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David Asaad

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About David Asaad

  • Rank
    Balls of Steel

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  1. David Asaad

    Flotsam demos [complevel 9]

    I simp for mhrz. Can u do dmn01 now pls?
  2. David Asaad

    Death In Excess Demos [-complevel 9]

    That cyber just dies??? 🤦‍♂️Bruh. Also grats on map 16!
  3. David Asaad

    Flotsam demos [complevel 9]

    ooh very nice. Not gonna fight back at this, grats!
  4. David Asaad

    Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

    This demo is a sin, I wanna see 1:38 by tomorrow morning. pl32r144.zip
  5. Thanks so much for playing! All the mappers and testers did great :D
  6. David Asaad

    Hardfest demos [-complevel 9]

    Dropping this table filler off real quick since I know you guys miss me ;) I don't know if this will sync, but if it does, take it lol. hf19m1457.zip
  7. David Asaad

    Junk Food Demos [-complevel 9)

    Map 49 UV-Max in 9:58 junk49m958.zip
  8. David Asaad

    Doomworld Maximum Project 2022 - Uploaded!

    I enjoyed my time with this one. My biggest complaint was the progression kinda leading me back to areas and I wouldnt notice the actual way to go, but I thought the fights were well made and the map looks great! thanks
  9. DSDA page aka boscp // boscp.wad Balls of steel Community Project https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/boscp Here are maxes of my maps for now. Map10 UV-Max in 11:40 Map15 UV-Max in 19:18 Map32 UV-Max in 0:44 Map33 UV-Max in 5:23 boscp10m1140.zip boscp15m1918.zip boscp32m044.zip boscp33m523.zip
  10. David Asaad

    Junk Food Demos [-complevel 9)

    map 50 UV-Max in 2:49 junk50m249.zip
  11. David Asaad

    Ancient Aliens proofs [-complevel 9]

    Congratulations! And Merry Christmas
  12. Welcome to Balls of Steel Community Project! Tested in DSDA Doom 0.24.3. Complevel 21 21 maps by various authors. Thanks to all mappers and playtesters!! 21 maps symbolizes complevel 21 MAP01-16, 31-35 which adds up to 21 as in complevel 21 These maps are pretty difficult with lots of slaughter gameplay, but difficulties were implemented. (Mostly for complevel 21!!) HNTR is something that can be enjoyed by casual players (mostly, no promises for secret maps 33-35) HMP is usually a toned down UV UV ramps up to extremely challenging at times. Map design philosophies in the main maps include: kind to blind players, balance for players who dont find secrets, balance between routes, mappers are competent at beating their own maps. Lots and lots of playtesting... (on complevel 21 Have (complevel 21) fun! https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/boscp Map list: Complevel 21 Screenshots:
  13. David Asaad

    Wormwood Series demos [-complevel 9]

    wormwood 4 map 04 max in 2:44 just cuz this map deserves it ww404m244.zip
  14. David Asaad

    Xerxesia Demos [-complevel 21]

    haha. The previous rocket was so high up I didnt think it would hit me then the next one hits the top of my head...bruh. I blame you for that one wasted bfg shot right after