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About Firedust

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  1. Firedust


    Hi! It appears I'm stuck in map 13. Pls help. I got the red key and can't get out of this area. The smaller square shows the doorway that has closed and there doesn't seem to be a switch to open it. https://prnt.sc/gHYx3DRoLBCb Is this a softlock or am I missing something? Playing on UV, GZDoom 4.12.2.
  2. Maybe my memory is acting up, but I swear there was a similar project to this one a few years back.
  3. asking myolden for even more projects is one of the most unhinged things I've read here on dw recently
  4. Completed in a single sitting. Doom the way Sandy Would Have Done! An awesome throwback to the good ol' days. The mapset kicks into gear round map 6 and gets better and better with every subsequent level. I am not particularly well versed into what makes Sandy levels, well, Sandy levels, yet I definitely got the uncanny feeling that some of these levels could've easily replaced the originals. Btw was Map 26 sort of inspired by Serious Sam: The First Encounter? It's not even the Egyptian theme - the start of the first level in that game features a secret, for which you need to actually go backwards and that'll spawn biomechs - just like in map 26 but arachnotrons instead! And there's also a room with pillars and a pool. Thank you for making this, I had an absolute blast with it!
  5. Getting goosebumps just from looking at the screenshots. I'll be better off playing this when the sun is out...
  6. Syringe and Arrival I found boring. Props to placing Rekkr that high, it's amazing! And Plutonia is my favourite iwad as well. I religiously replay it every year, alongside the sequel. Hopefully, we'll get the third installment next year!
  7. You're really revamping this thing huh The end is not nigh, it seems
  8. Firedust

    Legacy of Rust - MBF21 vs ID24

    I love the intermission map feature. Hopefully, we will see more of that in new projects someday.
  9. Firedust

    Hydroshock [/idgames]

    Is this a Convilution outtake?
  10. Holy shit, how did I miss this Loads of cool features in the project listed in the OP
  11. Looking forward to you uploading your standalone maps to idgames soon! Will get around to playing them when you do :)
  12. Firedust

    DBP67: Marble Hill

    These episodes are getting chonky. And I still haven't caught up yet...
  13. I can't remember which map had them, but PRCP 2 crocodiles were adorbs.
  14. Does this have a lot of 20 damaging floors ahaha