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About Kuro_mahoh

  • Rank
    certified sky texture enjoyer

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  1. Kuro_mahoh

    DEATHPLEX (Single vanilla doom 2 wad)

    Amazing video, I loved it! Thanks! :D
  2. Kuro_mahoh

    DEATHPLEX (Single vanilla doom 2 wad)

    @NormalHuman Thanks for the kind words, true, should've added more ammo for the rocket launcher and chaingun especially @LadyMistDragon Yeah I should've added some more rockets, I was originally going to add the rocket launcher for the blue area but I decided on the plasma rifle instead @knifeworld thanks for enjoying (and finding that issue)!
  3. Kuro_mahoh

    DEATHPLEX (Single vanilla doom 2 wad)

    I'll make a quick fix for that, thanks for letting me know Edit: Fixed, updated the download
  4. Kuro_mahoh

    DEATHPLEX (Single vanilla doom 2 wad)

    Small update: Just removed unused textures/patches to make the wad smaller + added a credit I forgot to add
  5. Some where's in a techbase with a fancy name that we forgot a bunch of demon's decided to take over because of a failed tennis match with the humans. That sucks. So you come in after the last guy who went there got killed so now the demons have set themselves up and are now fully ready to kill you... Strategically. But hey, you know how to kill so maybe you'll survive! This map is big and kinda non-linear, you can grab the keys in any order. Have fun! -Screenshots- -info- IWAD: Doom II coop: no deathmatch: nuh uh Map: MAP01 Sky: by me (made in Bryce7) Midi: Mystic Tides By Alfonzo Format: Vanilla (works in chocolate, should work in DOS but the save game crash could happen) Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8ukqdau4guujucg/Deathplex_RC3.wad/file -Credits- Textures: Zoon-tech lostres kcb-tex potpourri patchtex music: Alfonzo Any issues lemme know
  6. Kuro_mahoh

    Red Catacombs [Map for DOOM 2]

    Nice map, I like it!

  8. I just lost every doom project I ever worked on

    Edit: Nvm I fixed it

  9. Kuro_mahoh

    grungo Q&A - ask grungo anything

    Ever find it sus that he dosen't drop his gimmick when he responds to people saying he's johnny? Wouldn't someone running a gimmick drop it when being faced with an accusation?
  10. Kuro_mahoh

    grungo Q&A - ask grungo anything

    What's your favorite rock?
  11. Kuro_mahoh

    grungo Q&A - ask grungo anything

    If this is all true then this will be the greatest plot twist in Doomworld history
  12. @Demonic Meatball I forgot that was a doom 1 texture whoops Undertime version 4.4453561516156273636171677 (Also known as version 5)
  13. -Removed rest of prohibited textures UndertimeV4