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File Reviews posted by SleepyVelvet

  1. Bifrost


    Cute map.  A testament to the power of curve-tool abuse (in a good way).  Great opening shot where you walk forward and reveal the panorama of the whole map in a pretty way.

    In one way, it's a just a topologically simple, semi-symmetric hub-map that branches into 6 "combat puzzle" set-pieces;  But when such a "simple" framework like this is executed on well, it serves as a strong backbone for beauty.  Woven into, around, and throughout this structure is a striking visual motif: frosty white brickworks surrounded by white void, with bright rainbow ribbonry shining through and connecting it all together.  Implemented in each corner is its own distinct sub-element: some sort of the said modest "frosty white brickwork" that teleports you to a set-piece fight in the white void; all of which abiding well to the overarching, cohesive framework the designer set out to fit everything into.

    It's not galaxy-shattering, but an excellent single map with it's own identity and is worth checking out.  Give it your 10-15 minutes.

    Also PS: there's a free megasphere in the center you can grab anytime... don't brute-force your last fight with 1% hp like I did.

  2. Black Room


    3.5 / 5


    genre: modern, tight setpiece fights strung together; mostly linear except a choice between two starter fights at the beginning.


    visuals: iirc. mostly doom 2 textures, with a few extras mixed in.  it looked solid.


    personal playtime: ~40 mins.


    FDA: noisy_Blackroom_fda.zip

    I started on UV and got thrashed.  It felt technically balanced up to what I played but too tight for me to play blind.

    I downshifted to HMP after five deaths:


    Difficulty Settings : Yes (HMP reccomended)

    Well that's a big difference.  Beat it one go, with some foreknowledge of the first few fights.  I peeked at HNTR afterwards, and it didn't seem too different from HMP, for me personally.

  3. Kala


    Gzdoom with godmode and some use of noclip.  like a 12~ minute playthrough for the whole 8 maps, i estimate.


    :) i like bright saturated colors, and i like romping around in an abstract playground.
    :) i like casual platforming and crawling up and down hills and such.
    :) not over the top in map length, if it was then this would be less bearable.
    :) music is good.


    :| although abstract isn't bad perse, it's not very stylish in terms of visuals etc, it is that slap-dash joke-wad style.  The only 'prettiness' here is from the fact that bright, saturated colors are somewhat pretty by default.
    :| monsters just sprinkled about in an uninteresting way.  I just ignored monsters and godmoded through them.


    :( isn't very clear about source port compatability; only the "tested in" section in text file; doesn't work in prboom-plus which is the first source-port i always try.  I used GZdoom and it worked fine.
    :( inescapable pits and bugs
    :( lifts that just take so damn long.
    :( either too many stobing effects or not enough, i can't tell.


    compared to these, there are better examples of maps that do the crazy color-barf style of visuals i.m.o.  Though, the wad kept my interest 'til the end so that's a good sign.

  4. Moonblood


    Really damn solid.  It was hard on UV but very engaging, and the maps are tightly balanced for pistol start.  Stay alert and vigilant as you navigate the map, or you will neglect one of many shot-gunners waiting to ambush you around corners, pillars, and nooks and crannies.  This, while juggling mid-tier threats at the same time.  There's also some iwad style puzzles thrown in there too, which i'm a big fan of.


    Moonblood doesn't focus on awe-striking atmosphere like some modern maps, but goes for the more classic but clean visual style.


    In the third episode of Moonblood, I found myself switching from UV to HMP because there is a difficulty ramp-up as you reach the final stretch of maps.  There was actual variability in Moonblood's difficulty settings, and didn't seem half-assed for when I switched to HMP.  I have not gone back out of my way to observe the difficulty variability on earlier levels, though.  Additionally, for players looking for a relaxing stroll, I haven't seen HNTR at all to see if Moonblood will accommodate that type play-style.


    very good mapset.

  5. I was gonna give only 4 stars because no difficulty settings and only decent visuals. But I decided to give it 5 stars anyways. The build time is impressive for the quality of game-play and thought put into the project. Lots of good short gimmick maps.
  6. NUTS


    A very delicious, 0.5 fps slide show. Also, play with Brutal Doom to create "Brutal Nuts". It has a nice ring to the name.