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About RichardDS90

  • Rank
    3D Floor Abuser

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  1. RichardDS90

    Obscure Games That Deserve More Attention?

    Outside of places like Newgrounds and Kongregate, personally, I really wish the Epic Battle Fantasy games got hell of a lot more love, it's one of those series that's got so much passion put into it. It's basically the Earthbound of Final Fantasy, and it's a damn good parody at that. And the soundtrack is absolutely terrific. Even the spin off games aren't slouches either.
  2. RichardDS90

    How would you describe your mapping philosophy?

    If I'm remaking a map or architecture I've made, I do it from scratch using the original as a reference and improving it as I go along.
  3. RichardDS90

    Did anyone ever actually use these strange joysticks?

    To be fair, I can see exactly what he means, it's the same deal for me except in Descent's case, it needs to be a pretty advanced flight stick. But it's a blast once set up right.
  4. RichardDS90

    Potential Community Chest 2 Remix.

    Personally, I'm avoiding the traditional secret into a secret on this occasion as I kinda want to do something fairly different, Idée Fixe is definitely going in the regular rotation, no questions about it, maybe at where Mucus Flow was and have it lead there instead. As for MAP15, have it in the same slot, but have it go straight to Sodding Death as it feels quite a unique map in my opinion. It's a good way to make use of the UMAPINFO as well. You got any other general ideas for this edition of CC2? I might message some of them if possible, I do recall @Dr. Zin wanted to improve the submissions in CC2 and 3. I know Erik Alm is going to be pretty much hard to get hold of. The maps are largely staying the same, just mostly being some polish here and there and of course, responding to general feedback that is suited.
  5. RichardDS90

    Potential Community Chest 2 Remix.

    There will be a couple of new textures but only if I feel it will look better, such as a lavafall texture in MAP28 and a recoloured floor texture for MAP07 to give a little more distinction in one room, otherwise the texturing is staying faithful. Bugs will also be fixed so MAP20's infamous secret will now lose it's infamy. Generally I've gone by opinions via the DWmegawad Club and Dean of Doom. So far I've swapped 5 and 10 around and even toned 5 down and even got rid of that asshole cybie. Even made the final part getting to the exit a bit easier. With the power of UMAPINFO, I could break the secret map in a secret map trend. And the one map to become a secret map...Mucus Flow! It more than qualifies for the secret slot and it will be optional for those who don't want the challenge. Of course not intended to replace the original, just an arranged version.
  6. Hiya, looking to do something of a remix version for CC2, I have recently spoken to Cadman in regards to this and while he is okay with it given credit is given, which is a no-brainer, I was suggested to see if anyone that worked on CC1 and CC2 are okay with me doing something like this. So basically it's not intended to replace CC2, something more of a remix that does change level order, replaces stock tracks with suitable ones, and gets rid of some of the weaker maps (sorry Gene, though MAP12 and 25 are staying for sure) and replace them with the stronger maps from CC1 so it still has a similar feel, I may be giving some maps additional polish, and if anyone is okay with this version of CC2, and wants to touch up the maps themselves, then feel free to do so. I basically have made a lot of it already, but for myself but after hearing from Cadman and giving his input, I thought it'd be best to see if anyone in the forum is cool with it. So this is basically more to hear anyone that worked on CC1 and 2 to give their input to this.
  7. Ohhhh nice to see you again. Looking forward to seeing what you make! :D PS, check your inbox on here. :)
  8. RichardDS90

    WADs that use tracker music?

    Zen Dynamics is a great example. And Xaser made some absolute solid choices, to the point it's one of my top Doom mod soundtracks. MAP00 even has the same music throughout but uses different sequences in parts.
  9. RichardDS90

    The Dean of Doom series (companion thread)

    I'm willing to bet it's Eviternity II if it isn't Eternal Doom.
  10. RichardDS90

    Any italian Doomers here?

    I know Batandy is Italian, he's known for the Golden Souls series which I strongly recommend.
  11. RichardDS90

    UAC Bioweapon Facility

    The new version has a very very strange bug, for some reason, no kills, secrets and items are counted, they all come up as 0/0.
  12. Wasn't Matthias trying to organise parts at some point? Either way, what's the crack with MAP07 and MAP27? No word of a lie, they feel far too low effort and Community Trunk deserves better for sure.
  13. RichardDS90

    Scythe Reforged - Teaser [MAP20]

    After being on something of a Scythe-fest lately, I thought I'd give this a whirl. Feels VERY faithful to MAP20 while having it's own identity. I look forward to seeing the next demo and the full megawad. And like with the tradition I have when playing the first Scythe, here's hoping it will really make a Subway taste even nicer. :P Either way, keep it up!
  14. RichardDS90

    Cacowards 2024 Mentionation Thread

    Seconding Altitude Adjustment. Feels quite unique and fun. Not to mention some serious attention to detail.
  15. RichardDS90

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    Anyone able to identify this WAD?