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About Kaapeli47

  • Rank
    The Insane Deathmatcher

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  1. Kaapeli47

    Doom Streams

    https://twitch.tv/kaapeli47 Live! Celebrating 100 weeks of classic Doom multiplayer in Euroboros Community Sessions with an Insanity Double Feature: Co-op in Insanity Survival, then deathmatch in Insanity Deathmatch!
  2. Euroboros Community Sessions - Week #100: Insanity Double Feature! Celebrating 2 years and a total of 100 weeks of Euroboros Community Sessions! Greetings! This week in ECS it is a special occasion, because not only is it way past the 2nd anniversary of ECS, but this very week is the 100th session! For the occasion we are doing something very special: an Insanity Double Feature, starting with Co-op using Insanity Survival in the good ol' maps of Alien Vendetta for the first hour, maybe 1.5 hours! After the co-op we'll do Deathmatch for a while, using Insanity Deathmatch in the usual grand map rotation used for the public InsanityDM server, plus tons of more maps! The session commences tomorrow on Sunday, July 21st 2024, at 8PM CET / 2PM EST! Insanity Deathmatch is a deathmatch mod for Zandronum developed by yours truly, Kaapeli47, featuring 57 total weapons of frantic and insane deathmatch massacre, 17 game changing powerups, 8 different armor pickups, and all the memes in the form of over 1200 gibbing sounds, and a plethora of different player explosions! Spawns for weapons, ammo, health, armor and powerups are randomized, making each deathmatch game unique even on the same map! Insanity Survival is a work-in-progress gameplay mod for the co-op modes of Zandronum! Based on Insanity Deathmatch and also developed by yours truly, Insanity Survival shares most of its weaponry, armor, and powerups and randomizes them in a similar fashion. Additionally, Insanity Survival adds a grand selection of new monsters, categorically randomizing them to tip the difficulty sometimes slightly, and sometimes Insanely(tm), by different monster variants! Monsters have a chance to drop ammo as well as health and armor bonuses to compensate for the high health of some stronger monster variants. Certain monsters can also gib, and when they do, they have a rare chance to spawn a monster smaller than them, or a Resurrector, a resurrect-only Archvile! Additionally, some classic Doom II monsters can be Doppelgangers in disguise! Doppelgangers can transform into most Doom II monsters, and will only die in their original form! Join the Euroboros Discord to participate in this week's Euroboros Community Session, and if you want to suggest content for a future session! Register at Euroboros.net to host your own free European Doom multiplayer servers on Zandronum and Q-Zandronum! Consider supporting Euroboros on Patreon to gain hosting benefits such as extra active server slots! See you on the session! - Kaapeli47
  3. Kaapeli47

    Doom Streams

    https://twitch.tv/kaapeli47 Live! Playing Bloodsport deathmatch in this week's Euroboros community Doom multiplayer session!
  4. Euroboros Community Sessions - Week #99: Bloodsport Deathmatch Greetings! This week in ECS we're playing Deathmatch in the maps of Bloodsport by Amaruq Wulfe! The session commences tomorrow on Sunday, July 14th 2024, at 8PM CET / 2PM EST! Bloodsport is a recently released deathmatch set by Amaruq Wulfe which consists of 6 old school style limit-removing deathmatch maps! The overall theme of Bloodsport is very gothic, ranging from dark ancient monuments to marbly cathedrals and dark chapels. Most of the maps can accommodate only so many players, about a maximum of 8, but there's at least one large map where more players than that are more comfortable moving and fragging each other. Join the Euroboros Discord to participate in this week's Euroboros Community Session, and if you want to suggest content for a future session! Register at Euroboros.net to host your own free European Doom multiplayer servers on Zandronum and Q-Zandronum! Consider supporting Euroboros on Patreon to gain hosting benefits such as extra active server slots! See you on the session! - Kaapeli47
  5. Kaapeli47

    Doom Streams

    https://twitch.tv/kaapeli47 Live! Playing Sunlust Supercharge co-op in this week's Euroboros community Doom multiplayer session!
  6. Euroboros Community Sessions - Week #98: Supercharge Sunlust Co-op Greetings! This week in ECS we're playing Co-op using Supercharge in the maps of Sunlust! The session commences tomorrow on Sunday, July 7th 2024, at 8PM CET / 2PM EST! Supercharge is a GZDoom/Zandronum mapping resource and a gameplay mod developed by Tango, which features new weapon and enemy sprites, new sounds, a split statusbar and a new fullscreen HUD, and fancy modern frills and effects such as bullet casings, alternative deaths, gibs, terrain splashes, all the while keeping the gameplay majorly faithful to classic Doom! We combine Tango's fantastic weapon mod with the challenging maps of Sunlust, a 2015 Boom megawad by Ribbiks and Dannebubinga! Because of its difficulty, Sunlust pairs well in a co-op lobby of multiple players mettling hordes of demons. Because of the amount and length of maps, however, we may have to split this one into two sessions as well, and do the second session in two weeks. Join the Euroboros Discord to participate in this week's Euroboros Community Session, and if you want to suggest content for a future session! Register at Euroboros.net to host your own free European Doom multiplayer servers on Zandronum and Q-Zandronum! Consider supporting Euroboros on Patreon to gain hosting benefits such as extra active server slots! See you on the session! - Kaapeli47
  7. Kaapeli47

    Doom Streams

    https://twitch.tv/kaapeli47 Live! Doom modding! Redesigning Insanity Deathmatch for Last Man Standing! Possibly Hellforge Doom multiplayer later today!
  8. Kaapeli47

    Doom Streams

    https://twitch.tv/kaapeli47 Live! First FPS Tracker Radio stream! Featuring tracker music and some (long overdue) indie FPS news and community stuff discussed by yours truly! Come and listen! Playing Last Man Standing later in this week's Euroboros community Doom multiplayer session!
  9. Euroboros Community Sessions - Week #97: Eon Weapons LMS Hello everyone! This week in ECS we're playing Last Man Standing using the Eon Weapons mod in the maps of the Eon Collection and Freon Deathmatch! The session commences tomorrow on Sunday, June 30th 2024, at 8PM CET / 2PM EST! Eon Weapons is a weapons mod for Zandronum created by Ru5tK1ng, featuring amped-up versions of most classic Doom weapons, such as a faster chaingun, more accurate and deadlier shotgun, and faster moving rockets and plasma; as well as some new weapons that bring the spirit of arena-FPS games like Quake to classic Doom: The grenade launcher, railgun, lightning gun, laser chaingun, flamethrower and freeze rifle! A statistics list for all the weapons in the mod can be found here! In Last Man Standing, players fight with a limited number of lives in a round (in this case just 1 life) to be the last one standing. Maps don't have any pickups in LMS, so your spawning health and armor are the only resource to survive, along with your fully loaded arsenal of course. Eon Weapons offers all of its weapons except the BFG in this mode, and all weapons have a limited amount of ammo that can't be replenished. We'll play with a winlimit of 2 and a timelimit of 3 minutes! Join the Euroboros Discord to participate in this week's Euroboros Community Session, and if you want to suggest content for a future session! Register at Euroboros.net to host your own free European Doom multiplayer servers on Zandronum and Q-Zandronum! Consider supporting Euroboros on Patreon to gain hosting benefits such as extra active server slots! See you on the session! - Kaapeli47
  10. Kaapeli47

    Doom Streams

    https://twitch.tv/kaapeli47 Live! Continuing Selaco for about an hour, then hosting multiplayer shenanigans in the Hellforge! Maybe something else afterwards!
  11. Kaapeli47

    Doom Streams

    https://twitch.tv/kaapeli47 Live! Continuing Selaco! Co-op later in this week's Euroboros community Doom multiplayer session!
  12. Euroboros Community Sessions - Week #96: Insanity Survival Akeldama Co-op Pt. 2 Greetings! This week in ECS we're continuing our Co-op playthrough of Akeldama using the latest test build of Insanity Survival! The session commences tomorrow on Sunday, June 23rd 2024, at 8PM CET / 2PM EST! Insanity Survival is a work-in-progress gameplay mod for the co-op modes of Zandronum! Based on Insanity Deathmatch and developed by the same author, @Kaapeli47, Insanity Survival shares most of its weaponry, armor, and powerups and randomizes them in a similar fashion. Additionally, Insanity Survival adds several battalions of new monsters, and categorically randomizes them so the difficulty is tipped sometimes slightly, and sometimes Insanely, by different monster variants of the Doom II bestiary! Monsters have a chance to drop ammo to compensate for the high health of stronger monster variants. Certain monsters can also gib, and when they do, they have a rare chance to spawn a monster smaller than them, or a Resurrector, a resurrect-only Archvile! Additionally, some classic Doom II monsters can be Doppelgangers in disguise! Doppelgangers can transform into most Doom II monsters, and will only die in their original form! We'll play the latest beta of Insanity Survival v0.92 in the maps of Akeldama, a 32-map vanilla megawad from 2020 by a team consisting of various map authors. Akeldama takes inspiration from late 1990s and early 2000s mapsets such as Alien Vendetta and Memento Mori. The mapset is built and designed for both singleplayer and co-op, and the maps don't start too big, but there's a whole megawad of them ahead, which is always a grand amount of maps for a very fun co-op session! Join the Euroboros Discord to participate in this week's Euroboros Community Session, and if you want to suggest content for a future session! Register at Euroboros.net to host your own free European Doom multiplayer servers on Zandronum and Q-Zandronum! Consider supporting Euroboros on Patreon to gain hosting benefits such as extra active server slots! See you on the session! - Kaapeli47
  13. Kaapeli47

    Doom Streams

    https://twitch.tv/kaapeli47 Live! Playing Prop Hunt in Doom with the Hellforge crew! Continuing Selaco later!
  14. Kaapeli47

    Doom Streams

    https://twitch.tv/kaapeli47 Live! Continuing Selaco! Deathmatch later in this week's Euroboros community Doom multiplayer session!
  15. Euroboros Community Sessions - Week #95: D4T Deathmatch Hello everyone! This week in ECS we're playing Deathmatch using the Death Foretold mod in the modern deathmatch maps of the Eon Collection and Freon Deathmatch! The session commences today on Sunday, June 16th 2024, at 8PM CET / 2PM EST! Death Foretold (D4T) is a partial conversion gameplay mod for GZDoom and Zandronum, created by DBThanatos & Michaelis. D4T brings the Doom 2016 experience to the realm of classic Doom, complete with faithfulness towards the game's deathmatch mode! Players slaughter each other with the entire Doom 2016 arsenal (including its multiplayer ones!) as well as its powerups, and attempt to take control of the demon powerup that spawns somewhere on the map every few minutes. This powerup transforms a player into a random Doom 2016 style demon, each having two different attacks and a big pile of health, but also a limited duration for how long one can be the demon. D4T's deathmatch is extremely frantic and a highly faithful recreation of Doom 2016's deathmatch, so a lot of modern Doom players should also have a fun time playing it! We're also using the very modern deathmatch maps of the Eon Collection and Freon Deathmatch to go with the mod! Join the Euroboros Discord to participate in this week's Euroboros Community Session, and if you want to suggest content for a future session! Register at Euroboros.net to host your own free European Doom multiplayer servers on Zandronum and Q-Zandronum! Consider supporting Euroboros on Patreon to gain hosting benefits such as extra active server slots! See you on the session! - Kaapeli47