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About Eradrop

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    Junior Member

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  1. Eradrop

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Avactor: Rise of the Pharaoh - WIP
  2. I just finished Avactor and it was brilliant! Your sprite work is amazing, especially the sun-god archviles.


    I didn't want to necro the thread, so I'm saying it here. :)

    1. Eradrop


      I'm glad to hear, will be more than happy if you share a short feedback so I can add to the patch I'm working on along with Avactor 2.

  3. Eradrop

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Avactor 2 - WIP
  4. Eradrop

    Avactor last update is out

    You can find all the fight style you know, from slaughery to exploring Just give it a shot :)
  5. Eradrop

    Avactor last update is out

    Hey all, sorry for being away, I'm waiting with uploading the wad to idgames till Avactor 2 will come out. Avactor 2 will be released with extra map for Avactor 1 which this map is connecting between the two wads. Thank you for your patience !
  6. Eradrop

    Avactor last update is out

    You can export the Midi files using Slade3 and just convert it to mp3 online for free. I assume it will change the quality of the soundtrack so you can also use FL-STUDIO like I'm using to keep the original quality and still turn it to a mp3 file. If you dont have FL-STUDIO You can find the demo version on their site for free, you can't save projects but exporting Midi files you can freely. As long as credits will be given you can use the soundtrack for everything you want. If you have troubles converting the midis contact me on private and I'll help you with that.
  7. Eradrop

    Avactor last update is out

    All the ambushes working you just didnt pick the "blue armor" secret after pressing the switch where the revenant was hiding :)
  8. Eradrop

    Share Your Sprites!

    New monster for Avactor 2 Riding D'Sparil with chaingun ? mmmmm :)
  9. Think I'll join too, sign me in ! :)
  10. Hey, man! Glad to have you back here!

  11. Eradrop

    Avactor last update is out

    I was thinking that the player takes the boat and Avactor's adventure will be continue to the next chapter, sorry that im really busy in my personal life so the "avactor 2" project will be released in very long time from now