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About rouge_means_red

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  1. rouge_means_red

    What Got You Into Doom?

    I was 3 when Doom came out, and somehow I never heard much about it growing up. In 2014 I watched a youtuber playing brutal Doom, so I gave it a go and I even made a map, which I think turned out pretty good even though I knew very little about the enemies and weapons
  2. rouge_means_red

    Please calm down with the "Community Project" abbreviation

    If Pokémon can take over the S&M acronym then I think the odds are in our favor
  3. Mortal Kombat, Master System circa 1994. I was terrified of the spike pit (I was 4)
  4. rouge_means_red

    Mind blowing wads

    REKKR is quite impressive imo
  5. rouge_means_red

    Actor roll scripting is annoying

    Use GetActorRoll(1) + 0.1 for the value There's also ChangeActorRoll which might give a smoother result than SetActorRoll if you enable interpolation
  6. rouge_means_red

    Actor roll scripting is annoying

    Not sure what result you're seeing but https://zdoom.org/wiki/SetActorRoll
  7. rouge_means_red

    How do I change 3rd person player sprites in my WAD/in GZDoom?

    I think your sprites have to be within S_START and S_END markers
  8. rouge_means_red

    Different settings for different gzdoom's?

    Should be in the same folder as gzdoom.exe
  9. rouge_means_red

    Different settings for different gzdoom's?

    I'm pretty sure you can make a copy of the .ini that has the configs, rename it, then create a shortcut for gzdoom and add the parameter -config "file name" to load the settings, and -file "wad name" to load the wad with it, all with the same version of gzdoom
  10. rouge_means_red

    Doom 2 Sucks 2 - A Critical Analysis

    I enjoyed the video, even if I don't agree with all the points I remember back circa 2014 when I decided to try Doom for the first time. I went straight into Doom 2 and I remember hating the levels. If not for quicksaving every minute I'd given up from how unfair and weird it was But it did something right because I'm still here
  11. If you draw 2 lines then disable "Snap to geometry" in the top bar, you can drag the vertices and make the lines cross without them getting cut
  12. rouge_means_red

    How do I delete a post?

    I think you just click the report button on the top-right of the post and ask it to be deleted
  13. It's fine as long as they can't be seen. The main problem I run into is when I forget to set the texture behind a floor (like a lift) that's supposed to move, which exposes the texture-less wall behind it, so just keep an eye out for those cases
  14. rouge_means_red

    In Development: Utopia (MBF 21

    Actually that title says "mu"Topia I wonder what a perfect world for demons would be (other than: a place where Doomguy isn't)
  15. Looks like the example is using ZScript (note the ; at the end of the lines). I'm not sure DECORATE can put parameter names down like that so just try doing A_FireProjectile("PlasmaRed", 0, true, 8, 8)