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About CBM

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    Starfleet Captain

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  1. is it too late to join? I shouldn't because I am in 2 other projects as well that I need to complete in like the next week or so.. but I have to join this one my idea is to make an abc map (because I am aspie, bi, cis)
  2. I just made RC 5, this one has player and land monster blocking lines on the "inside" : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/guixjfoqoab42u816lkr8/paint-it-doom_cbm_diy-city-rc5.wad?rlkey=y20qxx1suknhp3yv970vebvib&st=uoc6pb54&dl=0
  3. I discovered a problem that might have caused it here is rc 4 of diy city https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/17p7e5klkj0pvggjopzds/paint-it-doom_cbm_diy-city-rc4.wad?rlkey=2xsvuurbtidauudlz388tk2p1&st=q87cjycd&dl=0 this is my MBF21 nodebuilder
  4. Amiga and I decided to nuke the island and start over. Gonna make a brand new city but will still copy paste some of our favorite doomcute including our sector vehicles though the highrise buildings were too small to properly contain the doomcute required for an actual apartment anyway this is what we have right now
  5. been working a bit with my old map from 2019 using the inception 3 texture pack... also working on several other maps at the moment so cant promise anything... currently I am simple having fun with the texture pack
  6. more videos of cpu hell and diy city in the austinado stream its the last map
  7. This is cool stuff! I have enjoyed what I have played so far :)
  8. Thanks for the kind words on both maps :) The ammo on UV is a little tight on purpose in the tron corridor the first time in CPU Hell. A playtester mentioned that it added some fun gameplay to have the player try to squeeze past the spiders the first time so I decided to give the player the option to either sneak past the spiders or saw them :) I took my first steps in voodoo with CPU Hell and I loved it. I am definetly going to use voodoo in future maps now. The comment on why the keens are strung up in the police station made me laugh out loud and its now the official reason why they are there :D I guess DIY City is kind of CBM City v.2 but with simple colors, better out of bounds scenery and more doomcute. It started as just being CBM City with the new simple colors textures. But it evolved. Two of the houses in CBM City was removed and replaced with 2 new houses that are bigger and better. The police station got a sign and the park was replaced by a parking lot :)
  9. screenshot of what amiga and I have so far EDIT: apparently imgbb is completely broken right now new link https://www.imghost.net/oKaybfS2ptqhOw5
  10. DIY City and CPU Hell are both in RC 3 versions and should both have links in this thread. I have a second current unnamed island/city themed map that is in its very early stages... a kind of "bigcity" near the water thing... (it only has one decorative building and the island itself atm) but since there is a map cap of 2 per mapper and we are well past the original deadline then I think that this particular island/city themed map will either wait for a DIY 3 or some other opportunity :)
  11. diy city rc 3 I copied blumap to the wad and made a few edits like adding some signs and stuff https://doomshack.org/uploads/paint-it-doom_cbm_diy-city-rc3.wad
  12. ok thanks. I tried changing it to watermap but it looked really bad perhaps because of the ancient aliens palette.
  13. ok, I read somewhere that its part of boom or boomedit or something? I cant remember precisely
  14. Ok cool. this blumap thing, isnt it supposed to be build-into boom and mbf compatible doom ports? I dont know much about boom and mbf yet though.