set of weapons. And there is also a complete monster sprite set! What enemy would this fit best?:

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I'd say the weredragon or the skeleton knight (since we have 2 sets of projectiles). I don't think it would be a good golem replacement, just because it seems a little too big for it... BUT, we could use the two more different versions of it as a temporary replacement for two different monsters...

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I think replacing both the weredragon and the skeleton knight with different color variations, at least temporarily, is a good idea.

EDIT: I looked at HYMN, a Heretic community episode that allows for modification and reuse. Most of the maps have new textures that would need to be stripped out before they could be added to Blasphemer, but E1M5 uses only vanilla textures and could be added without changes. Cacowad, do you have a version of your E1M9 from this set without the added textures?

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I think that bony/insect staff thingy would be a perfect replacement for the necromancer gauntlets, mainly because of the gauntlet's ability to leech off the life of enemies when powered up. Maybe we could use Alone's claws for the melee weapon, since there's no sprite for that yet.

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Jute: yes i have (http://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/69433-heretic-domus-revisited/), i just have to iron out a couple of quirks that EffinghamHuffnagel pointed out at the time that i could not fix (mosters getting stuck on stairs... now i know what i have to do to fix it), and it is ready to be converted into Blasphemer textures. I should be able to do those changes in a couple of days.

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Cacowad: great!

HorrorMovieGuy said:

I think that bony/insect staff thingy would be a perfect replacement for the necromancer gauntlets, mainly because of the gauntlet's ability to leech off the life of enemies when powered up. Maybe we could use Alone's claws for the melee weapon, since there's no sprite for that yet.

I agree on both counts. Have you made any more progress on your player sprite, by the way?

So here is a list of resources that could be added to Blasphemer:


Phoenix Rod:
Phoenix Rod projectiles:
Undead Warrior (Perhaps use the small-antlered version on the far left):
Weredragon (Perhaps use the brighter, large-antlered version second from the right):

A map ready to use: E1M5 of HYMN

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Yup, still working on that player. Walking frames are all completed'ish(just need to add the back of the scarf/cape thing and a weapon, but I'll leave that for last). Right now I'm working on the attack and pain frames

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I hastily put this wad together to see how the weapons would look, and they're all amazing. Although the Phoenix Rod needs some slight tweaks, like
-Change the firing frame so the "glow" covers only the orb thingy at the top, because the powered firing animation looks weird;
-More sprites for the Phoenix Rod's projectile. There's not enough frames for the impact animation


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HorrorMovieGuy said:

I hastily put this wad together to see how the weapons would look, and they're all amazing. Although the Phoenix Rod needs some slight tweaks, like
-Change the firing frame so the "glow" covers only the orb thingy at the top, because the powered firing animation looks weird;
-More sprites for the Phoenix Rod's projectile. There's not enough frames for the impact animation


Looks good. Perhaps lower the gauntlets, pheonix rod, and firemace since they very nearly reach the center of the screen.

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