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About Billa

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  1. Billa

    [boom] pwk

    i had fun even if it's simplistic, there isn't rlly any reason for this to be 10 maps instead of 1 lol, i can't tell the difference between 1 and the next - shame your script didn't survive
  2. Map 23 UV-Max 6:41 drn23m64109.zip https://youtu.be/kX9zecv0LwI
  3. Billa

    Sunder demos [-complevel 9]

    Map 03 Stroller 0:56 su03str5603.zip https://youtu.be/MpOCuHAbS9A
  4. Thissuxx Map 14 UV-Fast 11.60 ts14f1160.zip https://youtu.be/00YMt-ShZcY team Bitch will prevail
  5. Billa

    Sunder demos [-complevel 9]

    Map 03 NoMo 0:27 su03o2797.zip https://youtu.be/cLXrIYxzqIc Map 03 Pacifist 0:29 su03p2929.zip https://youtu.be/La-qHtDY1RM
  6. Billa

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    @Gez I will explain my lunatic Illuminati conspiracy theories for you. The Doom community has been chugging along for 30 years mostly on its own, as you said. Thousands of people have put their blood sweat and tears into making source ports decked out with all these features and making endless wads/mods/maps out of sheer love for the game. Now suddenly Bethesda, the bigdick gaming corporation that "owns" Doom, releases its own port that includes most of these shiny features, plus an unmoderated wad download section that (whether through thoughtless ignorance or outright malice) is being filled to the brim with every "notable" wad out there. There are even promises to be more intimately associated with the community going forward. How does this look to an outsider? Bethesda has finally crushed the anarchy of online sharing and settled things once and for all with the official way to play Doom 2 and all its community works. So why should anyone use custom ports now? They didn't even have to go completely outside the community, because there's always useful idiots and sellouts who want to turn their hobby into an income and are willing to do anything for a penny, and gamers who are transfixed by bright colours and flashing lights will go out of their way to defend it on the internet as long as they get more Content. If anything, all the measures people are suggesting to "fix" things, i.e. more community involvement, adhoc self-moderation of the uploads (mappers clamouring to upload their "official" versions like pigeons fighting over breadcrumbs), and more programmers/mappers being paid for their work, are only giving Bethesda more legitimacy and sinking us further into the quicksand. It's a worrying development and I have no faith in any of you to nip it in the bud. I won't elaborate further because Helm has already articulated my fears more eloquently than I ever could, and if you don't listen to him, you'd never listen to me.
  7. Billa

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    Love waking up to 3 more pages of petty bickering about he said this, she said that, he can't say that can he?? Another long long post that people will endlessly pick on one sentence from because the author got a little bit frustrated, leaving the left to rot in the dust as if it was never said at all. Every day this thread gets longer and the argument spirals more into metaphysics and venting personal disagreements and attempting to measure tone from text, and pivots away from the massive looming shadow of Bethesda hovering over us and sticking its blood-stained fingers into our community. I do believe that the vast majority of people here have already accepted in their minds that Bethesda has the right to arbitrarily & unilaterally impose their will over the community and the game, even if it's "minor" and "not stepping on anyone's toes for now", who are we to talk back to the guys who bought the Intellectual Property Rights? Surely they spent so much on it, they must have the best intentions, they only want to give us more Content!! You've already surrendered, you might as well shut down the idgames archive and Doomworld forums right now. This is Bethesda's game now (sorry, id Software's game, because they puppet around the 30-year-old desiccated corpse of a company to feign legitimacy) and nearly everyone here is staunchly arguing from that perspective, no matter how much they try to make it look otherwise.
  8. Billa

    DSDA Issues / Reports

    If you play back the demo with the -analysis parameter it will create a file in the DSDA directory named analysis.txt. The 6th line in this file will say "stroller 1" if it's stroller, "stroller 0" if it isn't.
  9. Billa

    Revolution! demos [-complevel 2]

    Map 14 NM-Speed 0:08 tv14n826.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gU3OwpAr-ds
  10. Billa

    10 Line Genocide demos [-complevel 9]

    E5M1 UV-Speed 6.66 10lne501-666.zip https://youtu.be/82L7ez9WSQk
  11. Billa

    B-Sides (MBF21)

    Had a go through this a year or two after initially playtesting. Quite different to your newer maps, had a lot of fun, highly recommend. I was especially fond of map 08, quite a surreal experience trying to get that secret.
  12. Billa

    Junkfood 3 demos [-complevel 21]

    Map 69 Pacifist 0:02 jf369p297.zip https://youtu.be/d7gYE75ZKG4
  13. Billa

    Junkfood 3 demos [-complevel 21]

    Map 01 Tyson 0:59 jf301t5954.zip https://youtu.be/8ttEPl9jCfQ
  14. Billa

    Junkfood 3 demos [-complevel 21]

    Map 01 Stroller 0:13 jf301str1326.zip https://youtu.be/gPsI-8hudRQ
  15. Billa

    Junkfood 3 demos [-complevel 21]

    Map 16 UV-Max 0:33 jf316m3363.zip https://youtu.be/di51GmoOTZM Map 20 UV-Max 2:51 jf320m25157.zip https://youtu.be/4sd3gL6jb08 Map 43 UV-Max 3:04 jf343m30451.zip https://youtu.be/WRoeG90LOYg